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Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP

Archer looked over at the laughing gym leader. Apparently, she was not going to be much help. Archer quickly came up with a plan. When the bird Pokémon drew near for its next attack, Archer commanded Espurr to use light screen. The taillow slammed into the wall and collapsed on impact. Well that was easier than I thought it would be thought Archer as he threw a pokeball at the grounded bird. The pokeball shook three times and he happily ran over to retrieve it before making his way over to the Pewter City pokemon center and flashing a grin at Sarah.
Sarah stopped laughing and walked with Archer. She hoped he learned that he could not just sleep where he wanted to. At least not without a tent. "So what did you learn from that?" Sarah had a mischievous glint in her eye. She was not being mean to the kid. She just found it kind of funny.
“That naps can lead to new friendships.” He joked as he turned his pokeballs over to nurse joy. He went to go sit down when he felt his stomach start to rumble. Archer realized he had been so caught up with his journey that he forgot to make time to eat. Grinning sheepishly at the gym leader he asked “So do you know any good places to eat around here?”
"Yeah I can lead you to this great little cafe. They have some of the best pastries there. Kind of have to know where the good sweets are. Buneary likes to drag me into the stores to sample them." Buneary jumped from Sarah's shoulder and bounced around Sarah's feet. She was happy to get some sweets.
Route 1 - @Keybored

"Bulbasaur," the girl repeated, still focused on the Combee trapped in the spider's web. If it wasn't but for that flash of color, Luna could have sworn she was being mugged by a Void right then! The bug-type fell into her arms and buzzed as she brushed off its cute little face.

"Interesting. Just Bulbasaur...?" The girl made a mental note to add that to the report she'd have to make to the Champion in about two minutes. "If you hurt that Bulbasaur, I'm gonna come back for you when my hands aren't tied. Then I'll show you the meaning of pain." Still, her bubbly voice and unnaturally calm smile shone bright against the dark void she found herself caught in.

"Bulbasaur," she called to the Pokémon. "Go with that man, please. We have to protect your trainer."
Route 1 - @Von Pumpkin

Grey scoffed in regards to the girl’s threats; voicing her promise of pain with a smile on her face. What could an upbeat individual like the one before him know about the meaning of pain? Regardless, Grey glanced back at the trees he’d emerged from; checking up on his prowling back-up in case things went sour before he could make his escape. His gaze returned to the girl as his attention was drawn by the command she uttered towards the Pokémon.

Only once the Bulbasaur was within reach did Grey kneel and let his guard down for a moment to inspect the young creature before him. He gently placed a hand onto its head; petting it in an attempt to express his intentions weren’t to harm the Pokémon. “You won’t be hurt, I’ll see to that myself,” Grey reassured the Bulbasaur with a genuine expression of care towards the creature. Then, he got back on his feet and his gaze grew apathetic once again as his eyes connected with the girl before him. “You warn me not to hurt this Pokémon, yet, don’t you Gym Leaders do exactly that for the sport of it?” He retorted, casually mentioning he was aware a Gym Leader was standing before him, “Inviting young trainers to come and risk the health of their Pokémon for a meaningless badge?”
Route 1 - @Keybored

To that question, Luna's smile finally grew. Someone who just threatened to kill a child didn't really get much say when it came to the morality of others, did they? Still, she'd bite if it meant stalling the robber long enough for Bewear to get the child to safety. It couldn't have been much longer now, could it?

"We should never force our Pokémon partners to do anything," she told him. "Some Pokémon like to battle. Other Pokémon want to stay at home and play. It's our duty as trainers to bring out the best of what our Pokémon want in life. It's not your place to decide how all Pokémon have to live."

She pet the top of the Bug-type Pokémon again. "In a gym match, everyone agrees to fight. I think we both know that Pokémon who get abused don't agree to that." Someone with a worldview that warped and tangled into knots wouldn't get it. She knew that. Even still, it was irresponsible of her not to speak her mind, especially if speaking her mind made one child a whole lot safer than he was just a minute ago.
Route 1 - @Von Pumpkin

“You keep telling yourself that..” Grey responded with a disinterested tone, having already tuned out the obnoxious speech about ‘love’ and ‘friendship’. “..I’m sure it helps you sleep at night.” With that remark off his chest Grey gazed down the road leading to Pewter City and wondered how much longer the Bewear would need; one minute, two minutes? It was only a matter of time before this girl deemed it safe to take the Bulbasaur back by force.

