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  1. SlowPokemon

    The Oddest Things in the Pokemon World

    That is neither, it's just a saying and should not be taken as anything symbolic. Nice idea, though.
  2. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Last chapter I already have written! After this you'll read them as I write them! This one's really short--wrote it in 40 minutes. Chapter Seventeen A Most Interesting Meeting Lucian was walking angrily down Route 39. Those idiots. Why had he ever thought that they were all right? They were...
  3. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Thanks so much! But I got some bad news! I have only one more chapter already written, so after that you'll have to wait until I finish the chapters to read them! Which could mean up to a few weeks between chapters. ;P
  4. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    It's people like you who make me want to do my job, polite citizen! Though it might HAVE to end if I don't learn to keep my mouth shut--after insulting someone the other day I got a warning and am now being watched LOL. Chapter Sixteen The Will to The Show Must Go On A few days later, our...
  5. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Hmm. Okay. Still no comments. Whatever... if you're reading it, though, please do comment. :P Chapter Fifteen Lucian’s Big Mistake “So, where do we go next, Kare?” said Aaron, walking a little ahead of her. Karen was frowning at a map of Johto. “Cianwood City seems like a good choice...
  6. SlowPokemon

    Who is your Favorite Disney Villain?

  7. SlowPokemon

    Who is your Favorite Disney Villain?

    Oogie Boogie, forgot about him! The Nightmare Before Christmas is my favorite movie of all time, but I don't think it quite qualifies as a Disney movie, though Disney has the rights...
  8. SlowPokemon

    Layton Vs. Ace Attorney!

    OH MY GOD That's cool! Professor Layton is definitely the best puzzle series the world has ever seen, and the latest installment of it in September had the best story yet! Was anyone else crying by that last cutscene in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future? xD
  9. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    I may do some things that you won't like, but maybe not. Let's see how it goes. This was interesting for me to write, but I don't know how it will go over. Without further ado, here's the next expertly named installment of The Will to Go On. Chapter Fourteen I Heard it Through the Olivine...
  10. SlowPokemon

    Nightmare Fuel (Pokemon Species)

    Golbat also had the WORST Red/Blue sprite, including Exeggcute. ^LOOK at that thing!
  11. SlowPokemon

    The Person Below Me Is...

    Along with Gold, Crystal, and Yellow, it's the only one I haven't played! :) The person below me prefers Ruby to Sapphire.
  12. SlowPokemon

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  13. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    The Strange Boy is no one from Pokemon. You'll find out at the very, VERY end of the story, I think... I have something of an ending planned.
  14. SlowPokemon

    Nightmare Fuel (Pokemon Species)

    Golbat's Platinum Dex is creepy--"It has small holes in its fangs for greedily sucking blood"
  15. SlowPokemon

    The Best Black & White Starter?

    Grass is and always will be the best in my opinion... plus Jalorda is such a cool, elegant match for Milotic Pokemon. Actually, it's my favorite Isshu Pokemon.
  16. SlowPokemon

    Who is your Favorite Disney Villain?

    Kaa the Snake. Definitely. So creepy, so alluring and seductive. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie, though, so Gaston has honorable mention.
  17. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Surprise! ;D Chapter thirteen tells of two interesting strangers. Chapter Thirteen Have Eusine Suicune? They walked into Ecruteak City, an old and historic city. Something about the place just left one feeling sad and maybe a little creeped out. A Pokémon Gym was standing within sight...
  18. SlowPokemon

    Best and Worst HG/SS Overworld Sprites

    I wish NSM had such high standards as they do here... :P Anyway. That forums is dead though.
  19. SlowPokemon

    Your favourite Pokemon

    Buneary is like the most adorable thing ever, right? Slowpoke is still my favorite. :)
  20. SlowPokemon

    The Will to Go On

    Chapter Twelve Lucian Helps With Aaron Dirty Laundry Will, Karen and Aaron were out of Goldenrod City. Route 35 was a short but peaceful road with a few roadside fire breathers entertaining passerby. Will cleared his throat. “So, have you two made up now?” Will said cautiously. “Made...