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  1. SlowPokemon

    The Crtl+V Game 2!

    Ooh, crap... I just did Ctrl+V and got a personal email sent from my mom...therefore I am obviously not posting it here. xD
  2. SlowPokemon

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    Modern Family is not good in my book, The Middle is better in my opinion... Modern Family could be really good, but it goes... overboard. And what do you mean, up too late? It's barely 9:30. :-\
  3. SlowPokemon

    Fond Memories of your first Pokemon games~

    Well, my second game--Silver... I only trained Chikorita. I freakin' HATED that Scyther. Miltank? No problem. Scyther? Every problem. -__-
  4. SlowPokemon

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    I stole the idea from the NinSheetMusic forums--they have one that's over 700 pages long. You can see it in all its glory here. I hope we can surpass that! Anyway, it did rain... right when I got off the bus... and I was soaked... yay... Also, this girl I sit next to on the bus often is in...
  5. SlowPokemon

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Exeggutor has always had two types. I'm talking about Magnemite and Magneton, which were originally pure Electric-types, but were given the Steel-type once it was added to the games in Johto. Aha! Kricketot! You thought you would get me there, my friend! >:-D I am Ken Sugimori's favorite Pokemon.
  6. SlowPokemon

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Umm, it's actually Spinda. Not Spindla. xD Yes, it is a favorite of Junichi Masuda, a creator of the Pokemon series, composer of all the battle themes, and on whose birthday the snow in the game changes to silver dust. Hmm, Shedinja? No idea. I was originally a pure Electric-type, but now I...
  7. SlowPokemon

    Pokemon Trivial Game!

    Duh, Solrock. :P I have a balance problem; You can see it when I walk. And I'm not the only one seeing spots When I begin to talk. Yes, I have a little problem; I admit it to be true But I have my own cafe And am Junichi Masuda's favorite, too! WHO AM I? (All of the above are true)
  8. SlowPokemon

    The Oddest Things in the Pokemon World

    Now that last one made no sense. That's like saying if God is really a God, how is it that the Bible was written? They appeared in ancient times. Seriously, it's said in just about every Pokemon game. That or they were created, like Mewtwo. I find it odd that in the same region, Pokemon are...
  9. SlowPokemon

    Super Smash Bros. Charms -new question-

    Character name: SlowPokemon Character Bio: The friendly, intelligent (;D), and easygoing SlowPokemon is making an appearance in SSBC. Standard Special Move: Psychic. Sends a psychic beam in both directions, causing damage upon impact. Up Special Move: Lagging Tail. Jumps upward slightly...
  10. SlowPokemon

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    ^Exactly. With a topic like this, we won't need to keep making new topics with random subjects. Just post your random thoughts of the moment here. Anyway. I like rain. With lots of lightning. :3 This morning it was raining really hard... hope it starts up again tonight!
  11. SlowPokemon

    what do you consider in choosing your particular pokemon?

    I do not see the point in having just brute strength. Defense is just as important. :P
  12. SlowPokemon

    ~The Petrifying Halloween Poll of Horror~

    I totally am not trying to start a flame war; I think we all agree I'm not the kind of person to do that. But I really don't like Twilight very much. Okay, I hate it. I still respect that you like it or whatever, but I just have to get that off my chest. Hopefully that will not cause me to be...
  13. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Aww, I'm flattered. Really. And creeped out. Anyway, has anyone wondered about who the Strange Boy might be? Or, more importantly, I suppose, has anyone come up with an answer? Or are you all just along for the ride? Either way, my story is a bigger success here than on the NSM forums. :P I...
  14. SlowPokemon

    Your favourite Pokemon

    Slowpoke's new Dream World art is so cute! See avatar for proof! :)
  15. SlowPokemon

    Best (And Worst?!) Pokemon Spin-Offs

    Definitely play PMD Explorers of Time, Darkness, or Sky. Such amazing games... ... *reminisces*
  16. SlowPokemon

    Top six pokemon

    All Pokemon-- 6.) Spinda--So adorable, and totters around drunkenly to confuse opponents. Not to mention that the chances of finding two with the same spot pattern are about the same as getting the same Trainer ID twice. 5.) Treecko--As my first-ever Pokemon, this has to be on the list...
  17. SlowPokemon

    Favorite Trainers

    Try Karen. .__.
  18. SlowPokemon

    Who's That Pokemon ? Riddle Game

    Ekans (like I even needed to say it ;D). I am Ken Sugimori's favorite Pokemon. Who am I? If you don't know who Ken Sugimori is... -_-' That's your (big) problem.