Judging by the odds he figured it was about time to stop lecturing strangers and start retreating. “Well, I suppose it’s time to take my leave before you get any ideas.” He casually mentioned before utilizing a small device to produce a cloud of smoke; obstructing sight as he took the Bulbasaur under his arm. “Sif, now!” He called out from behind the wall of smoke and the large Mightyena jumped out from his hiding spot; rushing over to his trainer under the cover of smoke. Grey lifted himself onto the Pokémon’s back with a swift, well-practiced motion; dashing off into the woods just before the smoke cleared. Leaving only a glimpse of the Mightyena’s tail before that too disappeared behind the undergrowth.
Route 1 - @Zenhu

As the man turned tail and ran, after he ignored her, just like she suspected he would... Luna pulled out her phone. She dialed the Champion, a smile still plastered over her face, and in her chipper monotone, she spoke. "Champ, there's been a Void attack. Route 1. I found one of Professor Oak's trainers half-dead, with this guy just waiting to take Bulbasaur." She shifted from one foot to the next, then decided to stay put after all.

Bewear would come find her, and she needed to keep the scene of the crime as untarnished as possible. "I don't know if he sicced the Ariados or if he's a lucky opportunist. It doesn't matter anyway. He got Bulbasaur."

??? - @Ampharos' Dragon Blood (Furi)

It was an average, everyday corner office. Large windows lit up beige walls. A tall, cedar bookshelf stood floor-to-ceiling behind a black, pleather chair sat snugly behind a boxy, cedar desk. The man who sat in that chair, Saraki, rustled his dark hair and leaned over a closed laptop on the center, toward quite a young girl.

"Furizuhato," he addressed her by an obviously-chosen-for-herself name. "Your associates are getting ready in Pewter, and the surrounding area. Let's talk about your next job."


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
Furi grunted, she hated when people called her by her first name. Then she heard the part about "new job" and perked up. "What would that entail?" Her Ghost-types were already roaming around, and they then appeared behind her, making her look stronger and more intimidating. "Banette, Trevenant, Shedinja, return. Bebe, come out!" The three Ghost-types retreated into their Poke Balls and the Florges came out, looking beautiful as usual. "Fle-e-e-e-auh!"
Pewter City - @EmoKitty21
“That sounds great!” Archer chimed as he retrieved the pokeballs containing his Pokémon. As they began exiting the center a stern look took over his face. “You said people were trying to take Squirtle, does that mean I should keep him in his pokeball?” He asked the gym leader. “I wanna be able to have a fun adventure with him, but if he’s in danger it isn’t worth the risk.” He muttered with sadness in his voice.
Pewter City- @Mango137
Sarah looked down at the little turtle. Buneary had ran ahead she led the way for the two trainers. She wanted to get there as soon as she could. "I think it will be fine. I would be careful if you take a nap somewhere. It might be better to have your pokemon in pokeballs. Well I think it would be fine to have one pokemon out of their pokeballs. Now we are going have to sit inside so I can let my feebas out of her pokeball and enjoy the fountain in the cafe. I would hate for her to miss out on a chance to spend some time out of her ball."
Pewter City- @EmoKitty21
“Alright thanks! I’ll just keep them all in pokeballs, it would be unfair to Squirtle if he was the only one who didn’t get to come out.” Archer replied, trying his best to sound happy. It’s for your own good he thought as he looked down sadly at Squirtle’s pokeball in his hand. Archer sat down in the cafe, it seemed like a nice little place. “So what’s good here?” He asked, trying to get his mind off things.
Pewter Cafe- @Mango137
"Well I ment to say that it would be fine in cities and towns. But when you are traveling with not a lot of witnesses it might be better to have them out of sight more. Though if you slept in a tent it would be better then up against a tree." Sarah wanted to clarify her opinion to Archer. She knew he was said when she mentioned not having them out at all. That was not her intent. Sarah walked over to the table by the fountain she mentioned and released her feebas into the water. "Hey there little one. It has been awhile since I was able to let you get some room to rome." Sarah leaned down to pet her. She loved water types like her alot. "Well there are some pastries that are made with local grown ingredients I would recommend. Though my favorite would have to be the savoury cressont rolls. They just melt in your mouth and the meat inside is great. I tend to order various sweets for my pokemon." Sarah let out her other pokemon a litten. She sat down and the little black and red cat climbed onto Sarah's lap. She also took the time to pull out her egg container she wanted to check on the little pokemon and make sure it is moved as it should.


