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  1. T

    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    i'd like to see the evos for those...but mosseize is too formless, we already have one ditto >_> we don't need a grass one.
  2. T

    Ask Teh Doc

    it kinda looks like a grid, but without a lot of the mesh. one line going vertically in the middle, with short horizontal strokes on it, and one line going horizontally in the middle, with short vertical strokes on it. secondly, you tap where you think the item might be. if it's near by, the...
  3. T

    DPPt/HGSS Pokemon training and fighting

    you should give it a white herb to get rid of the after-effects of draco meteor. surf, ice beam, and draco meteor are almost essential. *goes to look up fourth possible move* put in rain dance, and make sure it has the swift swim ability. that will double its speed, and make it hard to...
  4. T

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my team...or not.

    i doubt someone would really use a middle-stage evolution in serious competition, but yes, you do switch out. inaccuracy of hypnosis? with wide lens it has at least 80% accuracy (not sure about the effect of wide lens, but i know it helps) steel types? dark types? what if they're asleep? what...
  5. T

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my team...or not.

    my gengar's moveset is: nightmare (even works on normal pokemon! i've tested it.) dream eater hypnosis shadow ball (for anything that is an insomniac) and it's holding wide lens, to improve accuracy basically it's hypnosis, nightmare, dream eater until it's dead. i like this moveset the best...
  6. T

    DPPt/HGSS Anyone Have a Cyndaquil?

    would that be by any chance a pokemon gym? ;) and....what'll ya give me for the cynda?
  7. T

    DPPt/HGSS Anyone Have a Cyndaquil?

    okay, let me put it simply: i have cyndaquils out of my butthole, i have so many. and celebi or any shiny would be appreciated. and if those don't work, deoxys, mew, zapdos, or entei.
  8. T

    Seven Greatest Wonders... of pokemon!

    though i do believe you're right, it's more like a world full of divorcing mothers, as opposed to single. and for Ash's almost-getting-killed-half-of-the-time, it's what 10 year olds do. it's like they attract cars.
  9. T

    Seven Greatest Wonders... of pokemon!

    a) it's a parallel universe. bags have endless bottoms. b) the bikes are foldable. haven't you read any of their item descriptions?
  10. T

    Your Favorite Game/Region!

    i TOTALLY did that xD (used the glitch) i voted johto, because that's where i got my start, really. it's just been better than all the rest i've played, in my opinion, including the sinnoh games. and the moving sprites were SO much better than the ones in emerald and d/p. on that note, i might...
  11. T

    Seven Greatest Wonders... of pokemon!

    that was english, and the gist of it is: humans are bigger than ants. and if the ants were as big as humans, feet would not be as effective. because their shells would be bigger and thicker than if the ant were the size most ants were supposed to be.
  12. T

    Seven Greatest Wonders... of pokemon!

    *resists the hitchiker's guide reference* *asks Stel to stop calling me Tipple* *in the process, asks everyone to stop calling me Tipple* Stel, if i may point out that most insects are hundreds--nay, thousands--of times smaller than humans? now, if they were human-sized, and their...
  13. T

    Seven Greatest Wonders... of pokemon!

    trophy garden. (close enough) alakazams, on average, have 5000 IQ. and the one from PRT had supposedly studied the entire history of the earth. so why doesn't Team Rocket's meowth ask that alakazam if arceus is actually god?
  14. T

    Xela's Sprites

    cynthia...you got rid of the earmuffs. and recolored it, essentially.
  15. T

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my team?

    *deep breath* in game? it's fine, i guess. nothing can really stand up to articuno to begin with, so... comp. everything is wrong. heatran is generally banned from official comp. you will get bashed for using it. same for palkia. articuno is an okay choice, but give it icicle plate instead...
  16. T


    a) that was an awesome quote b) let's leave it at they live in a parallel universe, 'kay?
  17. T

    DPPt/HGSS Competition Ideas?

    there's a baby of essentially every type, almost. make due with it. the point of this tournament isn't as much strategy as it is just for fun, the way i see it.
  18. T

    DPPt/HGSS Pokemon training and fighting

    by definition, natures raise one stat by up to 10%, and lower one by 10%. if you've got a neutral nature, that just means one stat is lowered and raised, to nullify the effect.
  19. T

    Seven Greatest Wonders... of pokemon!

    how in the world could the abra line have an exoskeleton? have you SEEN their defense base stats? i agree with you wholeheartedly that they aren't foxes, but i think that it's more likely that they were based off of cats/humans, judging by the whiskers and ears. also, due to one of the...
  20. T

    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    that would be too much of a girafarig-clone.