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The Chatlog Topic!

21:08 DysTuvai NOW
21:08 Shocari D:
21:08 DysTuvai </Momentary Lapse of Hiimdaisy>
21:09 Shocari there's no need to bring my profession into this D:
21:09 DysTuvai THUDS
22:19 Shocari I just went to work a little bit ago
22:19 Shocari to go make myself a free shaved ice
22:19 Shocari Curtis went to go on lunch, so I took over for a few minutes
22:19 Shocari in that time
22:19 Shocari some random chick walks up
22:19 Shocari gets a snocone
22:19 Carmen o.O
22:19 Shocari she asks me something, I turn around to face her
22:19 Shocari bam
22:20 Shocari random kiss
22:20 Carmen .....
22:20 Tailon ...
22:20 Carmen Sho kissed a girl?
22:20 Tun and he liked iiitttt
22:20 LoN Did he like it?
22:20 LoN ...
22:20 Tun taste of her cherry chapstiickckkk
22:20 Shocari girl kissed Sho
22:20 LoN Damnit Tun!
22:20 LoN XD
22:20 Shocari Sho went wtf
22:20 Tun I'm sorry Adam xD
22:20 Rex Did he- fuck
22:20 Tun ... xD
22:20 LoN That's too far Rex
22:20 LoN They kissed
22:20 LoN Not that

it seems everyone has Katy Perry on there mind sometimes.
20:41 Indie aH YES |d
20:41 Indie Oops
20:42 Tun does that mean they done something similar yesterday?
20:42 Indie Sorry, caps, lock is cruise control for cool |D
20:42 Tun ... lawl
20:42 Indie Trying too :V
20:43 *** Indie was kicked by DaftSoul (Fix your grammer, boy o:<)
20:43 DaftSoul Yes, that was intended. :p
20:44 *** Indie joined #RPhere
20:44 +++ DaftSoul has given op to Indie
20:44 DaftSoul >: D
20:44 Indie I aM iNvUnErAbLe To YoUr PuNiShMeNt
20:44 *** Indie was kicked by Tun (NO OP FOR YEW)
20:45 DaftSoul ...xDD
20:45 *** Indie joined #RPhere
20:45 Tun ilu Indie
20:45 Tun ♥
20:45 Indie ilu too ♥
20:45 Indie Op is so mainstream
20:46 *** Indie was kicked by Tun (NO, IT'S ILU2 BITCH D:<)
20:46 *** Indie joined #RPhere
20:46 *** Indie was kicked by DaftSoul (PINGAS)
20:46 DaftSoul ...
20:46 DaftSoul >>
20:46 DaftSoul <<
20:46 *** Indie joined #RPhere
20:46 Tun I will stop abusing you n-
20:46 Tun .... Daaarrrkkk
20:46 Tun xD
20:46 DaftSoul actually lol'd at that
20:46 DaftSoul I'll stop now, Indie |D
20:46 Indie Ok
20:46 Tun so will I xD
20:47 Tun pets Indie
20:47 +++ Tun has given op to Indie
20:47 Indie Seeing as we're all in this kicking mood
20:47 Indie or were
20:47 Indie Trolling anyone~?
20:47 *** Indie was kicked by DaftSoul (...Or will I?)
20:47 Tun ...
20:47 Tun xDDDD
20:47 *** Indie joined #RPhere
20:47 Tun I'm actually lol'ing now too |D
20:47 DaftSoul ♥
20:47 +++ Tun has given op to Indie
20:47 +++ Tun has given halfop to Indie
20:47 Tun THERE
20:47 Tun Now you're an op and a half :D
20:47 Indie THERE INDEED
20:47 Indie xD
20:47 DaftSoul Come at me, bro >: D
20:48 *** DaftSoul was kicked by Tun (BAD BOY D:<)
20:48 *** DaftSoul joined #RPhere
20:48 +++ ChanServ has given op to DaftSoul
20:48 Indie pounces at Dark
20:48 Tun ilu2 Jesper
20:48 Tun c:
20:48 DaftSoul Ilu2 xD
20:48 Indie Once more, and i'll start describing the bondage fic I was telling you about >:o
20:48 Indie jk, ilu ♥
20:48 *** Indie was kicked by DaftSoul (I say bring it.)
20:48 *** Indie joined #RPhere
20:48 Tun ... we are so abusive
20:48 Tun ... wait
20:48 Indie Oh
20:48 Indie OH
20:48 Tun bondage?
20:49 Indie OH IT IS ON
20:49 DaftSoul Yeah, we are.
20:49 Tun hides
20:49 --- Tun has banned *!*@SystemNet-B7292C47.upc-a.chello.nl
20:49 *** DaftSoul was kicked by Tun (Tun)
20:49 Tun THERE D:<
20:49 Tun ... shit how do I unban him now
20:49 --- Tun has unbanned *!*@SystemNet-B7292C47.upc-a.chello.nl
20:49 *** DaftSoul joined #RPhere
20:49 +++ ChanServ has given op to DaftSoul
20:49 DaftSoul ♥
20:49 Tun sorry
20:49 Tun I almost forgot how to unban you |D
20:49 *** Indie was kicked by DaftSoul (*Kong)
20:49 Tun .......
20:49 *** Indie joined #RPhere
20:50 DaftSoul >>
20:50 DaftSoul <<
20:50 Tun olololololol
20:50 DaftSoul ♥
20:50 --- Tun has banned *!*@SystemNet-B7292C47.upc-a.chello.nl
20:50 Indie "Eridan led Equius into the room, smiling quietly to himself as he walked
20:50 Indie *" too
20:50 --- Tun has banned *!*@SystemNet-22849FDC.b-ras2.chf.cork.eircom.net
20:50 *** Indie was kicked by DaftSoul (Go no further.)
20:50 Tun if either of you kick-
20:50 Tun ...
20:50 Tun .......
20:50 Tun ...........................
20:50 DaftSoul ...Whoops
20:50 Tun xDDDDD
20:50 DaftSoul hides
20:50 DaftSoul ...xDDDDD
20:50 --- Tun has unbanned *!*@SystemNet-22849FDC.b-ras2.chf.cork.eircom.net
20:50 *** Indie joined #RPhere
20:50 Tun BAD DARK D:<
20:51 *** Indie was kicked by DaftSoul (BAD INDIE D:<)
20:51 Tun the next time you get kicked you are banned, Dark-
20:51 Tun ....
20:51 *** Indie joined #RPhere
20:51 DaftSoul ...
20:51 DaftSoul hides
20:51 DaftSoul logs this, too
20:51 Indie scuttles
20:51 Tun goes all monster and stuff
20:52 Tun these taste bad :<
20:52 +++ Tun has taken op from DaftSoul
20:52 Tun there.
20:52 Tun now you cannot kick him >;c
20:52 Tun waggles her finger at Philip and Jesper
20:52 Indie ♥
20:52 Indie :c
20:53 --- Tun has banned *!*@SystemNet-22849FDC.b-ras2.chf.cork.eircom.net
20:53 Tun next time you get bad I am kicking you and you are banned D:<