-Cerulean City-
@Von Pumpkin

Argeus checked by the house of Bill, but unfortunately nobody answered the door. He looked around the city for anything suspicious, but to no avail. He was just about to send out his Skarmory, when a buzz had startled the Champion once more. "Yes, hello?" He raised a brow once he heard Luna's rather soft monotone voice.
Argeus widened his eyes once she told him about the bulbasour incident. "That's terrible news! I hope the trainer will be alrght." His palms began to sweat, and his heartbeat sped up slightly, due to his anger. "I'm on my way now, hold tight." He hung up the phone in a haste, then quickly sent out his Skarmory. "No time for chatter, we must move quickly Skarmory!" He hopped onto the hard steel surface, then held out his hand for Marowak. He grasped his bone that was being held up, and heaved the bone Pokemon up onto the back of Skarmory. The steel flying type Pokemon launched into the sky, soaring to the level of the clouds. "Route 1," Argeus stated, his hair flowed in the bursts of wind generated from the wings that were bobbing up and down to keep them up in the air. His Pokemon nose dived towards the route, making the two clutch onto whatever would prevent them from falling off. Skarmory raised its wings to slow down the drop, then landed firmly on the grass. Argeus hopped off, then offered a pat on the Skarmory's head, walking towards Luna.

"Alright, where is the crime scene?" He put his hands in his pocket.
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Route 1 - @Zenhu

Luna ventured a glance up, toward the cut-up Ariados web. "I haven't moved from it," she reported, simple as that. Her arm stretched out toward the brush directly in front of her person. "After I had Bewear take the boy from this web to the hospital, a man in black pushed through those trees there and demanded that I hand over the Bulbasaur, or he'd make sure the boy didn't get there safe."

There was also the hypocrisy of asking a question, but refusing to hear the answer. She figured Argeus didn't need to hear that part. "It was strange. Why just the Bulbasaur? Isn't Combee valuable, too?" Then again, maybe the man could have just caught a Combee around if he wanted it. "I tried to stall him, but he ran away on his Mightyena."

An Office - Furi

Saraki quietly hummed to himself. "Cerulean City," he told the girl. "Or, should I say, the Power Plant. You'll get a boat to use when you get there."

He laced his fingers together over his laptop, wearing a calm and pleasant smile. "We're not after the machines, this time. I want the workers." His smile twisted and stretched into a wicked smirk. "Bribe them, threaten their families, do whatever you have to do to get their engineers to work for us."

Then, he leaned back, set his hands upon his lap, and sighed. "I expect good things from you," he finished, leaving Furi with those parting words to think about during her mission.
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Previously EeviumZ
Viridian Forest/Route 2 - Allie
Allie walked through the dimly lit forest, glancing around every few seconds. She was on edge, feeling like there was danger at every turn.
Eevee had defeated a couple of bug Pokemon, such as a Weedle and a Sewaddle. Even though she could take on most of the Pokemon in this forest, she still felt nervous.
"We've still got a while to go, Eevee...." Allie said apprehensively.
Eevee remained on Allie's head, obviously keeping watch. She was just as nervous as her trainer.
Viridian Forest / Route 2 - @EeviumZ

Grey instructed his Mightyena to slow down his pace after a few minutes of dashing through the undergrowth; reducing the noise they produced when traveling. This made sure they wouldn’t be followed based on sound, and it allowed him to check if they were being followed by listening for unusual sounds; leafs rustling, twigs snapping. Only after being convinced by the lack of said sound did he take a moment to orient himself. Viridian City was up ahead; it would be unwise to attract the attention of an entire population by dashing into town on a Pokémon.

