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  1. P

    You know you've watched too much pokemon when...

    -When you're trying to train your black puppy to use Dark Pulse. (Guilty) -When you spend your free-time pretend battling with your friends. -When you draw a Pikachu face on your friend while she's sleeping. (Guilty) -When you start wishing that scientists will make pokemon. (Guilty...)
  2. P

    So Sami's going away :(

    ...WHY? We'll all miss you. Come back, 'Kayz?
  3. P

    Hacker: Renegade

    Alyssa sighed and shook her head. "Not really, no. The Fire Plains is kind of my home. I'm worried about all of the animals and people here." She glanced at a small bunny-like creature, with ears twice its size and purple-and-green fur. "The Fire Plains will be destroyed." She said, holding out...
  4. P

    Sitting here, getting paid... Surfing Pokecharms

    At school, we get laptops twice a week. The district is kind of debating wether all students should have their own laptops, 'cause we do so much technical stuff. I'm with it. ;D Luckily, our Laptops don't block Pokecharms, so all I have to do is open up two windows, one with Pokecharms, and...
  5. P

    Hacker: Renegade

    Alyssa sighed and congured up a fire. "The Fire Plains will be hard to navagate," She pointed out, "Without a proper map, that is. And it's impossible to map the Fire Plains, because it changes every sunrise." As if on cue, the sun began to rise, casting light on the small valley where the camp...
  6. P

    Create Your Own Moves or Items

    More... Clothy-thingies Item: Transform cloak Use: (Hold) When given to a Ditto, it allows the Ditto to copy the pokemon's level when it transforms. Cannot be used to transform into lv. 80 or higher pokemon. Item: Flint Use: (Hold) If used in a double battle, Fire types moves will affect both...
  7. P

    What's you Favorite Movie(s)

    Nobody said it had to be a movie in theatre so... Giratina and the Sky warrior Avatar: The Last Airbender- Sozin's comet (Cuz it rocks) Twilight (What did you expect...?) Kunf Fu Panda (...XD)
  8. P

    Pictures, please ~

    Oh, God, I was thinking the same as Doctor Oak. I was also thinking, "Isn't Mystic_Suicune a guy?" *Facepalms*
  9. P

    Snowypeak Ski Resort

    "Jaynette hun, you're here to relax, not train." Mrs. Larke sighed and grabbed her daughter's arm. Jaynette, who was a serious pokemon trainer, had whipped out her pokeballs the minute they arrived at the Ski Resort. "Lemme just finish this one off!" Jaynette shook free of her mother's grasp...
  10. P

    Pokecharms: The Love Demon Strikes!

    Shroomish-chan gasped. "Dwayna!" She yelled, running towards her. But Spore got in her way, and she reluctantly turned back. "We've got to get out." She muttered to herself. "Where's the door?" Spore ran past Dwayna and the Pichu army to the exit. Shroomish-chan pushed her way after him. She...
  11. P

    Pokecharms: The Love Demon Strikes!

    (Can't find the place where I'm freed, soo...) Shroomish-chan gasped and yelled to Spore, "Bullet Seed!" The Shroomish released a beam of green seeds towards the ice, and suddenly, Shroomish-chan was free. "Thanks, Spore." Shroomish-chan sighed, tensing. "My Razor Leaf couldn't cut through...
  12. P

    Pokecharms: The Love Demon Strikes!

    "Aww. Shineey!" Shroomish-chan whined, trying to move her feet. "It's cold!" She sighed. "I'm perfectly capable of..." The Love Curse broke through the Recover and Shroomish-chan went all limp. "Oh my God, is that BRENDAN?" She screamed. "Let me at him! You're gonna..." Spore suddenly glowed...
  13. P

    Pokecharms: The Love Demon Strikes!

    "SHROOM!" Spore called, sliding into a wall after Shroomish-chan made a sharp turn. "Shroomish..." he muttered unhappily. Shroomish-chan translated this roughly, to, "I see stars..." Shroomish-chan smiled apoligetically and picked up Spore, petting him on the head. "Sorry, Spore. I'm just in a...
  14. P

    Pokecharms: The Love Demon Strikes!

    "I-I can't believe it-- Sp.. Spore." Shroomish-chan bawled, sitting against a wall. "He-he's rrunning a..away!" Tears were running down her face. Spore sat on her lap, rubbing against her arm. "T-thanks Sp.. Spore." She sputtered. Then, she gained control of her mind again. Shroomish-chan...
  15. P

    Hacker: Renegade

    (Been on vacation) (Not sure if I was supposed to hear the EEVILLL voices...) "Stupid bitch viruses." Alyssa muttered unhappily. "Going for my home." It was a long way from the city to the Fire Plains, and Alyssa, despite her athletic stature, was starting to wear out. "PAH!" She sighed, and...
  16. P

    More of Rey's Art

    Somebody pm Linkachu! I want to huggles the Pichu *Huggles, but is electricuted* Dang. And I was worried about the Mareep. >:( I love it!
  17. P

    Pokecharms: The Love Demon Strikes!

    Shroomish-chan blinked sadly as Brendan ran away. She sat on the ground an cried for a while, than her misery turned into pure rage. She stormed after Brendan, her face growing red. Spore flounced after her, his eyeslocked on the back of her head. "Wait, what am I doing?" Shroomish-chan...
  18. P

    Pokecharms: The Love Demon Strikes!

    Shroomish-chan almost squealed when Brendan helped her up. She smiled at him with a dreamy look in her eyes, and batted her eyelashes. "Thanks." She said, batting her eyelashes again. When Spore woke up though, the Love Demon started taking effect on him, too. Since the Sleep Powder had hit the...
  19. P

    Pokecharms: The Love Demon Strikes!

    (Fine with me, Brendan) "Shroomy-chan? Seriously?" Shroomish-chan lifted an eyebrow and picked Spore off of Brendan's chest. "I see you've had an accident," She offered her hand to the green-covered boy. Once Brendan was up, Reynald walked over to the two. "Hi, Reynald." Shroomish-chan smiled...
  20. P

    Shinies: First ever, ones you want, have seen, or own

    My situation is almost the same as Phoenix's, but... I was also figuring out my Plaitnum team, and hatching them all from eggs. The last to hatch was my Sableye, whose mother was being a pain, and I wan't getting any of the natures that I wanted. On about my 6th or 7th Sableye egg, I was just...