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Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Just go to the Trainer Card Maker url that Doctor Oak posted and go through the process:



Hero of Pizza
Staff member
This isn't really the topic to ask that in.

Read through this topic and check out the links posted within it. It may answer your question.

Julio Cesar F

Sorry for not making these transparent. Anyway:




E-mail me if you want a custom sprite!
I attempted a DP style Ash sprite but it didn't turn out too well. The head's the worst part, I think.


I'll make it transparent later if it's liked, though I don't know why it would be. :p

Ryan Stone


Sorry It's not Transparent don''t know how with paint. If you like it please tell me how to make it transparent with Paint.

they were guys at first...so they both became girls..and i did it with paint...and i cant make them trans. and i was bored, tell me how they are..
And physical Trainer Cards would be awesome, but how would they be generated, via the code of the games? >>

Well, I gots me an idea that Nintendo will probably never use. It's too long to post here, so I'll make my own thread somewhere. ^_^


i made this guy after the story im writing
if any one wants a copy just tell me and send it to them

[attachment deleted by admin]
You can't.
actually, you can, its a specific shade of green, though, and I cant remember which, but if you open up a transparent bg .png file in paint, the color should come up so you can write down the exact numbers.

Anyways, a few things i'd like to see: more backgrounds for the cards, AC/shiny Pokémon (I know, in the works, just mentioning that i too want it), a space where you can put a name for your Pokémon (if they have nicknames) and the ability to put more than 8 badges in. Oh and a "nude" male and female sprite, for those of us who would want to make our avs from scratch, but want to be sure it fits in the size regulations (obviously it wouldn't really be nude, but shaped as a person without clothes to make it easier on us)
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The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
No. No it does not. Paint automatically changes the transparent background to white. Why? Becuase Paint is so basic! MS needs to upgrade Paint... srsly.
here is the color, I just checked it out.

Hue:76 Red:24
Sat.:240 Green:255
Lum.:120 Blue:0

if you make sure to save that background in a *.png format, it should be transparent.

although, in case im wrong, you're probably better off using another program, or finding someone who can

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
See the little 'modify' button near the top right of your post?

That button allows you to edit your post with any new information you may have hunted down. This could have easily been edited in.

Double-posting for double-posting's sake is not allowed. Consider this a warning.
I apologize, i overlooked it

EDIT:Ok, a sprite made by Julio Cesar F at request:

it's me! if that could get put in to the system, that would be awesome

May Kitsune

... this is cool ... =3 ... how do you even make trainers...? ;-; ??? :p :-[ ;)

Doctor Oak

Staff member
I think the first two Jessie and James sprites need a bit of touching up, there's just a little something... 'off' about them. The second lot are great though.

I'll be making a decision over what new trainers will be added next week and will post the selection when I'm done.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
The entire point of this thread is that people will create their -own- sprites, rather than use game rips. We already have all the game rips, and I must point out that only DP-template-based sprites can be used. So no, no sprites from the original games.
The entire point of this thread is that people will create their -own- sprites, rather than use game rips. We already have all the game rips, and I must point out that only DP-template-based sprites can be used. So no, no sprites from the original games.


thanks for the quick awnser~

i'll try to make some sprites~

will every sprite be used? or do you choose?
Sorry for not making these transparent. Anyway:




E-mail me if you want a custom sprite!