After all, he had to meet up in Pewter in one piece, thus he selected the more private path; one that let his strafe around the town up ahead. Choosing the safer route had its downside though, as the undergrowth only cleared once they encountered a path; Route 2, Viridian Forest. Though he’d circumvented the more public alternative, these woods were primed for ambushes. If not from trainers then from wildlife. “Thread lightly Sif,” he instructed the wolf in a hushed tone, gesturing upwards at a few Kakuna hanging from the branches above, “They have the upper hand here.”

Light traveling was advised and thus Grey got off his Pokémon’s back. Holding on to his prize, the young Bulbasaur, as he moved deeper into the forest with the Mightyena following at his side. After a short walk, a figure appeared up ahead. It was almost definitely a trainer, nobody else would venture down this path. He approached carefully and took notice of the Eevee on top of the trainer’s head; could it be? “These forests keep me up at night..” he voiced his thoughts in his cold tone as he adapted to the girl’s pace; walking next to her, “..this place is brimming with all sorts of life, yet, once inside it makes us fearful. Why do we feel like our life doesn’t belong amongst these?” He glanced over to the girl, inspecting her with an empty, unfeeling gaze as he awaited a response.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie had to use all her willpower to not leap in surprise and alarm, as she turned to face the source of the voice. She saw a person, obviously older than her, with a canine-like Pokemon by his side and a Bulbasaur under his arm. The latter caused her to be suspicious.
She was on guard, seeing as this person did not look friendly. Eevee's eyes narrowed, as she prepared a Veevee Volley.
"Identify yourself," she stuttered.
Viridian Forest / Route 2 - @EeviumZ

Grey took a glance upwards at the Kakuna infested canopy above. The gentle sway of the golden cocoons telling him the forest was growing restless; too much noise and they’d both be overwhelmed. He could not risk getting into a fight under these conditions, even if he felt confident in outmatching the girl. “It’s Grey,” he responded, humoring the request, “mind telling me yours?” the request was the same as hers; it would be useful information should this encounter not end in his favor. Though, he did not expect an answer. Was it even worth asking?


Previously EeviumZ
She stared at the stranger warily. She decided to use her full name and not the name she went by. "Allison. And your purpose of approaching me is...?"
Allie's Eevee stared daggers at the canine Pokemon at Grey's side. Allie had half a mind to pull out her Pokedex to scan it, but felt that it wasn't the best idea.
Viridian Forest / Route 2 - @EeviumZ

Grey chose to respond with a blank expression and gestured upwards at the ‘purpose' hanging over their collective heads; the Kakuna preventing him from taking a more assertive approach. “They’re keeping you safe..” he mentioned, casually threatening her safety, “..getting into a fight with you here would overwhelm us both with the Kakuna and Beedrill hiding in the canopy, so would running mind you.” Grey moved his arm once more to address the approaching cleaning in the forest. “There’s an opening in the woods there. You can stay here, and I’ll stay with you of course, or you can proceed and challenge my Pokémon to an admittedly unfair fight. Alternatively, hand over the Eevee now and I’ll make sure to help you through this place safely; then you can find some help in Pewter City.”


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
Furi smiled. Taking workers? Piece of cake. Hypnosis isn't just for putting people to sleep! The girl returned some of her Pokemon and left the room. Cerulean City Power Plant... Sounds easy enough. She changed into her normal clothes and strolled through Lavender Town with Bebe and Banette. Banette had always wanted to go to the Pokemon Tower, so he secretly vanished with Shadow Sneak, moving his shadow away from Furi and towards the tower.