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
·DysTuvai· apparently moar crazy shit happened in Norway
[100]«Rain» oooo Norway
[100]«Rain» what happened? :D
·DysTuvai· ... well the prime minister's office got car bombed
[100]«Rain» ...well that fucking blows
[100]«Rain» .......
[100]«Rain» ..
·DysTuvai· ... pffff
·DysTuvai· XD
[100]«Rain» I didn't just do what I think I did, did I?
·DysTuvai· That was terrible XDDDD
[100]«Rain» ...Yeah I realized that afterwards XD
[100]«LoN» Smooth, Rain :D
·DysTuvai· but yeah. And seems that some kids got shot
[100]«LoN» Its alright, no one saw
[100]«LoN» ...oh :(

Timing is everything. XD


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member

It's as good an explanation as any.
22:26 Zachary I will twist your tits off in fury
22:26 DysTuvai .....
22:26 Carmen .....
22:26 Zachary >=0
22:26 SCT PFFF
22:26 DysTuvai See
22:26 DatSoul ....
22:26 DysTuvai my brain
22:26 Carmen Can someone kick Zacky just for that statement?
22:26 Jenova ... Sem had tits?
22:26 Zachary bitch slaps Sem
22:26 DysTuvai just pictured a completely different Sakura.
22:26 Carmen and that one
22:26 SCT ....
22:26 SCT curvey scurvey?
22:26 DysTuvai yes. XD
22:26 *** Zachary was kicked by Database (Just followin' orders.)
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[14:49:53] Karu Shiny hoppip, advisory?
[14:49:59] In terms of route.
[14:50:02] HeartGold.
[14:50:05] I think 32 but..x.x
[14:50:08] LoN ...what?
[14:50:22] Do normally constructed sentences mean nothing to you?
[14:50:26] Karu Where's best to chain for shiny hoppip?
[14:50:35] on HEartGold.
[14:51:17] LoN Er
[14:51:29] Might I suggest wherever Hoppips are found?
[14:51:31] o.o;
[14:51:43] Karu I don't know which route has the best enc. rate =x
Shiny quit setting off my alarm, guys
[14:51:48] >:x
[14:51:51] LoN SHINY <33333
Karu Sorry D:
[14:51:55] Karu offers lollipop?
[14:51:57] DoctorOak does it ding?
[14:52:40] DoctorOak shiny
[14:52:41] shiny
[14:52:42] shiny
[14:52:43] shiny
[14:52:45] shiny
[14:52:47] shiny
[14:52:49] shiny
[14:52:51] shiny
[14:52:55] shiny
[14:52:57] shiny
[14:52:59] shiny
[14:53:01] shiny
[14:53:03] shiny
[14:53:04] Database Alex: You're setting a really bad example
[14:53:05] DoctorOak shiny
[14:53:07] shiny
[14:53:09] shiny
[14:53:11] shiny
[14:53:13] shiny
Database (also combobreaker.)
[14:53:15] DoctorOak shiny
[14:53:17] shiny
[14:53:25] pfft
[14:53:29] example shmample
[14:54:43] Shiny ......
[14:54:50] it did ding
[14:54:54] but I muted it
Karu just had some weird idea.
Karu Thought it probably already exists.
Zachary Nothing is really original anymore
Zachary But
Zachary You can
Zachary Make it your own
Karu A group of people who trade out shiny pokemon, Shiny Hunters Inc. O__o With a banner reading: The only way is SHINY!
Zachary I like it
Karu so do I o:
Zachary It'll be a good story
Karu Will post in RP discussion area for feedback
Karu if bad, will turn into a fic
Zachary No
Zachary Write it first
Karu ...Sounds good actually :p
Zachary Using the stories critisim for feed back
Zachary Then if its food
Karu It tastes good.
Toru xDDDD
Zachary I'd make an rp aboit it
Toru Tempted to log that
Toru But I'm guitaring
Karu Please do xD
Zachary Fuck guitarinf
Karu I'll go ahead and type away
Zachary We need to rp
Toru We can't do it later?
Karu guitarinf
Karu the hobo brand.
Zachary Fiiinr
Zachary :(

Dem typos Zacky xD


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
In which Karu makes a Freudian:

