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Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP


Previously EeviumZ
Nodding, Allie followed. Eevee wasn't looking too good, so it wasn't like she had any other choice.
"Yeah, there were three of us. One of them went off on his own, probably to go catch some Pokemon." She tilted her head. "I never got your name...?"
"Oh sorry about that. My name is Sarah Blackwell. This is my buneary. She tends to stay in my hair most of the time. This is Umbreon she has been my companion since I was a little girl." Sarah led the trainers to the pokemon center and up to nurse joy. "It is nice to see you nurse Joy."


Cerulean City

Argeus strolled along the rough dirt path, his head up to the clouds. He often visited the Cerulean just to check in on how daily life was, or to have tea with was quite good friends with. He stepped off the dirt road and onto the hard pavement that ran neatly throughout the city. Argeus didn't want to draw too much attention to himself, so he decided it's best to stay on the sidelines of the city. He came upon the infamous Nugget Bridge, his foot leaned onto the wooden platform, leaving an eerie creak that was followed by another one of his footsteps. Marowak walked boisterously ahead of him, his bone bobbling around in his grip from his exaggerated movements.

Argeus reached the end of the bridge, casually passing others from time to time that were preoccupied enough to not notice him. His gaze turned to the scientists house that was way down at the end of the long route. "Perhaps we should stop by." He started towards the building.
After Squirtle and Espurr were all healed up thanks to nurse joy, Archer decided it was time for a nap. He had accomplished a lot today, receiving his first Pokémon, winning his first battle, and catching his first wild Pokémon, but he never got to finish his nap. He let out his two new Pokémon, he hated the idea of them being crammed in their pokeballs, and began walking back towards route 1. Archer was pleased to find a tall tree that would provide a comfortable amount of shade. He laid down and leaned against the sturdy trunk while his two Pokemon snuggled in next to him. “Great job today guys, I’m so grateful I get to go on this adventure with you two.” Archer whispered to his new friends as they drifted off to sleep together.
Pewter City

Pewter was a relatively small city, but it certainly had its charms. Sceptile seemed to enjoy the short walk from Viridian to their destination, gazing about while he followed behind his trainer. But Rya was more preoccupied with mulling over the recent events in her mind than sightseeing. They were heading for the Pewter City Museum of Science. There, she intended to question the scientist staff about the significance of the fossils stolen. Perhaps they belonged to a rare Pokémon, or a particularly powerful one. Whatever it was, she would soon find out.

Rya swung open the doors to the Museum, and made her way to the front desk to inquire about who to see.


Previously QuiveringRaptor
Karl was about to say something, but he was cut off. He followed them around, though was jealous about Eevee evolving into many forms. He healed his Pokemon, and went back to their 'group'. "You never asked my name...", he grumbled. He "lost" every battle he won! How could that be acceptable! Ugh... he'd have to battle that Joey if he went to Route 1, so what about South? Silently, he made his way to Route 22, hoping to teach his Pokemon new moves. Suddenly, a Krabby appeared, putting a grin on his face. "Go! Bulbasaur!", his Starter went into battle against the Crab Pokemon," Use Vine Whip!" The Krabby deflected it with Vice Grip, then used Bubble. "Dodge it, Vine Whip again!", he commanded. The Krabby did the same thing. "Oh come on! Use Tackle, then!", Karl ordered. The Bulbasaur gave a glare to his trainer, then charged. It knocked back the Krabby, fainting it. He laughed," I never thought a battle would be this easy!" Suddenly, his PokeDex gave him an alert. "Hm?", he said, opening it up. "Your BULBASAUR learned LEECH SEED", it read, making him hug his Pokemon out of glee. "Now, to Viridian City!", he said, marching with his Pokemon. He decided to send his Nidoran out, and continued. To his right, he saw Archer sleeping... He thought about it," I guess you could sleep in a forest..." Karl brushed the thought off and marched off. His Nidoran pulled on his pants. "Huh?" It lead him to a clearing. He unpacked his backpack and found a sleeping bag. Not before long, he drifted asleep.


Previously EeviumZ
After healing her Pokemon, Allie noticed the other trainer was gone.
Did I do something wrong? she thought.
She turned to Sarah. "Uh - I'm going to start heading to Viridian City now. Thanks for checking on us." She gave an awkward smile, her social immaturity coming through.
She turned to leave the Center, her now-healed Eevee sitting on her shoulder happily.
"Well I am supposed to go with you guys until you can defend yourself. If you don't mind me joining you on this journey of yours. The other two will be with the other two new trainers." Sarah walked along side of Allie. "What are your goals for your journey?" Umbreon followed behind the two.


