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Search results

  1. SlowPokemon

    The Person Below Me Is...

    This is a fun game, from the NSM forums! State something about the person below you, and then a person will post saying if it is true false. Example: Me: The person below me is wearing green. Person Below Me: Yep! The person below me likes Danny Elfman Person Below Person Below Me: Certainly...
  2. SlowPokemon

    The Pizza Topic

    My parents own a pizza restaurant, and it's the most brilliant thing I've ever tasted (that would be the food, not the restaurant...). Pepperoni and cheese are enough for me.
  3. SlowPokemon

    Best Pokemon Remake

    Voltorb Flip is SUPER addicting--once you learn how to play.
  4. SlowPokemon

    Best and Worst HG/SS Overworld Sprites

    The VERY best-- Ivysaur's is BEAST Ivysaur is my least favorite of the original Grass trio, but its sprite RULES.
  5. SlowPokemon

    what is your favorite Pokemon game battle music?

    I only hear the annoying May version--just like how Ethan's song is better than Lyra's! My favorite battle music? DEFINITELY-- A) The Blue/Red Gym Leader, Elite Four battle--Leafgreen/firered remix B) Ruby/Sapphire battle with Groudon, Kyogre, or Rayquaza--EPIC
  6. SlowPokemon

    Pokemon ABCs Game

    Octillery! :D With movement!
  7. SlowPokemon


    You're my new favorite. :) That book was good. We're reading Lord of the Flies next in class--already read, and liked, but everyone else will probably hate it... LOL
  8. SlowPokemon

    Favorite Eevee evolution

    I usually hate Fire-types as well (this is why Flareon's my least favorite), but I do have a certain fondness for Vulpix and Ninetales. :) And Glaceon, I think, is pretty neutral... it could pass for a male. Leafeon's my favorite, lol! Umbreon's my second favorite (well, it's kind of a tie)...
  9. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Thanks, I was hoping someone would find that funny. xD And no, I do not rock, but I appreciate the compliment. This is where the "meh" chapters come in for a bit of time, until I introduce a few new characters around chapter... thirteen or something. Chapter Nine Will the Slowpoke Come Out to...
  10. SlowPokemon

    English name guesses

    Well, DrP is a Nintendo employee--sort of. He worked on squashing bugs in the English version of White Version recently... but he can't reveal anything or Nintendo will go all "GRR" on him. He joined as a result of me telling him I had posted my story here as well as NSM (link in signature...
  11. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Oh my God, DrP! ;D How long has it been? ...Like ten mintues? I didn't think I'd see you here! (for at least another week...) ;) You see I keep my old avatar! Anyway, today's update! Note that I got lazy and didn't write the Gym battle sequence. Chapter Eight I Will Solve the Puzzle Karen...
  12. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    lol, yep! If there's anything that you don't understand in here, be sure to specify, because I wrote these chapters over the summer, quite a while ago, and am liable to forget what's going on! Not to mention I am adding to the one on the NSM forums... so I am concentrated on one aspect of the...
  13. SlowPokemon

    English name guesses

    Smugleaf's an awful name, plus I have it on good authority (Nintendo employee) that Smugleaf isn't the official name.
  14. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    No seriously, comment, people... this is starting to bum me out. :( Chapter Seven You Must Have the Will The threesome stopped in front of Sprout Tower. The stared up at the alarmingly tall and narrow structure. If one looked closely, one could actually see it swaying slightly. “Well,”...
  15. SlowPokemon

    The Impossible Pokemon Game

    An orange Gardevoir uses Dizzy Punch!
  16. SlowPokemon

    Pokemon ABCs Game

    'Nuff said.
  17. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Chapter Six Will Anyone Take the Gym Challenge? “Ahh…” murmured Karen, breathing in. Violet City was full of nostalgic and wonderful smells and neither Will nor Karen could stop themselves from stopping a moment and taking several long breaths. They shook themselves after a minute and walked...
  18. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    The update is late today, so I'm posting two chapters! :D Chapter Five Will We Ever Reach Violet City? They continued on Route 30 for some time. Will and Karen were especially bad off, because they had just gone for an unplanned swim and their clothes were still damp. “So, Will,” said...
  19. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    *Fixed And thanks, I was rather proud of those two chapters when I wrote them. There are some meh chapters coming up, then around chapters 12-15 they get pretty good again. IMO
  20. SlowPokemon

    Need movesets!

    Here's a good Tangrowth: Ability: Chlorophyll Item: Heat Rock Nature: Sp. Attack or Speed-boosting Moveset: Make sure to include Sunny Day and Solar Beam, or send it out with a Pokemon who has Drought (Ninetales can now, or Groudon) or otherwise knows Sunny Day. Super Speedy Pokemon who reels...