[tt]14:37 <@Teapot> hm, so, I'm mucking around with PO
14:37 <@Teapot> apparently my VGC11 team isn't bad
14:37 <@Teapot> or my opponent sucked
14:37 <@Teapot> one or t'other
14:38 < ShinyHunter> POO?
14:38 < ShinyHunter> No
14:38 < ShinyHunter> no
14:38 < ShinyHunter> sorry
14:38 < ShinyHunter> broken arm
14:38 < ShinyHunter> worst typo
14:38 < ShinyHunter> of my life.
14:38 < ShinyHunter> I'll go and die now[/tt]

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
[13] <@SchrodingersChat> I dunno. I don't intend to ever have spawn
[13] <Jenova> STEL AGAIN
[13] <Carmen> xD
[13] * Jenova tackleglomps
[13] <@SchrodingersChat> so I never thought about names for the little monsters
[13] <Shiny> that really reminds me of Chinese, where several words that sound similar could me so many different things
[13] <Carmen> ...
[13] <@Database> I don't intend to. But I'll probably end up doing it some day. XD
[13] <Carmen> Stel is Lady Gaga?
[13] <@SchrodingersChat> ...
[13] <Rex> I probably am not going to have kids either, I don't think I'd be a good parent.
[13] <Jenova> ...
[13] * Carmen was kicked by SchrodingersChat (You deserved THAT one. XD)
[13] * Carmen (CarmenLope@SystemNet-A0EEBC25.pools.spcsdns.net) has joined #pokecharms
[13] <Shiny> XDDDDD
[13] <Carmen> XD
[13] <Jenova> That
[13] * @SchrodingersChat hugs Carmi XD
[13] <Jenova> Is scary
[13] * @Database giggles
[13] <Tun> ... XD
[13] <Jenova> xD
[13] <Carmen> YOU were the one that mentioned Little Monsters
[13] * Carmen hugs back

We were talking about babies and names... so yeah. ^^;
[00] Shocari Belle
[00] Shocari rape me in my sleep
[00] Shocari |D
[00] Belle okay :D
[00] Shocari with a shotgun
[00] Shocari O:
[00] Pheonix XD
[00] Belle ... I have no words

yup ♥
Shiny misspelled my name, then we were talking about misspelling each other's names, and then this happened ...

18:45 Shiny Velle?
18:45 Shiny |D
18:45 Akira Delle
18:45 Akira Helle?
18:45 Akira Oh...
18:45 Shiny Helle XD
18:46 Indie Shell :x
18:46 Belle oh nuts I forgot an L
18:46 Belle Nelle
18:46 Shiny XD
18:46 Tunburnt Gelle
18:46 Shiny elle
18:46 Akira Yelle
18:46 Tunburnt or elle :V
18:46 Tunburnt ,,,
18:46 Tunburnt *...
18:46 Shiny with a space
18:46 Shiny XD
18:46 Tunburnt Shiny inb4'd meeee D:
18:46 Belle lulz elle
18:46 Shiny inb4 Tun
18:46 Shiny :3
18:46 Tunburnt |D
18:46 Belle Tun inb4'd your inb4
18:47 Shiny yeah
18:47 Belle inb4ception
18:47 Tunburnt inb4cept-
18:47 Shiny I was about to say that
18:47 Tunburnt GODAMMIT
18:47 Belle LOLS
18:47 Shiny XD
18:47 Akira XD
18:47 Shiny XDDDD

EDIT:: also here have a keyboard mishap on Skype!

[19:34:31] Eli-san!♥: NACLMAP
[19:34:40] Eli-san!♥: ...
[19:34:44] Eli-san!♥: I did NOT type that
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20:37 Cycloneblaze Well it looks like
20:37 Cycloneblaze I'm gonnna make
20:37 Cycloneblaze takes off sunglasses
20:37 Cycloneblaze ..a bad joke.


Also, in context with Tun's previous post;

20:51 Tun XDDED
20:51 Tun ..
20:51 DaftSoul ...
20:51 Tun *XDDD
20:52 DaftSoul xD
20:52 DaftSoul XD ABOUT XDDD
20:52 DaftSoul XDCEPTION!
20:52 Tun XDCEP- crap I'm always late at that >:C
Last edited by a moderator:
19:54 Tun sits and waits for Tobiichan
19:54 Cycloneblaze Well, I would
19:54 NickFury Ultimate Fallout #4
19:54 Cycloneblaze But I have no idea
19:54 Cycloneblaze And I wouldn't
19:54 Cycloneblaze =/
19:54 Shiny ... how would I be able to give you spoilers? D
19:54 *** Toru joined #pokecharms
19:54 Shiny hasn't even heard of that before-
19:54 Shiny o_O
19:55 Tun c:
19:55 Toru SHE
19:55 Toru IS
19:55 Toru A
19:55 Toru WITCH O:
Last edited by a moderator:

