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Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation RP


Previously WildFlower
Kami sighed, and rubbed her eyes, she sat down looking at Argeus. She had her Rotom ( Fan form ) Blowing air on her, and looked some of the folders she brought with her. She looked at the rest of the Elite 4, wondering as well, nodding at Bruce's question. " Do answer us, as I also have some important research to get to about some pokemon. " She simply said, looking at the millions of files inside the folders.
As Kami crossed her leg, she grabbed a piece of paper out and started to write on it, wondering about something she would definitely check later.
Rya entered the Champion’s hall, Sceptile closely in tow. There, Argeus, Bruce and Kami were already gathered, talking about who knows what.

“Hey everyone,” she smiled at each other league officer. “So,” she turned to Argeus now, who had called the meeting in the first place. “What’s the latest? It must be important if you wanted me here.” Rya said, smiling. There was a note of sarcasm in her voice.


Argeus chuckled upon hearing the two. "Yes yes, I'll get to it."
He paced around, scratching his beard, "Recently, the rise of a new organization that I'm sure you're aware of, has stolen fossils from Mt. Moon." He'd stop pacing, then look at them. "I do not know why they would do such a thing, or what they intend to do with the fossils," He continued. "We must figure out a way to retrieve the fossils, with minimal harm done in the process. He'd clear his throat. "The whereabouts on the current hideout of the fiends who took the fossils is currently unknown."
He patted Marowak on the head then sat down. "Any ideas?"
“The fossils, your kidding right!?!” Bruce Yelled, he loved fossils hints why he uses rock types. “Team Void, huh I heard they took that Charmnder in Pallet to...” Bruce Claimed, he slammed his foot on the ground in anger.
“Fossils, huh?” Rya’s expression was pensive. “Well, it’s not unheard of for people to steal Pokémon fossils. They can be sold for a pretty penny if you find the right ones.” What makes you think this isn’t just a group of people looking to make a quick buck?” Rya looked to the other members for input.


Previously WildFlower
" Fossils. You mean the fossils of the ancient Kabuto and Omanyte..? " She asked, standing up, slightly slamming her hand on the desk, some papers falling. " That is important research, We must find this fiend right away! " Kami said, taking a quick swig of coffee. She immediately grabbed out some blank sheets of paper and started to write down any ideas of where to find these fossils. " We can follow a grunt if its only a single base, if not.. We'd have to go in disguise. " She muttered to herself, wiping off some sweat.
“Our scientists say they tried to stop them, but couldn’t. Dang those Team Void people, they think they’re so cool...” Bruce answered keeping his head low. They seemed like ordinary criminals until now, this made Bruce mad.


Previously QuiveringRaptor
Karl had a confident look on his face, going on the battlefield. "Go! Nidoran!", he threw the PokeBall out, and it opened up, showcasing the new Pokemon. He checked the PokeDex. "Nidoran Male, the Poison Pin Pokemon. Stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger its horns, the more powerful its secreted venom. It knows Poison Sting, Leer, Peck, and Focus Energy." Karl contemplated his decision," Nidoran, use Poison Sting!" The Poison type charged at the Eevee, and it's horn turned white. It charged at the Eevee with it's poisonous horn.


"I know how upsetting it can be, but we must be sure to keep calm." He stared blankly at them. "It'll be hard to wear a disguise as an Elite Four member," He started to chuckle, then he quickly regained focus. "But that is a good idea. We should investigate in towns that have had spikes in robberies, perhaps we could find out more about this whole situation, and where the current hideout is."
He took a sip of his water. "We should divide ourselves up and go from there, and be sure to be on your guard when dealing with them, obviously they are formidable."
Argeus had been sleep deprived, so bags were hanging under his eyes. He was attempting to keep a cheerful mood.


