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Search results

  1. ThunderScookie

    Open Pokemon: World Championship Tournament

    Name: Brian Appearance: Black hair, black cap, yellow jacket, Black shirt, blue pants, and black shoes with thunderbolts on them Personality: Determined Region: Alola Hometown: Iki town Amount of Pokemon: 6 Other: Travels a lot with chocolate 1st Pokemon Nickname: None Species: Porygon-Z...
  2. ThunderScookie

    Ask to Join Kalos Hagnout (shiny pokemon)

    As Aiden was walking by him self in the valley he saw Mon in the distance and started to walk towards him but he fogot what he was doing and so he went on a cliff and stood there watching him.
  3. ThunderScookie

    Ask to Join Kalos Hagnout (shiny pokemon)

    Name: Aiden Species: Blaziken Age: 27 Gender: Male Personality: Loves to battle Likes: Any berries and exploring Dislikes: Candy(unless it's rare candy)and being annoyed Other: Likes to hang around Emma Mate's name: Emma Mates age: 27 Child: Christopher
  4. ThunderScookie


  5. ThunderScookie

    Pokeball Requests Here!

    Sure but it might take long since i have school.
  6. ThunderScookie

    Ask to Join Kalos Hagnout (shiny pokemon)

    May i join?Cause it says ask to join
  7. ThunderScookie

    Open Pokémon omega ruby

    One question are there any rules in this rp?
  8. ThunderScookie

    Pokeball Requests Here!

    Hello every one welcome to my FIRST ever Request thingy remember this is my FIRST ever so I may not have the right painting thingy to use(which is my mouse)but in the future I will get a better one(which is a tablet).Here are a few things you should know -Don't give to many details just tell how...
  9. ThunderScookie

    Art Requests

    Hey can you do a fight scene of Gold(From Pokémon G/S/C and HG/SS)battling Red but with their starters. Red's starter: Charizard(or Charmander for the past)Gold's starter: Typhosion(same thing what I said earlier). Thanks
  10. ThunderScookie

    Open Pokemon life: Dark forces of darkrai and zekrom

    Christopher saw Rose climb up and left Lerano and left the forest. And then he went in though a secret door in a tree. He jumped down though a dark pit. Then in there he got a band aid for the scratch.
  11. ThunderScookie

    Open Pokemon life: Dark forces of darkrai and zekrom

    "Thoose two have been flying since i got up"He said "About the scratch it's at the leg"As he showed a 5 inch scratch "And this orb i found from a shadow temple this orb is Gairntina's"He said as he put it in his bag.
  12. ThunderScookie

    Open Pokemon life: Dark forces of darkrai and zekrom

    "Ugh yeah I just got a scratch and my name is Christopher"Christopher said while holding an orb.
  13. ThunderScookie

    Open Pokemon life: Dark forces of darkrai and zekrom

    Name: Christopher Species: Kanto Raichu Age: 16 Home region:Kanto (But been though other regions) Likes: Myths, traveling, Running fast Dislikes: Not traveling(sometimes)and evil Pokemon Personality: Determined "Owwwwww that hurt!"Yelled Christopher
  14. ThunderScookie

    Open Alola Adventure

    Name: Jack Gender: Male Species: Kanto Raichu Moves: Thunder, Iron tail, Volt tackle, Focus flash Personality: Determined Other: Wears a yellow neckerchief(Can i be owned by a trainer?)
  15. ThunderScookie

    Open Pokemon life: Dark forces of darkrai and zekrom

    Wow good art what's this about?
  16. ThunderScookie

    I need cookies

    I need cookies