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
[14] <Tun> Talon <33
[14] <Cycloneblaze> looked*
[14] <Tun> ... noooo
[14] <Tun> srioulsly I can't type tonight
[14] <Shiny> XDDDDD
[14] <Rex> Hey Tun.
[14] <Tun> ... how the crap did I even manage to do that
[14] <@Database> Rex: I don't know anything more than you do, to be honest
[14] <SirRed> Dude, it has Bond and Indian Solo in it D:<
[14] <Tun> hi Rex |DS
[14] <SirRed> It's awesome right there XP
[14] <Tun> aghhh
[14] <Tun> I think my fingers have gotten like super chubby ovrniht
[14] <Tun> noooooo
[14] <Tailon> Well, it tied with The Smurfs at the box office
[14] <Shiny> ... XDDDDD
[14] <Cycloneblaze> Xd
[14] <SirRed> *Indiana
[14] * Tun gives up on lif
[14] <Shiny> ...
[14] <Cycloneblaze> LOl
[14] * Shiny giggles
=-= Belle is now known as RedRanger
Shiny ...
RedRanger okay
=-= Tailon is now known as Zordon
RedRanger who the fuck registered this name
Zordon goddammit
=-= Zordon is now known as Tailon
Shiny wow XDDD
=-= RedRanger is now known as Red_Ranger
=-= Indie is now known as PinkRanger
Shiny they're both registered?
=-= Cycloneblaze is now known as BlueRanger
Tailon somone registered Zordon too
Tailon *zomeone
Shiny wow
=-= Tailon is now known as Zordon_
PinkRanger xD
Shiny ... oh gosh no D:
BlueRanger How would you know?
Zordon_ ...
Zordon_ *someone
Zordon_ for fucks sake
Zordon_ anyway
=-= Shiny is now known as Lynoon
Zordon_ we still need yellow
Lynoon uses tickle on all of you D:<
BlueRanger zomeone is cooler
=-= SirRed is now known as RedRanger
Zordon_ no Shiny D:,
=-= Lynoon is now known as YellowRanger
RedRanger >:3
YellowRanger happy? D:<
Zordon_ you're Alpha 5
Red_Ranger ..... Red
Red_Ranger that is awesome
Red_Ranger ilu
YellowRanger XD
=== The nickname “BlueRanger” is already in use, use the /nick command to pick a new one.
=-= LoN is now known as BlackRanger
BlackRanger is Adam :D
Zordon_ :D
YellowRanger xD
=-= Red_Ranger is now known as GreenRanger
GreenRanger there
BlueRanger everyone would be a ranger
=-= YOU are now known as Blue_Ranger
Zordon_ Shiny be Alph D:
Zordon_ *Alpha
YellowRanger ffff
BlueRanger if only Deft would notice
RedRanger ilu2 Belle XD
PinkRanger Summon teh zords >:'D
YellowRanger I don't even know what that means, Tailon
YellowRanger D:<
BlueRanger is confused
Zordon_ just make your name Alpha_5 D:<
BlueRanger who's who now?
GreenRanger I'm Belle :V
=-= YellowRanger is now known as Alpha_5
PinkRanger is Indie
Alpha_5 fffffff
Zordon_ yay~
Alpha_5 I'm Shiny D:<
BlackRanger is Adam :o
Blue_Ranger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANTT0Vsn ... re=related
BlueRanger I'll forget all that =0
Blue_Ranger is Toru
Alpha_5 why do we have two blue rangers?
Alpha_5 XD
PinkRanger summons the Pink Six-Horned Goat Zord
Blue_Ranger Oh shit
Blue_Ranger Taken D:<
BlueRanger wait what?
Zordon_ because Toru picked Blue
=-= YOU are now known as Toru
=-= User mode for Toru is now +r
RedRanger is Red
Toru runs off
BlueRanger Get off my name
Alpha_5 XD
BlueRanger pursues
GreenRanger I'd have been the Pink Ranger
GreenRanger but Kimberly is a bitch :V
Zordon_ wait
Alpha_5 who's Alpha 5 though?
Zordon_ Belle is Tommy :D
=-= YOU are now known as WhiteRanger
WhiteRanger YEAH
GreenRanger yes ♥
Zordon_ Alpha is the robot
GreenRanger xD
Zordon_ YES
Alpha_5 ...
DeftSoul http://www.mspaintadventures.com/storyf ... /01434.gif
GreenRanger Jason is so great
=-= Alpha_5 is now known as YellowRanger
Zordon_ now we have two Tommys
GreenRanger I love him
DeftSoul ...!
YellowRanger D:<
Zordon_ nuuu
BlueRanger If i'm corretc
BlueRanger correct*
Zordon_ I'm a floating head in a jar
BlueRanger That's cool.
GreenRanger You are :V
YellowRanger XD
WhiteRanger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANTT0Vsn ... re=related
GreenRanger eewwwwww bulk you're so fat and disgusting
WhiteRanger Just for moar effect
YellowRanger doesn't even know who's who now
RedRanger dropkicks teeth in >=O
PinkRanger is still Indie
BlueRanger My plan worked then
RedRanger is still Red, duh |D
WhiteRanger is Cycloneblaze
Zordon_ it's ok we needed a Yellow
BlueRanger Oi
YellowRanger XD
WhiteRanger Shut up Toru
BlueRanger is actually Cycloneblaze
GreenRanger Trini was awesome
YellowRanger well, I am asian anyways
BlueRanger Hey
YellowRanger XD
BlueRanger Go on
WhiteRanger Godammit Toru
Zordon_ erm
WhiteRanger I know I'm awesome
BlueRanger try take that name
Zordon_ I need an ALpha
Brendan ...
Zordon_ is Brendan alive?
Zordon_ oh good
YellowRanger BRENDAN
YellowRanger BE ALPHA
YellowRanger XD
GreenRanger ... where did Alpha go D:
Zordon_ Brendan be ALpha_5 D:<
RedRanger No!
=-= Brendan is now known as Alpha_5
Zordon_ *Alpha too
YellowRanger :D
Zordon_ YESSS
RedRanger I'm the real Cycloneblaze!
WhiteRanger YEAH
GreenRanger :D
PinkRanger \o/
Alpha_5 :3
BlueRanger what
BlueRanger no
YellowRanger XD
BlueRanger actually
YellowRanger Red is actually Red
YellowRanger :3
GreenRanger oh my god
BlueRanger you're all me! XD
GreenRanger Zordon you are great
RedRanger Nonsense! D:<
YellowRanger it only makes sense >:3
Zordon_ Alpha! Bring me Five 20 somethings pretending to be teenagers with attitude D:<
Zordon_ or
GreenRanger "No. It's Rita. She has escaped and is going to take over the world."
Zordon_ Seven
Zordon_ yes Seven of them
=-= BlueRanger is now known as Cycloneblaze
RedRanger Quick!
YellowRanger ...
WhiteRanger Zordon make love to me
YellowRanger HEY
RedRanger Tommy, go have a romance with yourself!
WhiteRanger >;D
Rex The Fade to Black cast isn't as large as I thought it was.
YellowRanger is so confused
GreenRanger Fine I will D:<
WhiteRanger Alpha can get on top
YellowRanger I don't know anything about Power Rangers D:
Cycloneblaze Sorry, but dinner =0
YellowRanger ....
YellowRanger .............
Tun ...
YellowRanger is disturbed <<
|<-- Sho|DotR has left irc.systemnet.info (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
=-= Cycloneblaze is now known as Cyclonegone
RedRanger We have no Billy! D:
Tun 20:41 WhiteRanger Alpha can get on top
Tun ooolllolololol
Zordon_ TUN
Rex Only twenty-nine characters.
Zordon_ BE BILLY
GreenRanger ... SOMEONE BE BILLY
=-= YOU are now known as Zacky
NickServ This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
NickServ nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
NickServ please choose a different nick.
NickServ If you do not change within one minute, I will change your nick.
=-= Tun is now known as Billy
Zordon_ whut
Billy ?
=-= YOU are now known as Tunnu
GreenRanger lols no
Billy has no idea what's happening
Tunnu Whoops sorry I typoed ♥
=-= PinkRanger is now known as Belle
Billy ... XD
=-= Zordon_ is now known as Tailon
GreenRanger .... O:<
=-= YellowRanger is now known as Indie
Indie |D
Tunnu Tobiichaaan, why have you got my name? o:
Tailon screw you guys I'm going home
|<-- Belle has left irc.systemnet.info (NickServ (GHOST command used by GreenRanger))
GreenRanger BAM
Tunnu </3
=-= DeftSoul is now known as Zacky
Zacky >>
Zacky <<
Indie (also Indie ilu)
RedRanger XD
=-= Zacky is now known as DaftSoul
Billy ...
=-= Indie is now known as LoN
Billy I am soooo confuuuseeddd
-->| Tun (Mibbit@SystemNet-73E48B77.b-ras2.chf.cork.eircom.net) has joined #pokecharms
LoN |D
GreenRanger ♥
=-= RedRanger is now known as PeterPan
Billy ..........
BlackRanger o.o
BlackRanger Hi me!
PeterPan :'D
BlackRanger :D
Database guys, stop stealing each other's nicks
BlackRanger ♥
Database I keel you
PeterPan takes away all the children~
=-= DaftSoul is now known as Wendy
=-= Tun is now known as Indie
Wendy ...!
=-= PeterPan is now known as SirRed
=-= LoN is now known as Tun
GreenRanger DS you are nto a girl
Indie :c
GreenRanger gtfo
=-= BlackRanger is now known as LoN
Billy cries
=-= Tun is now known as Shiny
Shiny okay I'm done XD
=-= Billy is now known as Tun
Shiny wants someone to log this XD
=-= Wendy is now known as Shocari
Tun ; 3 ;
=-= GreenRanger is now known as Belle
Belle :B
=-= YOU are now known as Toru
=-= User mode for Toru is now +r
Tailon protects Tun D:
LoN Well that was freakishly freakish
LoN :|
Shiny yay, it's over XD
Toru enjoyed cross dressing
SirRed Everyone. Get back to your real names.
=-= Shocari is now known as DarkSoul
LoN ><
=-= Alpha_5 is now known as Daft
Belle PFFT
=-= LoN is now known as TheRealShiny
Toru does so
Shiny ...
=-= Daft is now known as Garret
Shiny LON
TheRealShiny Damnit Shiny
Belle putty monsters
Shiny D:<
DarkSoul ...xD