Previously EeviumZ
Taking a moment to understand the threat, Allie's expression went stone cold. That chill soon twisted into anger, and then pure rage.
Eevee shuddered. Was Allie going to give her up? She didn't know.
Allie's voice was a low hiss, far from her normal personality. "Oh, I should have known. And here I thought I'd run into someone with some form of intelligence. And then he turns out to be a common thief. You want Eevee? Well, take her. Over my dead effing body."
At this point, Eevee leaped off Allie's head and bounded off a tree. Without a command, she used Iron Tail and lunged for the Mightyena. This came as a surprise to Allie, who knew this move was relatively rare for Eevee to have.

(Somewhere else in Viridian Forest)
Meanwhile, Mia Mallux strolled through the forest. Her Sylveon walked leisurely beside her. Both were smiling, daydreaming. Mia hummed a light tune, making sure to tread quietly to not stir the Pokemon above.
Viridian Forest / Route 2 - @EeviumZ

Grey didn’t seem too impressed by the content of the impromptu outburst, judging from his unimpressed gaze. However, that drastically changed when the nuisance of an Eevee decided to use one of the trees as a platform to push off from; causing the Kakuna above to sway. “You idiot chi- Sif, catch! Get them out of here!” On command, the Mightyena’s teeth erupted in a sparkling display of electrical energy as it risked itself in an attempt to catch the Iron, but more importantly conductive, Tail and fling the Eevee out into the opening in the woods; away from the soon-to-be falling Kakuna.

Even if Grey was still set on getting his hands on the Eevee, he wasn’t about to risk lives over it; there was no way he could fend of Beedrill when they were able to use the trees as cover. He knew she wouldn’t trust his word for it, so there was no other way than to try and pull the girl along by her arm; hoping she’d see the risk her Pokémon had put them in and follow along into the open area. “Allison!”


Previously EeviumZ
"Eevee!" Allie cried desperately as Eevee tumbled on the ground. When Grey took her arm she had half a mind to go completely ballistic, but her phobia of Beedrill kicked in hard.
Not hesitating, she bolted forward, not stopping for anything. She tumbled onto the ground in the clearing, collapsing.
Eevee cried out piercingly, and limped over to her trainer. Allie was now covered in small scratches, but she pushed herself into a sitting position. She cradled Eevee in her arms, terrified for her life.
"It's okay, Eevee... I'll find us a way out of this...."

(Somewhere else in Viridian Forest)
Mia was not deaf, she could hear the commotion. She sighed, knowing exactly what had happened. Some new trainer had stirred the Kakuna and Beedrill.
Her second Sylveon morphed back into his true form, a small Zorua. It looked around, startled by the sudden noise.
"Okay, Zor. We need to go help that person get away from the Pokemon. Like, right now."
Viridian Forest / Route 2 - @EeviumZ

“Calm down, calm down!” Grey repeated towards the girl, getting increasingly frustrated with the situation he’d found himself in. “Dammit, Pixie, see to it!” he exclaimed, after considering his options in this scenario, and tossed a Pokéball onto the grass. With a bright flash of light, a pink creature emerged from the orb and took a moment to adjust to the scene she had found herself in. Then, she turned towards her trainer. “Help them out, use Heal Pulse..” Grey requested as a response to the Clefairy’s gaze, “..and be careful! The Eevee’s a feisty one.”

The Clefairy seemed to understand the situation and approached Eevee and her trainer with caution, watching them with a concerned look in her eyes. “Pii..” Pixie mused, intending to show it meant no harm. With good faith that Pixie had the situation under control, Grey took a defensive stance alongside his Mightyena; standing in front of the girl, her wounded Eevee and Pixie collectively, opposing the soon-to-be emerging Beedrill. “Sif, we will try to scare them back. We don’t want this fight, understand? Use your Howl routine only once they show themselves, not a moment earlier.” He instructed the wolf with a hint of concern breaking through his usual cold tone of voice. This was already a bad situation to be in and it was about to get worse.
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Previously EeviumZ
Allie watched, slight fear in her eyes. She lowered her head.
"Thank you, Clefairy," she murmured, struggling to her feet.
Eevee was better affected by the Heal Pulse, and was instantly vigorous again. Her body glowed brightly, casting a white glow onto Sif.
"Helping Hand..." Allie noted. "Eevee's trying to help..."
Viridian Forest / Route 2 - @EeviumZ

“Pii~!” Pixie mused approvingly upon seeing improvement in the condition of her patients, but her mood shifted quickly when the girl struggled to get on her feet. The Pokémon, being a pink blob half the girl’s size at best, urged her to sit down again, but failed to do so. However, the commotion combined with the helpfulness of Eevee and her trainer prompted Grey to glance back at them. “I know,” he responded, acknowledging the Eevee’s help, “try to regain strength..”