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
@EmoKitty21 , @EeviumZ

Lizzie used her Porygon2's Teleport to go to a Pokemon Center, which happened to be the Veridian Center. The two appeared and saw Sarah, a fellow gym leader, and a new trainer. They seemed to be going off on an adventure, and Lizzie was itching to do the same. "Hi! I heard something about a journey and I was wondering if maybe I could accompany you. I'm Lizzie. Lizzie Shardin. The gym - I MEAN my shop is closed anyway, so I'm free. Maybe along the way, we'll meet the Cinnabar Island Gym Leader. I've heard she's really something!" The Gym Leader chattered on and on until Porygon2 got sick of it and they nudged Lizzie. "Anyway, I was wondering if I could join your journey group." She looked at the Water-type Gym Leader and said, "You must be Sarah, the Cerulean City Gym Leader!" Lizzie pulled Sarah aside and whispered, "Don't let the other trainer know that I'm a Gym-you-know-what."
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Previously EeviumZ
The young trainer smiled. "No no, it's fine. I'm happy to have you with me. Considering that I'm not the best at this." She chuckled, as they approached Route 1. "I don't really have any big goals yet. Most of the young trainers have big things planned: Champion... Top Coordinator... famous Breeder... that's never been me. I just want to have fun and bond with my Pokemon. And help anyone who needs it. Of course, I'd love to partake in the League once I've beaten all the gyms, but my priority is just to have fun."
Eevee nodded agreeably. "Vee-ee."
She noticed the other person come up to them, and gave a welcoming smile. Lizzie seemed to be acting strange, but she brushed it off.
"You're welcome to if you'd like! The more the merrier!" Allie smiled. Maybe she could make friends...
"You're a gym leader, Sarah? Cool!" Sparkles appeared in the girl's eyes. She was excited to have met a Gym Leader already.
Sarah sighed she wanted to keep that part a secret for now. "Guess the cat is out of the bag. Yeah I am a gym leader. I run the gym in Cerulian City." Umbreon rolled her eyes at the other gym leader. She seemed to be to outgoing for her taste. Once they got on route one Sarah noticed a boy sleeping against a tree. "Is that the other trainer?" Sarah pointed at Archer. She hoped the kid was not stupid enough to just sleep out in the open without a tent.


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
Lizzie sent out her two Pokemon: Kingdra and Porygon2. "Why don't you two say hi?" Porygon2 happily beeped and floated along, then shined a scanner light on the Eevee and a blue Download arrow fell into the Virtual Pokemon, raising its Attack. This was its Ability: Download, and it was embedded in its code. Afterward, seeing Kingdra awkwardly hopping around, Porygon2 used Magnet Rise to lift him into the air and then help him hover above the ground. Kingdra then happily cried its cry and hovered in a circle around its new friends. "They seem to like you!"


Previously QuiveringRaptor
Deep in Route 1
Karl was awaken by his Bulbasaur tugging on him. "What...?", he opened his eyes." Wait, where am I!?" He realized his sleeping bag was covered in silk. Suddenly, an Ariados came from above. "Gah!" He looked to his left, where a Combee was in the web, too. It seemed he was stuck in a huge spider web! "Nidoran...", he whispered, reaching for his duffel bag. It was no use. His Bulbasaur took advantage and started using Tackle against the web. "That's it! We need to get out of here before it uses Toxic on us!" Karl started to flail around, which only attracted more attention.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie laughed at the Porygon-2 and Kingdra's antics. She pulled out her Pokedex, scanning the pair of Pokemon.
"Porygon2, the Virtual Pokemon and the evolved form of Porygon. Normal-type. Porygon2 was upgraded from Porygon in hopes of equipping it for space travel. However, those dreams are not yet a reality."
"Kingdra, the Dragon Pokemon and the final evolution of Horsea. Water and Dragon dual-type. It hides in caves deep down in the ocean, and can create whirlpools just by yawning."

