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  1. Nachoman

    what do you think of all my bagdes so far

    the fourth one looks cool dude.the other ones are good too though 8)
  2. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my PKMN Party

    oh,nvm.i thought you were talking about gameshark.
  3. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Blaziken and Sceptile help

    Blaziken Sunny Day Blaze Kick Solarbeam Earthquake Sceptile-Hardy Leaf Blade Energy Ball Night Slash Dragon Pulse happy?2 mixed sweepers and a shake to go.that'll be $15.98 at the first window.
  4. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my PKMN Party

    $30.is it worth it 4 one thing? ???
  5. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Please rate my team!

    you cant.you have to cheat. :P
  6. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Medicam confusion

    you are correct.swords dance SHARPLY RAISES attack,not doubles it >:O
  7. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Spiritombs Moves

    personnally,i would go with: Spiritomb@spooky plate dark pulse/sucker punch shadow ball embargo/will-o-wisp/ominous wind/hypnosis embargo/will-o-wisp/ominous wind/dream eater dark pulse/sucker punch AND shadow ball get stab,which is a nice bonus as for the last two,take your pick.if you pick...
  8. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Battle Tower Team

    hmmm.....a good fourth pokemon would be: Rhyperior@Hard Stone Stone edge/Rock slide Hammer arm Earthquake Poison Jab
  9. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS MY Pearl Team; Or is it?

    it looks alot cooler when it transforms;plus its ability helps.flower gift;powersup itself and teamate in sun
  10. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Rate my team

    i know pachirisu is one of the worst choices for an electric type EVER _ _ ...
  11. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Would Appreciate some help

    if i were you,go for shadow claw/t-bolt if you can.if not,earth power. move relearner requires surf/a heart scale ;D happy to help ;D
  12. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS rate my battle tower team

    my team is: Lucario Lv50@Metal Coat Flash Cannon Dark Pulse Dragon Pulse Aura Sphere Staraptor Lv50@wide lens Close Combat Fly U-turn Pluck RapidashLv50@Razor Fang Solarbeam Agility Flamethrower Bounce I have access to all third generation pokemon and all tms,period(courtesy of my neighbor)...
  13. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Which should I use? Blastoise or Politoed?

    Blastoise Base Stats: HP:79 ATK:83 DEF:100 SP.ATK:85 SP.DEF:105 Speed:78 Politoed Base Stats: HP:90 ATK:75 DEF:75 SP.ATK:90 SP.DEF:100 Speed:70 Movepool:Politoed can potentially have a HUGE movepool,this one goes to politoed. HP:Politoed again.90>79 and 384 max hp can give some decent subs...
  14. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS solarbeamer

    if i were you,i would use houndoom as the sunny day/solarbeamer and magmortar as a special sweeper (get rid of hyper beam for anything though)(preferably Earthquake or rock slide)
  15. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS rate my diamond team

    go to wayward cave BF1 and look around for a while and catch a gible thats how i got mine ;D and if you want an eevee,go to bebes house after getting the national pokedex,its at lv5
  16. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS My Luxray needs a (good) moveset

    heres what i think: Neji/Luxray@Shuca Berry Thunder fang crunch ice fang return/t-wave/iron tail/filler glow=important its pretty close to a physical boltbeam.crunch is always good.as for the last move;take your pick.but lean towards iron tail ;)
  17. Nachoman

    hi everyone

    dude those sketches are sick