Previously EeviumZ
"Dodge, Eevee!" Allie called.
Eevee narrowly dodged the attack, suffering a tiny scrape but nothing more.
"Now, use Baby-Doll Eyes!"
Eevee gave an adorable look to the opposing Nidoran. If the move was successful, it would lower the Pokemon's attack power.
Rya nodded in agreement to Argeus. “Sounds like a plan to me. I’ll search Pewter City, if those perps are going to take those fossils anywhere, it would be there.” She paused, and smiled slightly. “No disguise either. I don’t think I’ll need one. These guys sound like amateurs.” Now, she waited to here what the others planned to do.
“I’ll take Lavender, I think they want something to do with the Pokémon tower there anyways. See you later!” Bruce Claimed as he ran out the room.


Previously WildFlower
" I'll do. Celadon. " Kami said, sighing. She may as well check something if she wanted to help. She didn't want to get in the way of others, and she was really tired, but she had to help. " I.. wish you all good look I guess," she said, walking out.


Argeus stood up from his chair, the creaks of the floor rang throughout the room. He grabbed his cape then draped it over his shoulders, Marowak would perk it's head up. "I suppose I should head to Cerulean, it's fairly close." Argeus smiled warmly and waved as they dispersed from the room. He sighed, then rubbed his eyes. "Marowak, let's go, we must move swiftly."

He walked out the door, taking slow steps down the hall, his trusty Pokémon following him excitedly. Once he was out of the League building, he reached under his cape to grab a Poké Ball from his holster, and sent out Snorlax. "Sorry to disturb your rest, friend."
Snorlax let out a massive yawn, then hobbled over the water he was standing in front of. "Just a quick lift to the City, then you can go back to sleeping." He hopped onto his back, Marowak following.
He leaned back on the floating Pokémon, looking up at the clouds. "What a wondrous day," he remarked.
Hana nodded solemnly. "You flew over from Cerulean, right?" she asked, her hair cutely falling like a dog's floppy ears as she tilted her head. "Then I think you can get to Route 1 faster. Maybe you'll find them. But if they're already gone, then you know they'll come right here soon."

She dug a set of keys out of her bag and tossed them to a blonde further back in her gym. "Mira! Keep the place safe while I'm gone, okay?" With that, she led Sarah out of the greenhouse and started off toward the forest.

Her wooden sandal suddenly stopped in the bug-filled grass. She pulled out a pink phone that lived in a snug little yellow hibiscus case, and dialed the Champion's number. "Sir," she addressed the other side of the phone. "It's Igarashi." Her eyes darted to a rustling bush-- Probably just a Pikachu, right? Right. "Two other Gym Leaders and I have taken it upon ourselves to watch over the other rare Pokémon, and their trainers. I'm sorry if that's going too far, but... I can't let these kids get hurt."

Stupid. Of course this was going too far. Her finger hovered over the button to just hang up-- but you didn't call the Champion to just hang up! That was rude!
Dubkip had overhead Hana chatting with someone, over the phone he was guessing. “Hey Hana, who you talking to? Wait, is that th-” Dubkip asked before being cut off by rustling from a nearby bush.
Sarah noded to Hana as she led her out of the gym. She hoped her dad's charizard would not mind helping her get to route one. She walked over to the large lizard pokemon and rubbed her neck. "Hey there big girl do you think you can take me to route one? I need to see to some of the new trainers. I am glad you are helping me get there." The Charizard noded and lowered for the purple haired girl to get on her back. When Sarah was comfortably seated she took off and made great time towards route one. She landed at the edge of Pallet and jumped off. "Thank you. You can go back to dad now. I will be here for awhile. I need to help the new trainers." Sarah rubbed the neck of the Lizard. The Charizard enjoyed the petting and took off. Sarah made her way to route one and instantly stumbled upon two trainers battling. One had a squrtle and the other had an Eevee. These must be the new trainers who just got their pokemon. She stood on the sidelines to watch the match.


Argeus was just about to fall asleep when an intense buzz in his left pocket startled him. He sighed, then pulled out his phone, clicking the answer call button. "Hello? Oh, Igarashi." He sat up on the sleepy Snorlax, clearing his throat. He nodded along with what she was saying, scratching his beard with one hand. "Overlooking the Pokémon and their trainers, erh?" He pondered for a moment. "That is very responsible of you. I would expect nothing less of Kanto's esteemed Gym Leaders!" Argeus exclaimed.
"Thank you for informing me of this, you made the right move, protecting those trainers."