Allie gulped. "Y-yeah, that's him. Why would he sleep out in the open though...?"
Sarah walked over to the boy. She leaned down and shook the boy. "Wake up. It is not safe to be out asleep like this." Buneary jumped down on the ground and poked the boy.
Dear lord why won’t anyone let me sleep thought Archer, greatly irritated by the interruption. His two Pokémon stirred awake. He saw three girls standing around him, one he recognized from the Professors lab, and began speaking to the girl who had told him it’s not safe to sleep. “What’s going to happen I get rained on or something? It’s not like I’m dumb enough to sleep in an area I know there a dangerous Pokémon like Ariados.” Archer yawned with an irritated tone. “Anyways who are you guys? You have some strange Pokémon.” He asked, signaling to the Buneary, Kingdra, and Porygon 2.
"Well my name is Sarah this is Buneary. She wanted to say hello. The Umbreon behind me is also mine." Sarah leaned her arm over. Buneary climbed up and nestled onto her shoulder. "Well seeing as you are a new trainer and there are people out there who want to get their hands on your starter pokemon. Me and two other experienced trainers have volunteered to go with you guys on your journey."


Previously EeviumZ
"My name's Allie, and this is Eevee. I'm also a new trainer. Apparently some people want to protect us and whatnot" - Eevee looked highly resentful at this - "because... well I really don't know."
She offered her hand for a handshake, trying to be friendly.
Archer reluctantly shook her had. “Hi, I’m Archer.” He replied while standing up, thinking wow this girl talks a lot. He looked at Sarah, “I appreciate the concern, and you look very strong, but I set out on this adventure for two reasons: for fun and for freedom. I don’t see how I can have either with a babysitter.” Archer stated, not in a rude tone but very matter-of-factly. He began to walk away, and his Pokémon followed. “Don’t worry about us, we’re gonna become strong enough to protect ourselves, and I would never let anything happen to Squirtle.” He said kindly.
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"I don't want to babysit you." She stood up she looked a little mad herself. She walked up to Archer. "Do you think I want to take my time to deal with stuck up brats like you. No I do not. I took this as an opportunity to start over and be myself. Just because I am a gym leader does not mean I am free. There were times I wished I could go out and enjoy going on a journey. I did this for me as much as I did this to make sure that you, and your smart mouth would be safe." Sarah was not pleased that this kid would talk to her like this. She was not some all knowing person. Sarah took a moment to calm herself down. "Look it is not like we think you need protection. I know I am doing this more for selfish reasons. I will admit that. But there is a team out there that has taken a starter right out from under the Professor's nose. We also have reason to believe that they have the know how to harm not only you but the pokemon that they want to take." Sarah shown a sadness to her. She had wanted to be free for a long time. She was forced to take over the gym she runs. She hated it. She would rather spend time doing something artistic. She wanted to follow her dream of becoming a famous photographer of pokemon.
Viridian City - Archer, Sarah, Lizzie & Allie
The third leader stepped forward from behind her corner. Tsukiko, known by her peers as Luna, wore a baggy grey hoodie and comfortable jeans over her body. Her simple, dirt-covered running shoes clapped against the road.

"He says he doesn't need help," she told the other leaders, with a placid smile painted on her face. "There's nothing we can do about it. When those thieves come, you should be able to fight them off all on your own, then. I like seeing that kind of strength in a trainer." Without budging a millimeter, her smile turned to Sarah.

"If you're going to be selfish, then just be selfish. Don't hide behind Hanabi's paranoia to create an excuse for yourself." Luna stepped off toward Route 1, just like that.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie sighed. "I'd obviously rather do this on my own, but if the Gym Leaders think that it's too dangerous... especially because I have a rather clumsy reputation.. I'm okay with it, at least for a short while." She bit her lip, somewhat upset that people saw her as weak.
Eevee looked at her, concerned.
Deep in Route 1 - Karl

Now, here was a trainer who really needed babysitting. The fighting leader's chestnut eyes ventured up, toward a cocooned boy in a great web, as an Ariados loomed overhead. She'd chalk this one up to another point on Hanabi's paranoiac flow chart, since, well, there hadn't been any Poison-types on Route 1 before now, but... Maybe the region was getting more dangerous as a whole. Wouldn't that be interesting?

The teenager kept her small, placid smile right where it was, and in a flash of red light, let out her pale, tan Lycanroc. "Lycanroc, go get that Ariados, please." The Midday form leapt close to the web and began to hurl boulders down upon the large spider, showing off its Rock Slide move. "Thank you."