Yea. I registered. Just quoting this so you can SEE how awesome my sprites really are :]

Uhh, if it doesn't offend you, I'm going to talk about something called "opinion". Y'see, everybody has one. And, of course, I have mine regarding some of the sprites inside this topic. I can't believe, and I repeat, I can't believe that you people call yourselves "spriters". The only thing you do is recolor some random trainer sprite and there, you wish for it to be selected. What I'm saying is that you should work harder, and it's unfair to me that you comment on those recolors, but can't comment on real sprites, like mine. For example, let's take samuel207's post. That Gentleman is obviously a recolor, and WTF is that second sprite? Some Tower Tycoon on crack? That's, by far, one point. The other thing I want to talk about is the quality of the sprites. Hell, I'll be damned if I can call Rayku Kun's trainer in his card a sprite. That's just a LAME abomination sprite wanna-be. It even has a white thing background chunk near his face, showing that you didn't ripped the sprite well. Now, to catodd's sprite. Since I'm a die-hard Naruto fan, it's obvious that I couldn't keep my eyes off that sprite for a few seconds. The actual sprite is kinda cool, you just screwed up on his head, you should have added more shading, that all. To both, the face and the hair. And people, use some other colors, the default Paint colors are phail. Lemme show you a preview of my upcoming Temari (Naruto Character) pokemon trainer sprite: (I will submit her as a trainer when it's done, of course)


I began this yesterday, I was trying to do some other guy, when Temari came into my mind. Anyway, people, my opinion on your sprites is that their kinda lame, except for a few ones, like the Phoenix Wright and Miror B. (lacks of shading in the hair) ones in the first page, as well as the ones that UltraCow made. Those can be called sprites. The other ones that are inbetween these examples are:

1. Either good but lack shading.
2. Their shading is perfect, but the positioning of things (head, arms, etc.) is wrong.

Well, yeah. Just saying this so you can be more careful in future endeavors. I'm Julio Cesar F, I'm the new guy around here. Say hello to a new spriter who likes criticism.
I tried to fix up the first one a bit, but I'm not exactly sure if it's any better.


Thoughts? Advice, maybe?

Oh, and I also made some Star Trek sprites. Y'know, if anyone's into that. =D


Yeah, I'm not really sure about these. They're don't look all that great, but hey, I'm open to any suggestions on how to improve them (or my technique in general).

On your Team Rocket:

Jessie looks fine. Really like the hair on this one. James' hair is kinda odd, maybe too big.

On your Star Trek sprites:

The guy on the left needs a new face. Needs some new eyes as well as a little bit lighter shade and a new shade level, a darker one. The guy in the middle (Spock, I presume), his arm, the left one, the shading is a little bit out of his place and it's very skinny (the arm, not the shade). The guy on the right is perfect, can't complain on that one either.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Hay guys;
and hay Dr. Oak :E

I'm a friend who tags along with Julio around the Internet. Recently I just finished drawing up the Diamond/Pearl trainer cards from scratch using Photoshop and a few screenshots of D/P. I showed it to Julio, and he just ellipse'd me asking "...where do the Pokemon go?"
I laughed after this, realizing that there's the "huge demand" for trainer cards about the forums which I frequent - and of course, I followed the link listed on the bottom of the cards and that brought me here.
I spent the last few days redrawing the entire card, pretty much, to suit the look and feel of the trainer cards found on this site. I flipped things, I rescaled things...oh, I went nuts until I grabbed one of the trainer cards and then went back to work, figuring out the measurements and such for each Pokemon and what have you that goes onto the card. If I'm not mistaken, the trainer is centered, and the text is realigned on certain cards as well as the badges and things like that. I was kinda concerned about this before posting and meh, whatever.
Anyway, here's what I got. Click the link for the blank template.
I just ask one thing of you guys - if Dr. Oak uses it, that's totally rad, it'll have the watermark on it or whatever - but if you're going to use it before the watermark is applied, just throw me a little credit in your board sigs or whatever. That's all I ask, OK? I spent a good week on drafting the first one and another week making it look nice for a web-based Trainer Card; therefore it's a D/P custom - just throw me credit as Kosheh (doesn't matter where you say I'm from - my homeforum, Custom Wars forums, or PokeCharms, wherever, I might sign up here soon =])

So yeah, just get back to me if you're considering using it, Dr. Oak, and if anyone else uses it, it wouldn't hurt if you dropped me a line too before you used it. It's nice to know someone appreciates your work, you know?
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