“..we might need to flee soon,” Grey’s voice seemed to show a hint of uncertainty. He’d never been the type to abandon those in need but helping his target was going to be a low point in his career. He was going to speak up again when trees started to show signs of movement and soon after a group of Beedrill emerged from the forest. “Sif!” One word was enough; empowered by the Eevee’s Helping Hand the Mightyena produced a tenfold of clones with his Double Team and followed up by steadying himself for what was to come next. The wolf Roared and his copies followed suit; together producing an overwhelmingly loud Roar that was hopefully going to force the Beedrill to retreat.


Previously EeviumZ
Eevee had taken enough. She was done with sitting on the sidelines.
She shot an apologetic glance at the young trainer, before moving up to confront the Beedrill.
Her eyes narrowed as she began to charge up a powerful Veevee Volley. The same blazing aura from before cloaked her, as she readied her attack.
Allie watched the Evolution Pokemon in sheer confusion, although that may have been caused by her lightheadedness. She had already broken into a sweat upon seeing the swarm of bee Pokemon.
She noted Eevee beginning to use Veevee Volley. Her eyes widened, with a mixture of concern and admiration.
She should have been up there, helping her faithful starter battle. But she wasn't - and why?
Because you're too scared, the voice in her head taunted her.
She bit her lip, self-doubt kicking in. Was she not cut out for this?


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
Bebe told Furi that Banette was gone, so she returned it, angrily. Besides, it would seem better walking with a fairy and not a ghost. She arrived in Cerulean City and saw the Power Plant, smiling. She sent out her ghost Pokemon and commanded them to use Will-O-Wisp. Blue flaming orbs bounced everywhere and parts began to break. Furi took out a device in her pocket and turned it on. Her voice was amplified across the plant, and the orbs of fire spread across every floor. "HEY! Workers of the Cerulean Power Plant, heed my words! Join me or my ghosts will attack, and you do NOT want that." A chorus of angry shouts erupted as the Will-O-Wisps fizzled out. A stronger looking worker came up, grabbed Furi, and said, "I don't know who you are, but you're not taking this plant. Bebe's Petal Blizzard surrounded the man and carried him away, trapping him. Furi growled and said "Alright, then. Banette, use Imprison." A red X appeared on the doors and windows, and they became stiff and unable to be opened. "Trevenant, Forest's Curse." Trevenant touched the ground and glowed, and purple vines erupted from the ground, picking up workers and suspending them midair. "I said, join me."
Viridian Forest / Route 2 - @EeviumZ

As the thundering Roar caused most Beedrill to retreat a few remained determined to attack; steadfast even when their numbers dwindled. “Tsk..” Grey scoffed to shake off the anxiety and reclaim his uncaring demeanor in the face of the few Beedrill remaining. Why wouldn’t they flee? He asked himself, but the answer revealed itself moments after. Amongst the Beedrill was another bee-like Pokémon seemingly leading the swarm of Pokémon; a Vespiquen.

“Allison, get up and prove to your Eevee that you’re capable,” Grey ordered with a glance back at the girl. Every instinct in his body went against this unlikely team-up, but there was no other way out of this scenario, “You went out here as a trainer.. now show that you are before your Pokémon gets injured..” Grey’s voice sounded colder than before now that the risk of serious injury was all too real. Yet, he had no time to further appeal to the girl as the buzzing neared them. “Sif, Bite!” At the command the wolf lunged forward and sunk his teeth into one of the Beedrill, pulling it down to the ground; it was a start, but the swarm continued to approach at a steady pace.


Previously EeviumZ
Allie lowered her head.
I can't.
I can't.
It's not possible.
I'm too weak... how can I do anything at all...