The Snorlax surged to a stop, arriving on land. "Oh- I have to go, bye!" He hung up the call, then put his phone away. "Thanks, Snorlax." He held his Poké Ball out, and with a red flash the massive Pokémon was returned into the round capsule. He stepped onto the rough dirt road, brushing himself off from walking through the grass. "Now, to Cerulean City." He started to walk down the path.
"Oh!" The exclamation left Hana's lips with no bidding from her. Wow. Imagine. Praise from the Champion himself! Except she didn't have to imagine it and it came right out of her phone and living on pure coffee for the last day and a half was worth every minute. Sure, he hung up, but he was a busy man! It was fine! And she meant that!


Rustle, rustle.

Hana stared at the bush in stunned silence, her finger pressed hard against her mouth. Her chest tightened. He heart pounded, She couldn't look, but she couldn't look away. If there was one of those Voids here, Pocchi would-- She reached for the Heal Ball in her bag. "Okay, who's there!? Come out!"

In a burst of pink light, her pale orange Pokémon partner appeared.

"Pocchi, check the bush."

At his trainer's order, the Lycanroc sniffed out the bush in front of him-- only to get climbed on by a set of little, wriggly legs. The black Pokémon took in both dog and trainer, then chirruped softly. "Scatterbug?" asked the gym leader. "That's... new. I could swear there weren't any Scatterbug in here just yesterday..." The bug chirped again.

"Well, I don't know who or what brought you here, but..." She held her hand out to the new Pokémon. "I have Poképuffs. You could hang out with me for a while." The happy chirrup let her know that the Scatterbug would stay. Well, maybe the thing climbing up onto her arm let her know that. She offered a cute, pink ball with a heart on it, then watched the bug let itself inside.

"Think I'll name you Spots." Yeah. Spots. She let Pocchi back into his Heal Ball and continued on her patrol near the Pewter entrance of Viridian Forest.
"Sylveon use fairy wind followed by a dazzling gleam." Valric had been in a battle with elite 4 member Luma. He had alot of fun training with her since she joined. Valric looked towards the battle at hand. Sylveon raised her feelers into the air and crossed them. They made a large X. When she broke the two apart a large cloud of sparkles was released. It went straight for the other pokemon. Sylveon followed it up with a dazzling gleam. Sylveon seemed to glow white and released a glare of bright white light. Valric hoped to blind the other pokemon.
Route 22
Archer and Squirtle had been training for awhile, they were now easily defeating the wild pokemon they encountered with one or two hit; although, that wasn’t too difficult considering Squirtle had learned water gun. Archer was about to call it a day when something caught his eye. There was a gray kitten Pokémon walking around on its two hind legs. “Woah Squirtle look at that.” He pointed towards the mysterious Pokémon with his Pokédex. “Espurr, the Restraint Pokémon. Espurr's psychic energy can travel hundreds of feet, blasting everything around it.” That’s crazy, this thing must be seriously powerful, I want it. “Squirtle lets go! Use water gun!” The turtle shot forth a blast of water, only to be deflected by a pink screen Espurr had conjured. Archer and Squirtle tried attack after attack, yet nothing reached Espurr. At this point the kitten appeared to be toying with them as it hopped around laughing. The kitten then decided it had enough fun and hit Squirtle with a confusion attack. Squirtle became dizzy and fell over, now stuck on its shell. Archer was disheartened and returned his Pokémon, realizing he had no chance of defeating the Espurr he desired. As he turned around and began walking away the kitten ran up to him, smiled, then jumped up and hit the center button on an empty pokeball, and became shrouded in light as it was absorbed into the ball. Archer was dumbfounded by what had just happened, but that quickly turned to excitement. Whatever it was, he had convinced Espurr to travel with him and that was enough. He began whistling with glee as he headed on back to the Pokémon center.