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
"Hi! I'm Lizzie! This is Porygon2," the space duck bleeped happily, "and Kingdra! I'm going on a journey with these two, and we haven't exactly started yet... I'm the Ice - I MEAN Eyesight Master! Yeah, I have the - uh- best eyesight ever!" Kingdra looked annoyed and sighed a small number of bubbles from his snout.
Archer simply laughed at the berating he received from Sarah and continued on his way. He was not going to let this ruin his great day. Upon entering the Viridian Forest, he was challenged to battles by a slew of bug catchers, all of whom he defeated. He then saw a small bear Pokémon, which he recognized as a Teddiursa. Wow I want it! Archer thought before commanding Squirtle to use water gun, and as the water neared the little bear, it was suddenly blocked by the bigger one. An Ursaring had appeared and was shielding its child. Archer trembled in fear, he knew he couldn’t outrun the Pokémon, but he also knew there were few things more dangerous than an angry mother bear. He sent out Espurr and readied his team for battle.
"Lizzie Stay with Allie. I am going to follow him." Sarah walked after the stubern boy. "Stupid, dumb, pigheaded, brat. I aught to let the team get him." Sarah mumbled as she walked. Of all of the trainers she could have gotten. She had to get the one who is just as stubern as she was. She came to stop when she heard a sound of a water gun going off. She followed the sound and come to a clearing with a huge bear pokemon and a bear cub. Welp guess this won't be as easy as she thought. She saw that Archer kid. He seemed a little overwhelmed. "Umbreon can you help this problem?" Umbreon noded and walked infront of Sarah. "Umbreon use zap cannon!" A large beam of electric energy shot from the mouth of the black and gold pokemon. It shot straight for the large bear. It would deal a lot of damage and paralyze it.


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
Lizzie happily obeyed her fellow gym leader. "Soo... Hi!" She blushed, sighed, and then said "I'm sorry. I'm not actually the eyesight master. Well... Would you like to try and attract some Pokemon? I brought some berries, and I'm excited to catch some new Pokemon." Not waiting for a response, the Ice-type gym leader laid out the berries and chopped a few of them up. Tasty smells wafted out, and three Pokemon appeared: Spinda, Glameow, and Purrloin. The Spinda wobbled around and left and the two cats remained. "Let's catch them! Oooh, I've always wanted a Purrloin!"
Archer was relieved the gym leader had bailed him out, “Thanks!” He shouted to Sarah as he fearlessly began to approach the knocked down Ursaring. The bear growled as he neared but he continued slowly, pulling out a Cherri Berry and a Oran Berry from his pouch. “Hey, I’m sorry for attacking your cub, it was all a misunderstanding.” He gently apologized. “Eat these berries, that zap cannon sure did a number on you.” He smiled slightly as he handed over the berries. Ursaring took the berries with some hesitation but appeared to seem better almost instantly. The mother nodded her thanks, then scooped up her cub and left. Archer turned back to Sarah, “Sorry, I guess I’m not as strong as I thought.” He guiltily apologized and braced for a scolding.
"It's ok. I just have more experience. With time I am sure you will be able to do that as well. I am just glad I decided to follow you. I wanted to make sure you would be ok. It's not that I did not think you could take care of yourself. I just want to make sure you are safe." Sarah smiled. She really did not want to see this trainer hurt. She liked his spirit.
Viridian City - Allie and Lizzie

A woman in a lab coat raced up to the Eevee trainer. Her straight black hair fell like a sheet down to her mid back, and her rimless glasses stood before a pair of dark eyes. "Allie, was it?" she asked, looking down at her electronic tablet. "I've been told your Eevee is capable of very special things! Would you like to know more about them?"

Route 1 - ???

Luna took a knife and cut the boy from the Ariados' cocoon. "Come on," she whispered to the boy. "Move?" She tugged and pulled, but he wouldn't move on his own. She pressed two fingers against his neck-- the boy still had a pulse to speak of, but it felt slow, weak. If she couldn't get him to a hospital soon...

Her head bolted up to a noise in the brush between the trees. "Lycanroc, return." She pressed a button and brought the Midday form back to its Pokéball in a flash of light. "Bewear..." She released the Strong Arm Pokémon from her capsule. "I need you to carry the boy. Bring him to the nearest hospital, please."

The fluffy bear scooped the child up in her arms, like one would when they carried their bride, then dashed to Viridian City.

"I'll try to save you, too," Luna muttered under her breath, to the Bulbasaur and Combee still caught in the spider's webs. She carefully cut at the silk, little by little.