With a cry of determination, she shoved herself to her feet.
"VEEVEE VOLLEY!" she shouted, with a ferocity in her voice that would make anyone quiver.
Eevee let out a piercing roar, and the aura around her grew blinding. Allie rushed forward, her adrenaline fueling her fire.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Allie ran up and Eevee climbed up her back. The Evolution Pokemon launched off Allie's head, cloaked in the energy resulting from their bond.
The resulting explosion was blinding, with Allie struggling to stand from the sheer power that the move gave off.
Viridian Forest / Route 2 - @EeviumZ

“Sif! Evade, now!” Grey commanded, using his hand to shield his eyes from the blinding light. The Mightyena swiftly retreated, making way for the Eevee that came crashing through with the impact force of a brilliant comet; engulfing the swarm in a blinding light before the explosion forced them to the ground. It took a moment for Grey to adjust his eyes to the light before he could see the resulting damage of that volley; with one move it became abundantly clear why this Eevee was their target.

Not only did it wipe out the swarm, it also wiped out Grey’s confidence that the Eevee would be captured without a well-constructed plan of attack. “Tsk..” He scoffed annoyed. Even if he still had the Bulbasaur, this two-for-one package wasn’t going to be happening, was it? “Pixie, retreat.” He called towards his Clefairy, who seemed to still be somewhat taken aback by the Veevee Volley, and used the Pokéball to recall her. Then, Grey turned to the girl. “These forests are dangerous, as you can see, so we will guide you through them as a favor for saving our skin. If you want, that is..”


Previously EeviumZ
Eevee landed back on the ground, her eyes alight with fire. A smile broke out on the Evolution Pokemon's face, a sort of I-actually-just-did-that look.
The Pokemon bounded over to Allie, who praised her Pokemon.
"Eevee... you saved our lives..." she whispered.
Eevee blushed. "Vee."

Meanwhile, a small white Pokemon watched from a nearby bush in wonder. Its eyes were fixated on Allie and Eevee, clearly impressed.
"Ralts..." it murmured, watching the pair carefully.

Allie turned to Grey, a grateful smile on her face. "Hey, we shouldn't take all the credit. If you weren't there..." She stopped, not wanting to think about her fate had Grey not assisted her. Not wanting to think about Eevee's fate.
She gave a small nod. "That would be great. However. Don't think that I've forgotten that you wanted to take Eevee. Although I'm willing to forgive it for now... you kinda saved my life too."

As she finished speaking, a figure stepped out of the bushes. She was rather diminutive, standing only slightly taller than five feet. A Sylveon and Clefable walked on either side of her, with a Zorua on her head.
Her voice was high-pitched as she spoke. "Haiii! I heard loud explosions, everything OK?"
Cerulean Power Plant - @Ampharos' Dragon Blood

Though the workers may have been cowed, and the many parts of their operation broken, Furi got a call on her phone. If she checked the caller ID, she'd see her boss's number and whatever name she gave Saraki on her contacts list. When answered, or if left to voicemail, she would hear a woman's voice.

"This is Kim, secretary to the boss," the woman introduced herself. "We've just heard word that the power in Cerulean is now shut off. The boss would like to let you know that this was not the intended outcome." Muffled shouting in the background during Kim's pause further accentuated that point. "Your mission is complete. The adults will take care of it from here." After that little bit of condescension, Kim hung up.

The sound of helicopter blades thundered outside.

Pewter Café - @Mango137, @EmoKitty21

Hana slumped down at a table near the café's fountain. "Man... My feet are tired, I didn't find anyone... Hunting through the forest was a mistake..." Her weary eyes caught sight of the Gym Leader, Sarah, and the boy nearby. "Oh!"

She grabbed her seat, while still sitting on it, then shimmied up close to the pair! "I hope I'm not interrupting something!" She stretched out her hand to Archer. "Nice to meet you!" she chirped. "You're one of Dai-- Professor Oak's protegés? Oh, oh, which one did you choose?" Bright, glittering eyes met his without a second of hesitation.