Secret Elite Four Training Field
Luma was not at all phased by the onslaught of attacks coming from her opponents Sylveon. “Petal Dance.” Luma commanded her Venusaur. Spectacular pink petals appeared and swirled around Venusaur, protecting her from any damage. “Now leech seed, then sludge bomb.” Venusaur sent many seeds towards the Sylveon, if one even got near the Pokémon would be trapped, Venusaur was well trained enough that it could make the seeds sprout at will. If everything went according to plan the battle would be over soon, with a restricted Syveon getting hit full blast by a super effective sludge bomb.
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Sylveon was not able to dodge the petal dance. She tried but was not able to get out of it in time. Valric knew it was over once Sylveon was hit by the sludge bomb. "Ok, ok I concede this time Luma. But next time I am totally kicking your but. I won't go so easy next time." He had a smile on his face. He had enjoyed the battle more then he would care to admit. He would need to find a strategy to combat poison with his pokemon.


Previously QuiveringRaptor
"What is it doing?", Karl was confused. His Nidoran looked at his trainers, worried. "Don't worry... I know we haven't formed a bond, yet, but trust me!", he comforted it. The Nidoran looked back and it was unaffected. "See? Now, use Poison Sting!", he ordered. The Poison Sting was already up close, so it would take a great maneuver to avoid this attack.
Viridian Forest

The walk through Viridian was enjoyable, if uneventful. Now, Rya was only a stone’s throw away from her destination: Pewter City. However, before she left throug the forest’s exit, a familiar face caught her eye. It was the Pewter City gym leader. What was it.... Anna? Hana! That’s it. Rya jumped at the opportunity to speak to her, surely she would have heard about the disappearance of the fossils. Rya approached her with a wave,

“Hey there! Hana! I’m glad I ran into you.” Rya came to a stop in front of Hana. “Well, uh, there’s no nice way of saying this, so I’ll just cut to the chase. Do you know anything regarding the fossils being taken from Mt. Moon? I’ve been sent here to investigate Pewter, and who knows this city better than you?” Rya smiled at her while waiting for her response.
Viridian Forest

Hana tucked both Pokéballs away in her bag, perking right up as she turned toward the voice that called her name. Her dark eyes flashed in shocked recognition. Was that-- It was! Elite Four Rya! Unfortunately, she couldn't have been there to simply enjoy Hana's Pewter City hospitality or stop and sniff the flowers...

Hana heaved a great sigh. "I've talked to the researchers about it," she answered. "People, all in black, all of them in masks... Used some kind of device to incapacitate the research team. The researchers said there was this metal box that released this loud noise? It left them clutching their ears and lying down, it was so bad. The one closest to the blast still can't hear much..." What a nightmare.


Previously EeviumZ
Eevee was hit by the attack, throwing her backwards a bit. Fortunately, she didn't get a dose of the poison from the attack.
"You okay, Eevee?" Allie asked.
With a determined nod, the Evolution Pokemon readied for battle once more.
"Okay, use Covet!"
The Pokemon dropped all signs of battle intent, and walked towards the Nidoran, tiny hearts floating around her. Suddenly, as she got close, she lunged towards Nidoran.
Rya’s face fell upon hearing the full story. Until now, she had heard nothing of this device and how it was used. She felt for those poor scientists, perhaps she could pay them a visit later on.

“Wow,” She said, once Hana had finished explaining. “and here I was thinking that these were just a couple of petty thieves. They’re serious about this, huh?” Rya rested one hand on her hip, lost in thought. Then she added, “Have you seen any other suspicious activity in Pewter since then? Any robberies, disappearances, general mayhem?” A part of her hoped the answer was ‘Yes’. If only because it would give her a starting point to begin her search.
Hana had to laugh to herself. Yeah, if only they were petty thieves. A new Team Rocket would have been so much easier to deal with. Rya's line of questioning told her that the Elites hadn't yet heard about the theft last night, which, she supposed was fine. She'd told the other gym leaders and the champion about this, but in her night-long coffee bender, hadn't called the Elites yet. They were probably sleeping, it would have been rude to bother them at the time. Excuses, excuses. The Elite Four were intimidating.