<Black_Heart> The Wheel of Mediocrity?
<Belle> what what :V
* Rex got 2K off of it.
* Black_Heart doesn't understand
<Black_Heart> Because /me is stupid
<Belle> nah, commands only work at the beginning of a line :V
<Belle> that's why when we would tell you how to use it there was a period or space before it
<Black_Heart> Yeah I just learned that the hard way unfortunately :T
<Belle> hehe
<Virgil> yeah we're all laughing at you hehe
<Belle> Virg is laughing
<Belle> /lustfully/
* Black_Heart has no common sense
* Black_Heart is now scares
<Black_Heart> *scared
* Virgil laughs lustfully
<Belle> o:
<Black_Heart> O-Q
<Belle> virg that was so sexy
<Tako_RX> ahahahahahahaha uh uh uhhh oh yeahhhh ahahahahaha
<Belle> wasn't it Chris? :D
<Virgil> yes I've been working on it
<Virgil> aw man
<Virgil> RX's was sexier
<Belle> it was o:
<Virgil> wait what's happenig to me
<Virgil> I suddenly can't control myself and am undressing for RX
<Black_Heart> Belle don't egg him on >:'O
<Virgil> help!
<Belle> oh noooo!
* Virgil is naked
<Belle> well darn
<Belle> look what you did RX D:
<LoN> :o
* Virgil begins to float over to RX
<LoN> o.o;
<Virgil> nooooo
<Black_Heart> ...there is a disturbance in the chatroom
<Belle> ohhhhhhh noooooooooooo
* Tako_RX retreats to the safety of Belle's hair?
<Belle> :D
<Black_Heart> Wait gay people can float?
<Belle> now my hair is full of secrets AND RX :D
<Virgil> yeah dude why do you think we become gay in the first place
<LoN> ...everyone can float
<LoN> :|
<Virgil> come for the floating stay for the ass sex
<Belle> Virg
<Black_Heart> Lmao
<Belle> ilusm
further proof that I CANNOT inb4:

