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Search results

  1. P

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    Disaster S-chan caught a useless Starly! Give nickname to the annoying Main-bird?
  2. P

    The Pokecharms PokeBattle Game

    *Dosen't bother with sprites* Lanturn V.S. Grovyle! Grovyle wins! (I think)
  3. P

    The Vacation of Your Dreams

    Always wanted to go to Disney Land. Yup. Disney Land. ;D
  4. P

    The Hurt & Heal Game: Pokemon Anime Cast Edition

    #1 Ash Ketchum (Satoshi): HP 44 Misty (Kasumi): HP 70 Brock (Takeshi) : HP 23 HEAL Tracey (Kenji): HP 67 May (Haruka): HP 45 Dawn (Hikari): HP 21 Gary Oak (Shigeru): 49 Jessie (Musashi): HP 34 James (Kojiro): HP 22 Meowth : HP 19 Drew (Shuu): HP 20 Zoey (Nozomi): HP 20 Jun: HP 25 Harrison...
  5. P

    The New Trainer in Town

    "Whoa, Inferno. Stoooop!!!" Suddenly, Selena was flying through the air, and landed in a small pond outside of the city. "Aww. Inferno!" Selena growled playfully and splashed some water Inferno's way. Inferno whinnied in protest and walked away. "You're no fun." Selena pouted. "I bet Aqua will...
  6. P

    The Pokecharms PokeBattle Game

    I think you're right, Shado. Is pounded into the ground by
  7. P

    Do you still play 3rd gen and earlier?

    I'm going through Crystal again, because I found a Pokemon Themed Gameboy Color at a garage sale a couple days ago. I'm also trying to get through Victory road on Emerald, Even though It's almost impossible without Flash.
  8. P

    New Nintendo trademarks provide possible new Pokemon game names

    I think That Scarlet and Gray sound cool. I'd like to see those.
  9. P

    The New Trainer in Town

    (Here comes another party-carsher! ;D) Selena squinted and leaned forward, shoving her feet back into the stirrups. She was riding on Inferno, her Rapidash, to Oreburg City, to meet her Aunt. "C'mon, Inferno, can't you go any faster? I promised Aunt Melissa and Uncle Harley that I'd be there...
  10. P

    What are you listening to - Right Now

    Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Green Day
  11. P

    Create Your Own Moves or Items

    Move Name: Comet Power Move Type: Dragon Power: --- Accuracy: --- PP: 10 Description: Can only be used after Draco Meteor. Takes the damage that the foe recieved from Draco Meteor and halves it. The energy is used to restore the user's HP. Item Name: Mysterious Gem Description: A...
  12. P

    Do you, in real life, follow clothing trends?

    'Course not. If it fits and matches, it's fine with me. I'm one of those Abercrombie, Hollister, and American Eagle girls since my recent move to California, though.
  13. P

    Your biggest mistake you've ever done in any Pokémon game?

    Gosh, I made another mistake today. I transfered some pokemon from my Emerald game to my Diamond today, and totally forgot that one of the pokemon that I'd transfered over knew Flash. Now, I'm trying to get past victory road without Flash, and believe me, it's not pleasant.
  14. P

    The Random PokePoll Topic (61): Still watch the Anime?

    I voted for Leafeon. Even though some people think It's hardly different, I love the green/gold color theme on its leaves. It's cool looking. ;D
  15. P

    Favorite Smash Bros Fighter(s)

    I love Kirby, 'cuz he can swallow people up and use their attacks. I like Pikachu Kirby the most. Zero Suit Samus is also one of my favorites.
  16. P

    The Hurt & Heal Game: Pokemon Anime Cast Edition

    #1 Ash Ketchum (Satoshi): HP 44 Misty (Kasumi): HP 66 Brock (Takeshi) : HP 22 Tracey (Kenji): HP 66 May (Haruka): HP 45 Dawn (Hikari): HP 22 Gary Oak (Shigeru): 49 Jessie (Musashi): HP 33 James (Kojiro): HP 22 Meowth : HP 19 Drew (Shuu): HP 20 Zoey (Nozomi): HP 20 Jun: HP 25 HEAL Harrison...
  17. P

    The Pokecharms PokeBattle Game

    Vs. uses Tackle uses Karate Chop! It's super effective! The buff man wins!
  18. P

    Special Regigigas Giveaway at Toys 'R Us

    Man. I guess I'll have to get this Regigigas although I already have one... Okay then, to Toys 'R' Us! I can't belive they're actually giving out a Lv. 100 though. Transfer it to Plaitnum right away and you'll beat the game in a week.
  19. P

    Got a team planned out for Platinum yet?

    Of course! I've been obsessing over it! Kept myself awake at night re-breeding to get the natures that I wanted. Piplup (I'm partial to water starters) Jolteon- Lv. 5 Chatot- Lv. 5 Magby- Lv. 5 Sableye- Lv. 5- One of the two pokemon without a weakness... Bulbasaur- Lv. 5 Fully Evolved team-...
  20. P

    aRX'S aRT Thread...

    Not quite sure who the opponent is, but Sami's hat is made of win. ;D