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Search results

  1. P

    Why do you visit Pokecharms?

    Probably for entertainment and the TCM. This is my favorite website! ;D
  2. P

    Embarrassing stories or close calls.

    Maybe a week ago, I was having a sleep-over with my friends. I had just put the dog out, and went back out to get him, and I totally forgot about the Screen Door and ran rigt into it and knocked it down! My friends and I spent an hour trying to fix it before my parents woke up.
  3. P

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    Swampy S-c got a Graveler! Give a nickname to the rock-thingy?
  4. P

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    Slaphappy Shroomish got a Mareep. Give a nickname to Mareep!
  5. P

    DPPt/HGSS I need help with my team!

    Fly Slave XD It's just that I don't want to carry a lv. 12 Starly around all of the time.
  6. P

    DPPt/HGSS I need help with my team!

    Thanks, Shado, But I'd like to keep Fly on Staraptor. I'd like to be able to get around without walking everywhere, you know?
  7. P

    Create Your Own Moves or Items

    Name: Thunderstorm Learnable by: All electric and part-electric types PP: 15 Power: --- Accuracy: 90 Description: A powerful thunderstorm is summoned for 2-5 turns. Lightning will strike random pokemon in battle, including your pokemon, paralyzing them. Electric and water type moves are upped...
  8. P

    Sprites By XJ.X- Now with Trainer Cards!

    That's okay. Sorry 'bout that.
  9. P

    DPPt/HGSS I need help with my team!

    Thanks. I'll try that. :)
  10. P

    Sprites By XJ.X- Now with Trainer Cards!

    It's my Plaitnum team, no ROM. I have a friend in Japan. if it's not too much, Charizard has lost his outline and looks odd. Would you mind fixing it, please?
  11. P

    A Pokemon Nickname Game

    Leziub (Read it backwards) Shroomish-chan got a Usurang! Give a nickname to Ursurang?
  12. P

    Desktops! Show Them!

    I learn-ed how to take screen shots!
  13. P

    The Pokecharms PokeBattle Game

    Vs. And the all-destroying Beaver wins again.
  14. P

    DPPt/HGSS I need help with my team!

    Thanks for the help, guys! Update on the team: Empoleon@ Leftovers - Surf - Grass knot - Protect - Aqua Ring Charizard @ Enigma Berry -Air slash -Shadow Claw -Heat wave -Flare Blitz Gallade @ White herb -Close Combat -Psycho Cut (High critical hit ratio) -Leaf Blade (High critical hit ratio)...
  15. P

    Nowhere to go but down

    (Forget that I talked to your characters, I just want to get moving.) "I want to stop." Mimerina whined. Sashi sighed and shook her head. "No, lazy bum. We're almost to Hearthome. See that... MIM!?! You get back up!" Mimerina had fell down in the grass, just a little while back. Sashi's...
  16. P

    Have you ever met a celebrity?

    Dakota Fanning... That's it. *Sigh*
  17. P

    Rate the Avatar and Sig Above You

    Killed the white box, Magpie. Hope it's better now. :P Avvie- 10/10. I wuv it. Sig- 6/10. I have no idea who it is.
  18. P

    Sprites By XJ.X- Now with Trainer Cards!

    Can I has a new Trainer card for my New Team? Trainer Card Pokemon: Empoleon, Electivire, Charizard, Breloom, Staraptor, Giratina Shiny?: Nope Pokemon standing w/ you?: Breloom Trainer(must have sprite, if you have none, ignored): Name: Ty-Lee Background(optional): Same as my last card...
  19. P

    Your most forgettable Pokemon?

    Probably Burmy or Tropius. Those two just don't come to mind much. Also, Kangaskahn, Corsola, and Igglybuff.
  20. P

    Rate the Avatar and Sig Above You

    Avvie: 9/10- It's schweet Sig- 7/10 I'm not a fan of the shiny Espeon colors.