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Search results

  1. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Chapter One Will had always had the gift – or, possibly, curse - of Sight. On a hot summer day, one-year-old Will looked up at the cloudless, sunny sky and spoke his first word – “rain”. His parents looked quizzically at each other, but shrugged it off to congratulate Will on talking...
  2. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Hey guys! I'll post my story that I already have on NinSheetMusic! You can read the whole thing there, but on PokeCharms I'll post one chapter a day. Or try, anyway. You all need to comment, even if it's to tell me my writing sucks. :) Anyway, here is The Will to Go On, my story chronicling...
  3. SlowPokemon

    Favorite Trainers

    Well, Karen is... umm, never mind. Yeah, Karen's cool. ;)
  4. SlowPokemon

    Your first Pokemon Game

    The new Ranger game came out Monday, it's really fun! It's very...different from the other Ranger games... kind of. You still ruin your touch screen to catch Pokemon in the most fun capture system ever made, and there's the villains who are evil and whatnot. But there a few new mechanics...
  5. SlowPokemon

    Your first Pokemon Game

    My first was Ruby, followed by Silver, then Blue, then LeafGreen, then Emerald, then Diamond, then Pearl, then FireRed, then Platinum, then SoulSilver, then HeartGold. Or something like that. For most of them, my younger brother would get the opposite version. Now that he's an immature eighth...
  6. SlowPokemon

    Favorite Eevee evolution

    Leafeon is BEAST. Umbreon and Espeon are close seconds.
  7. SlowPokemon

    Favourite Legendary?

    I never use legendaries, it's really cheap. Dx I picked Groudon but Jirachi, Lugia, and a good many others are really cool as well.
  8. SlowPokemon

    Your favourite Pokemon

    I love Slowpoke and Gardevoir. All Psychic Pokemon are pretty cool, really, along with most Grass.
  9. SlowPokemon

    Hoenn Remakes?

    I don't think they would be called that, actually. But Ruby was an amazing game, my first-ever Pokemon game actually, and I would relish in the chance for remixed music, new features, and incredibly lush Hoenn region in DS--or even 3DS--form.