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  1. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed The Rise of Rainbow Evolution

    Sulfur snorted, ungracefully. "Someone didn't turn into a Flareon for his sick burns," he mentioned to Sunny. "That's for sure." Over-inflated ego. Please. He'd forget that comment was ever made in a shake and a half. The comment that it was no wonder he became Umbreon, however, he'd take...
  2. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed Ace Academy - Pokemon Trainer School RP

    The steel ball flew at the Rockruff before he could turn around to see it. Pocchi flew from the force of the attack, then crashed back down, slid-- His back just barely touched the inside edge of the icy line. All of Hana's worries, her insecurities, everything came flooding back all at once...
  3. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    @Keybored I'm... I just got through that backstory, and I'm... floored. So, um, you know, you're in. You're just in now. That's how this is going. I'm adding you to the super secret Void PMs. Listen, all right, you don't understand, Grey is the most perfect addition possible.
  4. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Viridian City - Allie and Lizzie A woman in a lab coat raced up to the Eevee trainer. Her straight black hair fell like a sheet down to her mid back, and her rimless glasses stood before a pair of dark eyes. "Allie, was it?" she asked, looking down at her electronic tablet. "I've been told...
  5. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    At all? All right, thank you, EmoKitty, that means I can write Karl out now.
  6. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed Ace Academy - Pokemon Trainer School RP

    Monty & Hana vs. Noah & Leila Hana covered her eyes. Of course! Of course, they got the team Pocchi couldn't attack, anyway! Two Ghost types!? They had to be joking! She took a deep breath and a swig of caffeine. "Remember the plan," she said to herself. "Pocchi! Sand Attack!" She...
  7. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    @Keybored Just go ahead and fill out a profile whenever you're ready. @Quiver You have 24 hours starting from now to make a post in the RP thread. At the end of those 24 hours, I'll have to write your gym challenger out of the story and find a replacement for your gym leader. Your gym...
  8. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed The Rise of Rainbow Evolution

    Lakeside - Everyone, but especially Ahi right now Sulfur's jaw hung open, lower and lower as the Flareon spoke. He looked from the blazing idiot to the Chief, then to the words at the foot of the golem, then back to the fire type. "You didn't just ask that question, right? I misheard you...
  9. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    @Merciless Medic I need you in this RP. Darcy is in and I'll be adding you to the secret Team Void chat in just a minute.
  10. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    Nobody stated any intention to leave, and the one who did get kicked (for not following the rules) has already been replaced. The list is currently up to date. There are two slots left, both for evil team admins.
  11. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed The Rise of Rainbow Evolution

    Sulfur caught the look in Ainsley's eye. Be nice to the child, the Leafeon might as well have said. Please. What did Ainsley take him for? Sulfur lifted his Espurr daughter up on his back for the first time in both of their lives, and let the kitten ride him like a human might have ridden a...
  12. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed The Rise of Rainbow Evolution

    Sulfur turned his head toward Eve. Ah, yes. The loud-mouthed tomboy with a thirst for freedom and adventure. She yelled time and again, if he remembered correctly. "Look at your paws; they change from light to dark pink. Now look at hers--" He jolted his head toward Sunny, the real Espeon...
  13. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    I will be making some more encounter tables; I'll also be editing them after certain plot events. They are just a bit time consuming is all, and I have to think about how much I want to reveal, too... The next encounter tables will be for Route 3, Mt. Moon, then Route 4. I have a fun thing...
  14. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    @Quiver I didn't see anyone else try to rescue your trainer, so one of mine is on that now. To everyone, keep in mind that I'd like to see the challengers start to near Pewter City soon.
  15. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed The Rise of Rainbow Evolution (Discussion)

    Sulfur's a little busy wondering why everyone suddenly evolved at all to comment on which evolutions everyone went through right now. Maybe when things calm down a little, Eve will get referred to as a Sylveon off-handedly.
  16. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed Ace Academy - Pokemon Trainer School RP

    Confuse Ray! Perfect! If they were blind and confused, they'd either get so useless, they wouldn't be able to attack anyway, or they'd accidentally walk off the arena! At least, that's what Hana had to count on if they wanted a shot. Pocchi still only had Tackle, and some of the Pokémon...
  17. Von Pumpkin

    Private/Closed The Rise of Rainbow Evolution

    The grumpy Eevee saw only flying debris heading straight for him or those near him-- One or two others had already been hit, and in the midst of the glow that surrounded those other Eevee, he jumped in front of the speeding orange crystal. The shard's color surrounded him. It glowed brighter...
  18. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Deep in Route 1 - Karl Now, here was a trainer who really needed babysitting. The fighting leader's chestnut eyes ventured up, toward a cocooned boy in a great web, as an Ariados loomed overhead. She'd chalk this one up to another point on Hanabi's paranoiac flow chart, since, well, there...
  19. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion

    @Mango137 I'm going to have to ask you not to just know things other characters are trying to keep secret in the future. It's not fun for other people to portray keeping a secret when a character who wasn't told on-screen immediately reveals that secret to everyone. It would not be fun for me...
  20. Von Pumpkin

    Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

    Viridian City - Archer, Sarah, Lizzie & Allie The third leader stepped forward from behind her corner. Tsukiko, known by her peers as Luna, wore a baggy grey hoodie and comfortable jeans over her body. Her simple, dirt-covered running shoes clapped against the road. "He says he doesn't need...