"After the theft at Mt. Moon, Daisy--" She vigorously shook her head. "Professor Oak-- called me. She told me that a delivery scooter was going to come through Pewter with three very rare Pokémon. We agreed that since the fossils were taken so close to here, these Pokémon were probably definitely in danger. So, I made it my job to protect the scooter. Which got attacked. By a man in all black, wearing a mask. He didn't have the noise box, but after I beat him, he grabbed one of the Pokéballs anyway and disappeared in a thick cloud of smoke. Like a ninja or something. That was the Charmander that was supposed to go to one of those kids Professor Oak recruited... Last-minute, I had dad get a super-special Eevee to replace it. Which, when these people learn how special that Eevee is..."

The sigh she breathed was not going to be her last.
As Hana went on about the rare Pokémon, Rya’s concern for the gym leader only grew. She had clearly been stretched thin these past few days. This couldn’t be easy for her, having to worry about a gym was stressful enough, but now three kids could have their safety at risk. As for the Charmander, what had at first seemed like two separate thefts, now appeared to be more connected than she thought. This was all turning out to be a real headache. Still, Rya did her best to manage a reassuring smile.

“The Champion called us in to discuss those three recruits earlier today. We plan to do everything we can to keep them safe. Right now, the Elites are dispersed around Kanto, looking for any suspicious activity. If anything comes up, we won’t be far. And feel free to call me if things turn sour.” Rya honestly had to have a word with the Professor about this. Sending kids out with rare Pokémon when they could be stolen? It was poor judgement at best. “Well then,” She paused, wondering where she should go from here. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to make my rounds through Pewter first, then head to Mt. Moon. We may not have many leads on these guys, but I have to start somewhere. I would rather not wait until they strike next.” Rya swayed from foot to foot in anticipation. If there was any possibility at all that she could help, she wouldn’t hesitate a second longer to do it.
"Right! I'll call you immediately!" Hana exclaimed, beaming from ear to ear. It was fine. Everything was fine. She wasn't the direct cause of the Eevee trainer's immediate danger, or anything, except she was exactly that and the Elite Four was going to kill her later. "Also, I don't think it's related and it's probably really dumb to bring up, but, I just saw a Scatterbug. And, um... I've never seen a Scatterbug in this forest before today."

She squeezed her eyes shut tight. "Right, that's... it's stupid. I'll patrol this forest for now, and Sarah's going to catch up with the kids near Pallet Town." She started walking through the forest again. "Good luck," she breathed, and slumped down the moment she felt sure Rya stopped looking in her direction.


Previously QuiveringRaptor
"Nido?", it said, confused," Nidoran!" Then, the Eevee lunged at it, activating it's ability, Poison Point. The horn it used in Poison Sting activated when it was hit with a physical move, poisoning the aggressor. Karl realized the battle was currently in his favour. "Quick, use Peck!", he yelled, and the Nidoran's horn lit up. It seemed that this Nidoran's horn was more effective than others, so Poison Point activated more frequently. The Male Nidoran could easily land an attack if the Pokemon was this close. On Karl's head, his Bulbasaur was getting jealous, clawing his forehead for attention. "Not now...", he said to it, brushing the Pokemon aside.


Previously EeviumZ
In a panic, Eevee acted without a command. She looked up, launching herself into the air with Tackle to dodge, then hurtling towards the Nidoran from the air. The poison was taking its toll on her, but she had no intention of giving up.
Allie was surprised by her Pokemon's strategy, but she let it happen. It seemed like a good idea. She made a mental note of working on it more with Eevee later.
Luma and Valric’s battle
Luma smiled slightly, once again she had emerged from a battle victorious. She looked over to her opponent, “That was pleasent, we should continue training together in the future.” Luma then called out to her colleagues reminding him of the meeting they had later today “Let’s go get ready, Argeus had called a meeting.” She checked the time and the happiness from her victory quickly faded away, they had been so caught up in battle that they were now two hour late for the meeting, but that battle didn’t feel like it lasted longer than 30 minutes she thought as she began realized how intense their practice battle really was. “On second thought forget that, we already missed it.” She said to Valric in a slightly embarrassed tone.