17:21 Tun also Jen that is adorableeee
17:21 Tailon It's a koala
17:21 Tun (though why did you write 'lazy sleeping dog'?)
17:21 Tailon they're mean :o<
17:21 Jenova Jenova "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy sleeping dog" was just to see what her handwriting would be like
17:22 Tun but you didn't need to do the 'sleeping' bit :V
17:22 Jenova Yes I do
17:22 Jenova The letter "s" is not present xD
17:22 Tun that's because it's "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" I thought
17:22 DoctorOak that's because you wrote it wrong
17:22 Tun shrugs
17:22 DoctorOak it's the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
17:22 Tun in4 Alex
17:22 Tun ...
17:22 Tun no
17:22 Tun *inb4
17:22 Jenova Derp
17:23 DoctorOak ...
17:23 DoctorOak in for alex?
17:23 Tun no no I didn't mean that ; 3 ;
17:23 DoctorOak I don't even think I want to consider the implications of that
17:23 Tun I can never do inb4 right </333
17:23 Shocari Tun came to 'Charms just 'cos of Alex?
17:23 Jenova xD
17:23 Shocari Tun can has seekrit crush on Alex?
17:23 DoctorOak y'all came to 'Charms just 'cos of Alex
17:23 DoctorOak you all know it to be true
17:23 Tailon Tun has it in for Alex?
17:23 Shocari did
17:23 Tun ahhghhghgg
17:23 DoctorOak it's just the half scottishness in me
17:24 Jenova :V
17:24 DoctorOak she can't help but find it sexeh
17:24 Tun ...
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Resident Furry
Rex Are you threatening me master jedi?
DaftSoul It happened before |D
MrRMA He's gotta wear a suit
MrRMA And the Senate will decide your fate
Rex I am the SENATE
Brendan Who's on trial?
MrRMA Not yet

*Commences epic lightsaber duel*
22:25 DeftSoul is shit
22:25 DeftSoul ...
22:25 DeftSoul *shot
22:26 Brendan ...
22:26 Brendan you did it again!!
22:27 DeftSoul |D

You should know that this is about the third time Dark made this exact mistake

Sir Red

Charms' Caped Crusader
Chat was dead so I was doing other things, checked to see if anybody was alive and this is what I saw:

[02] <Belle>

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> ...


/me stretches

[02] <Belle> ...

[02] <Belle> woah
[02] <Belle> woooaoaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
[02] <Belle> what the fuck
[02] <Belle> christ I stretched my screen out
08[02] * Belle (chatzilla@SystemNet-10C6B1B4.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: sleeeeeps)
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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
[21] <~DoctorOak> oh, so you're saying that just 'cos I'm an ecoligist from northern ireland, of COURSE i'm an ECO-TERRORIST
[21] <~DoctorOak> THAT'S JUST RACIST
[21] <~DoctorOak> I'LL SUE YOU
[21] <Carmen> I'M NOT RACIST
[21] <Carmen> I'M BLACK
[21] <~DoctorOak> SHUT UP CHRIS ROCK
[21] <~DoctorOak> NO-ONE LIKES YOU
[21] <~MilesMorales> um
[21] <~MilesMorales> i'm half latino?
[21] <Carmen> NO U
[21] <~DoctorOak> NO-ONE CARES
[21] <~MilesMorales> waaahhh
<Yoshimitsu> ...
* Shiny cries
|<-- Sem has left irc.systemnet.info (Broken pipe)
=-= Shiny was booted from #pokecharms by Yoshimitsu (¬¬)
-->| Shiny (Violyni@SystemNet-39E03C00.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) has joined #pokecharms
<Shiny> I'm sorry
<Tako_RX> I am too
<Tako_RX> I'm going to log that now.

What is this 'Tact' of which you speak?

<Virgil> this spy kids movie is so unrealistic
<Virgil> if Jessica Alba and Joel Mchale had kids they'd be way hotter than that
[21:58:52] Tun 21:50 Teapot FUCKING CATS
[21:58:55] wassup? o:
[21:59:01] LoN Cats, Elise
[21:59:02] Cats
[21:59:23] Cats everywhere
[22:00:02] Tun o:
[22:00:06] ...
[22:00:17] seriously I can't stop dropping my phooone
[22:00:26] I just accidentally threw it across the keyboard
[22:00:45] LoN I threw mine inadvertently at a sink once
[22:01:03] |<-- SirRed has left irc.systemnet.info (Ping timeout)
[22:01:11] Tun xD
[22:01:17] LoN I threw mine inadvertently at Red once*
[22:02:08] |<-- Kamaran has left irc.systemnet.info (Broken pipe)
[22:02:09] Teapot h
[22:02:13] the cats I look after
[22:02:18] ended up shitting all over the kitchen.
[22:02:23] Tun ... ah
[22:04:25] =-= Toru|brb is now known as Toru
[22:04:34] Toru Back people c:
[22:04:44] Tun Tobiichan ~
[22:04:52] Toru ♥
[22:06:47] Did you know that cats with ginger cats have a higher chance of being mentally retarded?
[22:07:18] After hearing that fact, me and my Mum have pretty much confirmed that my cats are
[22:07:28] Seriously, they're ridiculous
[22:09:49] =-= Toru is now known as Tobias
[22:22:58] LoN Toby I read that as your cats being delicious ><
[22:23:00] wtfwtfwtf
[22:23:10] I should check if I'm a ginger cat
[22:23:19] For even thinking that
[22:23:33] Tun ... XD
[22:23:42] Belle ... xD
[22:23:45] ilu LoN