Viridian City - Allie and Lizzie

A Bewear ran past the others without stopping, rookie trainer in hand. Though most of the trainer's body was hidden by webbing and by his sleeping bag, the boy's face belonged to none other than Karl, one of the trainers Allie just started her journey alongside. "Be be be be be!" The Bewear's panicked cries sounded through the city like a siren, warning everyone in her path to steer clear.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie glanced at this new person. "Yeah, that's me." She tilted her head. "Special things? For sure I wanna know!"
Eevee puffed up with pride. "Vee-veevee!"
She noticed a Bewear running by, carrying a person in its arms. She recognized the boy as the other new trainer, the one with Bulbasaur.
Route 1 - @Von Pumpkin

From a distance, hidden within the shadows of the trees, Grey had watched the events on Route 1 unfold. Enthralled by the strength of Ariados’ web as it demonstrated the power to entangle a human child and his Pokémon above the ground without any apparent strain. He hadn’t intended to intervene until the Ariados either finished encasing the boy or showed signs of taking interest in the equally trapped Bulbasaur. However, it seemed like another person had forced her way into the scene; one of the Gym Leaders from the looks of it.

Taking on such a foe in combat would be ill-advised and against his morals; there was no need to engage in combat unless there was no other solution. Right now, there still was another solution; one that revealed itself as the boy was rushed off in the arms of a massive teddy bear of a Pokémon. Grey waited long enough for the carrier Pokémon to disappear out of sight; preventing the girl before him from recalling the bear.

“Tsk..” he scoffed, announcing his presence as he emerged from his cover. Stepping out alone while keeping Sif hidden under the cover of the trees. “Spiders keep me up at night..” He announced, gazing up at the Ariados’ web with his pale blue eyes sporting a gloomy expression, “..they somehow bring out fear in humans who are far more dangerous and deceitful than any spider. Spiders, humans, of the two I’m more suspicious about the latter.” He broke his gaze free from the captivating web display after voicing his opinion and stared at the girl with the same gloomy look; taking in her appearance while awaiting what sort of response he’d receive from the girl standing between him and his target.
Viridian City - Allie

The lab tech pushed the metal above her nose back up, as high as it could go. After hearing Allie and Eevee's enthusiastic responses, she turned the tablet around! Both hands offered it closer to the pair. "So, this video will teach your Eevee how to use a move called Veevee Volley!" the aide informed them, her eyes brighter than a pair of diamonds in the spotlight. "As you and Eevee grow closer, this move will get better, and even better!"

She chuckled nervously. "Eevee should only need to see it a few times before it can learn the move. So, I'm going to need that tablet back when you're done. Oh, and another opportunity like this should be waiting in Pewter City."

Route 1 - Waxing Philosophical

The girl's chestnut eyes met those gloomy blues without an ounce of suspicion. Without anger, nor sorrow, nor fear. The placid smile she wore now was the placid smile she wore always, unchanging and unbreakable. The man's words seemed to spark some thought in Luna, however, as she brushed the last strands of silk from the Bulbasaur.

"I don't think spiders are scary," she said, simple as. "Insects, arachnids, everything like that..." Her smile didn't budge a millimeter, but the joy in her voice bubbled over and flooded the grass between the two humans. "They're super cute."

She covered her immovable expression with the three fingers on her right hand, then let out a giggle without changing her face in any way. "I don't worry about those kinds of things. If I get caught up in who's more deceitful or dangerous, that's going to get in my way. All I need to know is, I'm going to protect the people and Pokémon of this region, because I want to."

With a few more cuts, she started to free the Combee from the very same webbing, as if Grey wasn't there.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie and Eevee's eyes lit up synchroniously. "Awesome!/Vee!" they cried.
Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Allie took the tablet, and showed it to Eevee. "You just need to watch this, and then you can learn the move. Then, we need to give the tablet back."
Eevee watched the video intensely. After a few minutes, she smiled, nodding. "Ee-vee!" she squeaked, before attempting to lift the tablet and present it to the woman. She staggered on her two paws, and Allie took the tablet and handed it back to the lab tech before it could drop.
"Thank you very much!" she exclaimed. "Hey Eevee, we should go try this out! Let's find a battlefield.. oh, over there!"
Behind the Viridian City Pokemon Center was a battlefield. Allie and Eevee took off towards it, ready to try out their new move.