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
Furi got a call on her phone from... Saraki? She quickly answered it and muttered a few choice words under her breath. Banette knew the situation wasn't good by the expression on his trainer's face and then heard helicopter blades. Panic spread across Furi's face, and Imprison began to fade. Forest's Curse was running out of power, and Shedinja couldn't do anything. Bebe then used Grass Knot to block a few of the main doors to the plant and said something to Banette. Banette then nodded and said something to the others. It was dangerous for anyone other than ghosts to do it, but the situation didn't sound good. The three ghosts channeled their powers. It was very difficult to transport another with them, but it was possible. Their eyes glowed black and the lights went out for a few seconds. When they came back on, the five were gone.

Traveling with Phantom Force is a strange experience., especially for those who have never attempted it. You are suddenly in what feels like pitch-black, ice-cold water. You must concentrate on your destination or you will stay in the shadowed water forever. Hallucinations of your past (or present) life will occur. Arms grab you and eyes glow, piercing you with their gaze. You suddenly find yourself unable to move and you forget why you wanted to leave, so you must concentrate hard to appear on the "surface."

They appeared inside the Pewter Cafe, which was odd. The lights flickered and there they were. Good thing Furi had changed into her normal clothes. She thanked her Pokemon and decided to treat them (they must have Pokemon food, right?) and then she realized that other people were there. "I-uh... Can... Explain?"
Pewter City @EmoKitty21 @Von Pumpkin @Ampharos' Dragon Blood
“That sounds great! I’ll have to try it.” He happily replied to Sarah’s request. Archer called the waitress over “I’ll take a croissant please.” He requested, then looked down at his pokeballs “And three Pokémon treats please” He chimed in, once again letting out his Pokémon. Archer knelt down to Squirtle’s eye level. “I know people are coming after you, but I’m not gonna let anything get in the way of us having a fun adventure, don’t worry we’ll protect you.” He kindly assured his starter Pokémon while signaling to his other two Pokémon. The Taillow and Espurr chirped and mewed respectively in agreement. Then a tired looking girl appeared and introduced herself, Archer was a little thrown off, he still wasn’t used to the fact that a lot of people knew who he was through professor oak, but this girl seemed genuinely nice. “No not at all. I’m Archer, nice to meet you.” He replied to the girl while extending a hand to shake. “Yep I’m one of the protégés, and as you can see I chose Squirtle. An you are?” Archer asked as the tiny turtle waved a hello. Just then the lights flickered and another girl emerged through the floor with three spooky looking Pokémon. Archer jumped up and defensively put Squirtle behind him, preparing for the worst.
Pewter Cafe - @Mango137 @EmoKitty21 @Ampharos' Dragon Blood

Hana was about to introduce herself, when she saw the form of a girl and her ghosts emerge from the shadows of the floor. Sure, the girl came up out of the floor and had some seriously scary-looking ghost types, but they couldn't go around assuming every hex maniac trainer was a bad guy, right? This seemed to have just been a babybat whose Pokémon knew Phantom Force.

She offered a wave to the little Squirtle behind Archer's back and smiled bright. She straightened up her green, flower-patterned furisode and simply chose to bow in lieu of a handshake. Too many new people to greet all at once! "Hanabi Igarashi!" she announced. "In a certain language, my name uses the characters for the word 'Petal', but isn't pronounced exactly the same. I'm the Gym Leader for Pewter City! Archer, I'm ready for whenever you want to challenge me, okay?" She paused for a beat. "Well, I'll order a coffee first. Then I'll be ready."

She waved down a server and asked for a coffee to go.
So that’s the gym leader Archer thought, “Let’s go guys!” He cheered to his Pokémon and they sprinted out of the cafe, he paused for a moment at the exit and shouted his thanks to Sarah. Archer ran all the way to the gym and entered. He read the inscription "Not everything is as it seems." He made sure to keep that in mind, now leery of what appeared to be a tropical gym. He followed the brick path, with his sights set on the pink flower stand hosting the gym leader at the end. A beautiful blond girl caught Archer’s attention and he knew he was going to have to defeat her to reach the end. He sent out Taillow and prepared for battle.