Turns out I'm not a ginger cat.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
20:11 Indie I wuffles my emotes, but I still don't know what :V means. I know /when/ to use it, but I just can't describe it's purpose in words :V
20:11 KoL It means you need jaw surgery because your mouth is on sideways
20:11 Indie :V
20:12 Brendan I think it's a duck smile
20:12 MrRMA XD...I did it!
20:12 Brendan or something...
20:12 KoL It's Pacman without a body
20:12 Indie waga~? :V
20:12 KoL I swear, you can use any letter you want and invent your own emotes
20:12 Brendan And this is pac-man WITH a body (V)
20:12 Carmen I never know what :V or :\ mean
20:12 KoL Looks more like a piranha plant to me Brendan
20:13 Carmen or even if they're negative or positive
20:13 KoL tends to be genative
20:13 KoL *negative
20:13 Carmen Rex is the king of that last one
20:13 KoL Genative?
20:13 Carmen xD
20:13 KoL What the hell is that?
20:13 Tun ... XD
20:13 *** Carmen quit (Broken pipe)
20:13 Brendan :\ is unamused or unsure
20:13 MrRMA Yeah, he does use that one a lot
20:13 KoL :p is usually a joking smile
20:13 Tun ...
20:13 Tun I'm thinking about how to describe these emotes in my head
20:14 KoL :X means you need to shut the fuck up
20:14 Tun and for some reason I want to describe them all with sounds o . o
20:14 *** Carmen joined #pokecharms
20:14 Carmen [15] <Carmen> No pun intended btw
20:14 Carmen [15] * Disconnected
20:14 Carmen Apparently my pun was bad
20:14 KoL :W means you have two mouths on sideways
20:14 Tun ... XD
20:14 KoL You're probably in serious trouble if that emote is ever necessary
20:14 Carmen XD
20:14 Indie Don't ask us about japanese emotes ヽ(`Д´)ノ
20:14 Tun :B
20:14 KoL :B means you look like Bidoof IRL
20:15 Brendan :B
20:15 MrRMA Japanese ones make me think Kirby
20:15 Carmen People keep using complicated emotes too
20:15 Carmen like = A=
20:15 Tun (> ' . ')>
20:15 Indie (╬ ಠ益ಠ)
20:15 KoL If you're me, you only need one
20:15 KoL ¬_¬
20:15 Tun ...
20:16 Tun I actually just burst out laughing at Indie's one
20:16 Indie d(*⌒▽⌒*)b
20:16 KoL Is that an angry pair of tits Indie?
20:16 Carmen XD
20:16 Brendan Hehehe
20:16 Tun ಠ_ಠ
20:16 Indie It's the extreme distaste face :V
20:16 Carmen I wish I could get the rolly eyes emote more easily
20:16 Carmen Maybe it's best I can't
20:16 Carmen Because I'd overuse it
20:17 Tun what, the ¬_¬ ?
20:17 Carmen Yeah
20:17 KoL (((((((((((((((((((((((: means you need to eat less because you have over 9000 chins
20:17 Indie (☞゚ヮ゚)☞Japanese emote spam for the win! ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
20:17 Tun uses ; A ; and . A . and ; // 3 // ; and stuff a lot
20:17 Carmen I use the -_-
20:17 Carmen or -_-;
20:17 Tun :|
20:17 Indie Nya D:
20:17 Carmen Which usually denotes shame in my case
20:18 Tun Indie: ಠ_ಠ
20:18 MrRMA This whole chat is sorta emote spam
20:18 Tun ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
20:18 Carmen Or that I think you're missing the point in a horrible way
20:18 Indie I found an emote which signifies sliding on you belly :x
20:18 Indie ⊂(゚Д゚⊂⌒`つ≡≡≡(´⌒;;;≡≡≡
20:18 Carmen :| is a fun one
20:18 Carmen ....
20:18 Tun ... keeheehee
20:18 MrRMA Wait...I think I see it...
20:18 Brendan _____o I call this one "planking"
20:18 Tun ()_()
20:19 KoL I call it missing an eye
20:19 Tun ( . _ .)
20:19 Tun ( (")(")
20:19 Tun ... nooo KoL D:
20:19 Indie x3
20:19 Carmen <<
20:19 Brendan (__).(__)
20:19 Carmen >>
20:19 Carmen I use those a lot
20:19 Tun >>
20:19 Tun <<
20:19 Tun ><
20:19 Tun <>
20:19 Carmen << is shifty eyes but sometimes I use it as rolly eyes
20:19 Tun ><> fish :'D
20:19 MrRMA anyone who can do <> in real life should probably get that checked
20:19 Tun ><' 3 kissy fish :'D
20:20 Carmen ---------------------------------------------------------><>
20:20 KoL :C==========================BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH=================================O
20:20 Indie ▲
20:20 Carmen fish missile
20:20 Indie No D:
20:20 Indie ▲
20:20 Carmen No, mine was a fish missile
20:20 Indie ▲ ▲
20:20 Indie Carmi D:
20:20 Brendan Triangle :3
20:20 Carmen What?
20:20 Indie It was supposed to be a triforce D:
20:20 MrRMA Two triangles make me think Jack-o-lantern
20:20 Tun ... teehee
20:20 KoL <('.' <) (^ '.' ^) (>'.')>
20:21 Indie ▲
20:21 Carmen xD
20:21 Indie No D:
20:21 Carmen ^_^
20:21 Brendan ▲
20:21 Brendan ▲ ▲
20:21 Brendan Close enough
20:21 MrRMA Oh, now I see it
20:21 Carmen Not close at all xD
20:21 KoL Next person to do an emote gets kicked starting now
20:21 Tun ... XD
20:21 Carmen D:
20:21 Indie Do triforces count?
20:21 Tun ...
20:21 *** Tun was kicked by KoL (CHAOTIC FLAME!)
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<RX> baaaaaaaaiiii Pheo
* RX drops a Zilla on you
* Pheonix (Pheonix@SystemNet-C6464ECB.try.wideopenwest.com) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 5.0/20110615151330])
<Shocari> night Pheo ^^
<Shocari> EFF
<Shocari> D':
* RX picks up Zilla and throws him at more people
* Stella (Mibbit@SystemNet-906BB40A.nc.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<RX> because the poor fella hasn't been doing much lately
* RX continues squishing everyone to death >:D

