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Search results

  1. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    It will, but I don't know if I'll put that in. :P This update is so late I'll put two chapters up. Chapter Eleven I Truly Kare For You “Good morning, Will,” said Aaron pleasantly as he walked in on Will and Karen eating breakfast. “Good morning,” said Will, sure that Aaron would be...
  2. SlowPokemon

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Umm, anything in the Safari Zone in Kanto can be found more than once, besides the Surf HM, which is not only in Kanto. I am the least powerful HM that does damage. What am I? (The answer is NOT Whirlpool, which is a powerful move despite popular belief).
  3. SlowPokemon

    You know you're obsessed with Pokemon when...

    Re: You know your obsessed with Pokemon when... You know you're obsessed with Pokemon when you frequently refer to a "missing number".
  4. SlowPokemon

    The Person Below Me Is...

    Indeed! The person below me likes the idea of the Game Boy virtual console on the 3DS.
  5. SlowPokemon

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    It was Raikou lol. Cause you use Hypnosis or something and it flees anyway. The next time you find it it's sleeping, etc. Abra, duh. The bright red-and-white image of an item... sure to cause an explosion in any game!
  6. SlowPokemon

    What Type Are You?

    Blah blah blah, depression, angst, whining, etc. I'm probably a Psychic-type. I am very smart (apologies if this sounds arrogant), and I also know exactly what to say to make others really happy--or angry. This can be used to my advantage. Fufufufufufu...
  7. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    *cough* COMMENT PLEASE *cough*
  8. SlowPokemon

    Best and Worst HG/SS Overworld Sprites

    Chikorita's is perfectly fine and adorable IMO.
  9. SlowPokemon

    Best Pokemon Remake

    LeafGreen is super nostalgic for me. My only Pokemon games previous to it were Ruby and Silver. So it WAS a whole new region. That's the reason GameFreak remade those two games--so later members of the Pokemon world, in the GBA era, would be able to experience Blue, Red, Silver, and Gold. I...
  10. SlowPokemon

    Best (And Worst?!) Pokemon Spin-Offs

    The Ranger and PMD series are pretty much the best IMO. And I liked Colusseum better than XD. Battle Revolution is a great way to battle Wi-Fi for those of us who use WPA rather than WEP... -_-
  11. SlowPokemon

    Favorite Eevee evolution

    I already posted a link, please read posts above you before you do that...
  12. SlowPokemon

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Rattata has no controversy involved with it at all--the answer is Jynx. Above me, the answer is the Black-exclusive Gardevoir-esque Psychic-type (too lazy to look up the JP name). I am the tiger-striped Pokemon of electricity, who bounds across even the widest of gaps with ease--even while...
  13. SlowPokemon

    The Person Below Me Is...

    Alas, no! The person below me thinks I am the coolest person evah. 8)
  14. SlowPokemon

    Pokemon ABCs Game

    Exeggutor, of course!
  15. SlowPokemon

    Best (And Worst?!) Pokemon Spin-Offs

    I voted for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time and Darkness. My first spinoff game was either Pokemon Pinball Ruby/Sapphire or Pokemon Snap, and I love those. The first Mystery Dungeon brought with it a whole new idea, and it was epically fun (being Psyduck ftw), but the second one not...
  16. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Ooh, and so begins the awkward transition into romance. (Yes, a Winterkid09 quote, Dr. Pamplemousse!) Chapter Ten Of Forests and Strangers Karen and Will watched smilingly as Aaron paraded confidently out of the Azalea Gym, proudly flaunting his new Hive Badge on his jacket. “How did you...
  17. SlowPokemon

    Your favourite Pokemon

    Latios is my favorite of the two because my first ever game was Ruby! Latias has always been rather meh for me. ;D
  18. SlowPokemon

    The Person Below Me Is...

    As my parents own a pizza restaurant, I am obliged to say yes! And I'm sorry Linkachu! With the username Link, you can't get mad at me... xP Our genders aren't displayed next to our posts like the NSM forums I'm used to. The person below me prefers Coke to Pepsi.
  19. SlowPokemon

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    That one weird Isshu Pokemon, the ice cream one that evolves into the double scoop? I am the most widely opposed Pokemon there is. Who am I?
  20. SlowPokemon

    The Person Below Me Is...

    Indeed! Also, I am worried, because I have not approved this game with anyone! I sent a pm to Linkachu, but I don't know if he'll forgive me or not... :P Anyway, to keep with my theme, the person below me is worried.