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  1. P

    Random-Hero's Alright... But Not Fantastic Splice Work!

    I love the Gyrados/Magmortar. It looks like, I will eat you now.
  2. P

    DPPt/HGSS Soren's Platinum Team (needs help)

    I'm not sure what it STANDS for, I just know this: Pokemon's moves are more powerful if the move matches the user's type. Some examples of STAB moves are: Buizel and Aqua Jet Elekid and ThunderPunch Monferno and MachPunch Venusaur with Sludge Bomb... (EDIT: Darn. Jet beat me to it.)
  3. P

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    Sheepy. :p S-chan got a Arcanine! Though she would like to name it Firestar, she decides against it and asks you for a name! What will it be?
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    DPPt/HGSS Soren's Platinum Team (needs help)

    ... I dissagree. Though Flare Blitz is powerful, it also damages the user. I think Flamethrower is much better than Flare Blitz in more ways than one. But, it's you're choice.
  5. P

    Pokecharms: The Love Demon Strikes!

    "I think killing it would be the best idea," Shroomish-chan stated, "There's always a chance that it could escape again. But, how do we kill it, is the matter. Without getting killed ourselves, I mean." She patted Spore's head. "We have Spore's Sleep Powder at our desposal, if that would do...
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    DPPt/HGSS Platinum team could use improving.

    ...Yeah. I lied. ;D Cacturne @Miracle Seed Lonely Nature -Seed Bomb/ Needle Arm (STAB and amplified by Miracle Seed) -Dark Pulse (Also STAB) -Sandstorm (Takes advantage of ability) -Brick Break
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    The Pachirisu's tail drops on my head and I scream, "OOOUCH!" And startles an Abomasnow who sets off an avalanche. I drop an Abomasnow
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    Hacker: Renegade

    Alyssa pulled out her eletro-blades and cartwheeled down the hill, jumping Viruses and running towards the glitch zone. She jabbed a bade into a Virus who got infront of her, then gingerly stepped over it. She glanced behind her, and gasped. The virus she'd just killed was getting up! The hole...
  9. P

    DPPt/HGSS DIamond competitive team needs help.

    First off, you have two half-fighting types and two half-steel. I don't reccommend that. Also, it's not a good Idea for Torterra to know so many grass-type moves. Here's a move set for it- -Wood Hammer/ Leaf Storm -Earthquake -Crunch -Iron Tail/ Giga Impact Its attack stat is higher than its...
  10. P

    Create Your Own Moves or Items

    (I love this topic.) AquaticBeam (can't think of better name) PP: 10 Type: Water Accuracy: (Same as SolarBeam) Power: 120 in rain, 60 in Sunny Weather, 100 in all other weather conditions. The user draws water power one turn, then fires it in a bundle on the next turn. Always hits in Rain...
  11. P

    DPPt/HGSS Soren's Platinum Team (needs help)

    I'd like to know why you have Dream Eater on Togekiss without any Sleep-inducing moves. (Unless, of course, you plan to pair it with Leafeon's Grasswhistle) I think Infernape's moveset is wonderful, as well as Leafeon's, though Dig might need replacing. Many opponents will switch out to a...
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    DPPt/HGSS Soren's Platinum Team (needs help)

    Though, Defog is very unuseful on Togekiss... If you are planning to be a competitive battler, I'd suggest you give up some HMs. Also, HMs aren't really useful against the Elite Four, other then Surf and Fly. A moveset for Togekiss: -Fly/ Air Slash -Aura Sphere -ExtremeSpeed -Ominous Wind/...
  13. P

    More of Rey's Art

    I can see me! *Squees* You rock, Rey! (No, seriously.) I'll also be waiting for the fully colored version! ;D
  14. P

    Hacker: Renegade

    Alyssa looked over at Ian. "They're designed the way they are for a purpose. This game is real to so many people. These creatures are so real, it's like they have hearts, brains." She smiled and patted the Jayyon where its heart would be. "I can almost feel it beating. I'm connected to this...
  15. P

    DPPt/HGSS Platinum team could use improving.

    I am willing to re-breed everything except Empoleon. (Though it could be a real pain in the neck... I'll try.) Togekiss has Serene Grace, and I'm kind of willing to get rid of Fly for Air Slash. (Here comes the lv. 5 Starly...) Cherrim does have a pretty horrid move selection, but I'd rather...
  16. P

    Is Platinum different enough for you?

    Also, I'm wondering, were Dialga and Palkia so easy to catch in Diamond/Pearl? I caught both in pokeballs. (Though, it did take some time.) I think their catch rate is somewhere around 30, wich is the catch rate of a Chatot. :o
  17. P

    Is there someone special in your life?

    Hurmm... Interesting question. Like alot of people are saying, my friends and family are special to me. I do have a crush, but no boyfriend, and I intend to keep it that way for about two more years. ;D
  18. P

    DPPt/HGSS Platinum team could use improving.

    I've arlready beaten the Elite four, but I still think my team could use improving on their movesets. Empoleon @Shuca berry/ Mystic water Brave Nature -Drill Peck -Surf (STAB and amplified by Mystic water) -Earthquake -Ice beam (Used to be Giga Impact. Willing to change) Togekiss @Leftovers...
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    Is Platinum different enough for you?

    As I've already beaten the Elite Four, I can say, Twinleaf Town is the only town that shows climate changes... I think. There were a couple changes that I liked, but I personally think Looker is very annoying. It's like, the Nintendo people just decided, "Hey! Let's put a random Police Officer...
  20. P

    Pokemon Nicknames

    'Tis mah Platinum team... Empoleon: Tuxedo (Urm... Yeah.) Togekiss: Shiny (Not really shiny.. but...) Houndoom: Hot Shot (Urmm...) Cherrim: Pit (Planned to change the name after Cherubi evolved... But it stuck.) Ryperior: Boulder (Dur...) Magnezone: Officer (Like Officer Magnezone in Mystery...