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  1. N

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    I apologize, i overlooked it EDIT:Ok, a sprite made by Julio Cesar F at request: it's me! if that could get put in to the system, that would be awesome
  2. N

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    here is the color, I just checked it out. Hue:76 Red:24 Sat.:240 Green:255 Lum.:120 Blue:0 if you make sure to save that background in a *.png format, it should be transparent. although, in case im wrong, you're probably better off using another program, or finding...
  3. N

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    if that is the case, they need to seriously DOWNGRADE it, because it used to open up as green
  4. N

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    actually, you can, its a specific shade of green, though, and I cant remember which, but if you open up a transparent bg .png file in paint, the color should come up so you can write down the exact numbers. Anyways, a few things i'd like to see: more backgrounds for the cards, AC/shiny...