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
Lizzie got a few TMs out of her bag that she had purchased from stores around Kanto. She hoped that these would help her Pokemon cover their weaknesses. Frosslass' weakness was her inability to take many hits and deal damage all at once, so Lizzie got Embargo for her. Weavile had a quadruple weakness to Fighting-type moves, and many Fighting-types could learn a strengthening move called Bulk Up, so Psych Up was chosen to copy the defense boosts of Bulk Up. Uproar was chosen for Vanilluxe, and Secret Power was the TM for Walrein so that it could learn other moves. In water, Secret Power is Water-type and acts like Water Pulse but in ice, it was Ice-type and acts like Avalanche.


Previously QuiveringRaptor
"Nidoran, dodge it!", he commanded. However, the Pokemon was unable to fulfill it's task, and fainted. Karl didn't seem to have any reconciliation, and he just looked disappointed. He put it back into it's PokeBall, and pointed at the Eevee. Following it's command, his Bulbasaur jumped off his head, ready for battle. "Use Vine Whip!", he said, and the Bulbasaur summoned, vines, throwing them at the Eevee with all it could muster.
Valric pulled out his phone. He noticed the time. He did indeed find that he had missed the time for the meeting. He walked over to where he had placed the basket he hqd for his littlest pokemon a small Togepi. He picked her up and held her in his arms. "Well what do you say we call one of the others to find out what happened. I am sure that they will fill us in."

Sarah had watched the battle and stayed silent up until the time the kid with the bulbasaur sent out more then on pokemon against a trainer who only had one. "Ok thaf is enough. You guys need to heal both of your pokemon. Nitran has been fainted and Eevee has been badly poisoned. You guys need to get to the Pallet town pokemon center."


Previously EeviumZ
Allie glanced at this new person, who'd clearly been watching. Eevee gave the Pokemon equivalent of a I-can-handle-myself-thank-you-very-much scoff.
"We did agree that he could use both his Pokemon, but if you really think we should end it here.." She turned to the other Trainer. "I say we call it a draw. Fair?"
Eevee looked miffed, disappointed, and antagonized all at once. "Vee-vee?!"
Allie sighed. "Eevee, she's right. You need to be healed. Take a rest until we can get you to the Center."
She pulled out Eevee's Pokeball, only for Eevee to run up and bat it out of her hand before Allie could return her.
Allie was confused for a moment, picking up the Pokeball and trying again. She tried multiple times, and each time Eevee found a way to stay out of the Pokeball.
"Do you not like the Pokeball?" Allie asked.
Eevee nodded vigorously. "Ee-eevee."
The young trainer remained silent for a moment, before placing the Pokeball back in her bag. "Okay. Then I won't force you."
Eevee winced from the poison. It was clear that she was close to fainting. Concerned, Allie picked her up and cradled her in her arms.
Sarah felt one of her pokeballs shake from her bag. She remembered her Umbreon. She pulled out her pokeball and let the her out. Umbreon stretched out and relaxed. "Come on you two I will fill you guys in on what I was sent here for. I hoped you guys did not mind me butting in. If I would have known you two agreed to a two on one I would have left you be. I was just concerned." A pink fluffed bunny poked it's head out from underneath the hair of Sarah. She was curious as to who the new trainers are.


Previously EeviumZ
With a curious expression on her face, Allie pulled out her Pokedex and scanned the Pokemon that the trainer had sent out.
"Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokemon and the Dark-type evolution of Eevee. Under the moon's light, the rings on Umbreon's body glow faintly and fill this Pokemon with a mystical power."
"So that's an evolution of Eevee..." Allie was very interested to see this Eeveelution. She'd only heard of Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon before.
"So, what were you sent here for? I'm guessing you're not a new trainer." She laughed, trying to make casual conversation.
"Well me and two other people have been sent here to aid the new trainers. In light of what has happened to the charmander stolen from professor Oak. It would be more helpful to have more experienced trainers travelling with you guys. Though I thought there were three." Buneary poked her head out to look at the girl holding the eevee. "Come I will lead you to the pokemon center. It would be best to heal your pokemon."