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
Lizzie and Purrloin both screamed (a bit) and dodged the Bewear's charge. The strong Kingdra then used a small portion of its strength in a Twister attack, making its eyes glow blue and then making a small tornado around the Purrloin. This lifted her up and spun her around. Dizzy, Lizzie caught her and then gave her a berry. The Devious Pokemon wasn't happy and used Assist. Porygon2 started to sparkle and white energy surrounded Purrloin's paw, having it call Psybeam. The Ice-type Gym Leader was confused and hurt by this attack, so she awkwardly tripped every few steps. Finally making it to Viridian, Porygon2 used Magnet Rise to help the girl ride their back to the Pokemon Center.
“Thanks..... if you still wanna tag along you’re more than welcome to.” Archer awkwardly offered the gym leader. “Lets go onward to Pewter City, I wanna get my first badge as soon as possible!” He stated now with more confidence in his voice. He made his way through the forest, battling all the bugs Pokémon and bug catchers that challenged him. Upon exiting the forest, it was clear both he and his Pokémon were better connected, and much stronger than when they entered. He decided to plop down for a nap, exhausted from his journey through the woods. After finding a good tree, Archer began to ay himself down below, but was disrupted by a blue and red, tiny swallow bird Pokémon, that swooped down and pecked at him. “Woah, What was that?!” He asked out loud.
Sarah sighed as she followed him and watched as he fell asleep against a tree again. How can he just fall asleep at the drop of a hat. When will he ever learn. Oh this should be fun. A tallow came down and pecked at the boy. Sarah could not help herself and started laughing. She would have helped but thought this would be a better lesson for him.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie and Eevee stood on one end of the battlefield, with no opponent on the other side.
"You want to try this, Eevee? Veevee Volley!"
Eevee's eyes narrowed, and she was cloaked in a blazing aura. She charged forward, only stopping herself at the end of the battlefield.
"Wow! Good job Eevee!" Allie cried, running over to congratulate her Pokemon.
Eevee nuzzled into her lap, beaming with pride. "Veeeee."
It was time for them to make their move.

People were starting to get more lively here in Pewter City, and that was what Darcy was worried about. Too many people, too many eyes. The young admin clothed in black was hiding away in the bushes towards the back parts of town, which was lined with trees before the mountains. Her team of grunts were also chilling out around her. Some were playing tic-tac-toe, while others were sitting on top of the tree branches, awaiting for the plan to happen.

Darcy heard word of the plan going successful in Mt. Moon. That was wonderful. Now, she just needed to oversee the operations here. She was more worried about doing anything in cities and towns. In the middle of the night is usually the best time to do it. The guards are usually more alert, but it's easier to hide and run away than in broad daylight, where the average of 25 people can walk out of a building or peer out of a window at any time to view the town, only to see a fleeing figure running away from a band of cops. That was not what she wanted to happen, so she'll make sure that this operation goes smoothly. Stretching a little, she looked over one of her new recruits, who was obviously getting impatient. He was shaking his legs and was making a spear from a stick with his pocket knife. He then voiced his impatience in a hushed tone.

"How much longer?"

"Do I look like your parent? No, I do not. Keep patient. We are just waiting to make sure nothing bad happens to the others, but I have a bad feeling someone is going to get in the way. So, before you start acting like an impatient brat, shut up," she snapped back coldly, but in an equally hushed tone. The new recruit flinched a bit at the tone, but continued to sharpen the stick he was focusing on to pass the time. The others would have flinched if they weren't all so used to her demeaning tone. Yes, she was an amazing admin and had a very high success rate, but she was quite cruel to them if they didn't please her.

Then again, they figured that her superiors would berate her too for displeasing them in some way, so they thought it was just a hierarchy thing and she didn't want to be seen as a the failure. Which was something they didn't want to be on the receiving end when it came to her cold temper. She never got emotionally outrageous, but she does get silent and will calculate the downfall of that person. It was just best to keep her happy.
Route 1 - @Von Pumpkin

Grey kept eye contact with the girl before him as she explained her motivations with an overjoyed demeanor. Only turning his gaze skywards after the girl had lost interest in his presence and continued to untangle the last remaining prisoner in Ariados’ web. He sighed deeply, expressing himself as if merely listening to such a bubbly individual was causing him physical strain. It was always the same with these types; hypocritical standpoints and insincere justifications. Especially these Gym Leader types who made a living from putting their Pokémon in harm’s way.

“You trusted your Pokémon to carry that boy to the hospital, correct? What if they do not arrive on time?” He asked, the tone of his voice suggesting he’d be willing to ensure they wouldn’t make it, “hand over the Bulbasaur if you care for the boy’s wellbeing, easy as that.”