Chat needed more giant Buizel >>;
21:34 Dwayna Hatman, leave the puns to the punmeisters
21:34 Karu ty =,3
21:34 Shiny like Stel?
21:34 Dwayna yes
21:34 Dwayna like Stel
21:35 KoL Yes, do that
21:35 KoL Otherwise you will receive...
21:35 KoL ...a PUNt
21:35 Dwayna ...
21:35 Hatman ...
21:35 Dwayna ILU. :p
21:35 *** KoL was kicked by Teapot (YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH)
21:35 Shiny XD
21:35 Teapot is so dead for that.
21:35 Hatman cues CSI Miam- Fuck you, Petey.
21:35 *** KoL joined #pokecharms
21:35 +++ ChanServ has given op to KoL
21:35 Dwayna XD
21:35 Karu ok, did it go through?
21:35 MrRMA I didn't see any shades go on
21:35 *** Teapot was kicked by KoL (YOU FORGOT THE SUNGLASSES!)
21:35 *** Teapot joined #pokecharms
21:35 +++ ChanServ has given op to Teapot

Hatman is me.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
[23] <Shiny> look a cheese block ♥
[23] * Shiny skips over to the cheese block and sits on top of it ♥
[23] <Shocari> look, a flying rhino :D
[23] * SirRed (Podsquad90@SystemNet-FA170E68.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #pokecharms
[23] <Shocari> Red :D
[23] * Shocari brofists
[23] <Shiny> RED
[23] * Rex shoots the Rhino with a surface to air missile.
[23] <Zachary> Look a giant tool!
[23] * Shiny runs to Red and huggles him ,3
[23] <Shiny> *♥
[23] <Tailon> Red is a flying rhino?
[23] <Shiny> ... XDDD
[23] * RX MiRXacle
[23] <RX> ~
[23] <Shocari> lovely, RX ~
[23] * SirRed is punched in the face by Sho, shot at by Rex and tackled by Shiny :o
[23] <Rex> Hello Red, I just turned a freak of nature into gibs.

The timing was too perfect ♥
22:03 Tun allo ♥
22:05 Tun I really hurt my jaw today, I was talking and it just completely moved out of place and was really sore when I moved it back
22:05 Tun then my mum was like "stop talking then, if it's so sore!"
22:05 Tun and I went downstairs and got an ice pack
22:05 Tun and my dad was like "What have you done?"
22:05 Tun "Hurt my jaw."
22:05 Tun "At least that'll stop you from talking."
22:06 Tun and when my brother got home from work I told him why I was wincing a little when I was talking and he was like "why are you talking so much then?"
22:06 Tun ... gosh I /do/ talk a lot, don't I?
22:06 MilesMorales the above should be logged
22:06 MilesMorales it's too perfect not to be

someone had to :B
Toru http://i54.tinypic.com/2n9m4p1.jpg Just though I'd back up the whole assassin thing earlier
Tailon in Mexico
RX yyyyep
Tailon Toru Mibbit blocked the link cause it's a ho
Toru Oh shit
Toru To photobucket
Toru http://i710.photobucket.com/albums/ww10 ... 1314831881
Toru So yeah
Toru I dive off tall buildings and kill people with fancy flares now
Tailon It only works while your fro is weak
Tailon is that why you must hide and sneak?
Tailon (That rhymes on purpose cos I dunno why)
RX Why are we rhyming as we speak?
Toru That fro is full on potent son
Toru And I think this rhyming game I've won
Toru The hood I speak of - it sheilds my fro
Toru And keeps it comfy just like a bro
Tailon But it isn't at full power, no?
Toru It is a full power! Fo sho!
Belle 'sho' is just a shortened word
Belle your use in poetry I find absurd
Toru Belle, stop whining - go back to the herd.
Belle Don't hate because I'm an English nerd
Toru I'm done screwing around with this abreviation stuff!
Toru When it boils down to it I'm the man with the head fluff!
Belle The screwiest thing here is your head of fluff
Belle oh hey
Toru Boulders from left to right - up and down
Toru Bitch if you be hatin' you might as well frown.
Toru I'm a geo with style, don't get me wrong!
Yoshimitsu where is sem so i can demand his love
Toru And If you've got problems with my rhymes, you need to get with the times!
Toru (Last bit now)
-->| Virgil (Mibbit@SystemNet-CF55179.smccme.edu) has joined #pokecharms
Virgil hi
Tailon I think it time we end these rhymes.
Belle hi Virg <33
Toru In fact yeah
Toru That's it
