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  1. Nachoman

    Fears and phobias

    As for Phobias, only one. Acrophobia, the fear of heights. I went to the Prudential Building in Boston once.52nd floor looking down on all those people,scared the **** out of me. :-\
  2. Nachoman

    NARUTO! (Spoilers alert! You've been warned)

    lol i never noticed that XD Good Point.
  3. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Battle tower Team

    umm,i forgot to mention my marowak had a thick club,and i would of had something else(forgot what)cause i thought that the game wouldnt think dive was a tm.i cant evolve into rhyperior until next sunday/monday.eh,NOBODY knows about Mamoswine >_>.Ill probably go with Rhyperior Lv55@Hard Stone...
  4. Nachoman

    The Nem Gen- Reloaded

    dude those are some sweet fakemon 8)
  5. Nachoman

    Ozzy's Sprites! NEW: Taking Trainer requests! Let's exchange, spriters!

    Dude that blaziken you posted is hilarious. ;D besides,artiste and xanthier arent your only fans.im a big fan myself now ;D
  6. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Spinda Moveset

    Personally,i would ditch psybeam for shadow ball/psychic
  7. Nachoman

    Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

    FYI,magmar has that position covered well lol ;D
  8. Nachoman

    New Member Introduction Thread

    its a little late,but now is better than never. Hi,im Nachoman,i like naruto(weird fact:i was wandering around a Naruto forum,saw trainer cards,came here and was hooked), shinobi legends(rp site),and tacos(mmmmmm,tacos).i also say lots of random stuff for no reason(ask any one that knows me...
  9. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Battle tower Team

    Since i dont feel like bumping my own topic and getting warned for double posting,no one posted :'(,so ill say it again. my team is: Lucario Lv50@Metal Coat Flash Cannon Dark Pulse Dragon Pulse Aura Sphere Staraptor Lv50@wide lens Close Combat Fly U-turn Pluck and I have a few options for my...
  10. Nachoman

    NARUTO! (Spoilers alert! You've been warned)

    damn...didnt see that coming :o
  11. Nachoman

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    i dont know how too...
  12. Nachoman

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    can someone please make these transparent? EDIT:i have the doctor person from big brain academy can someone make this transparent too?Its kinda bad,i know, but its my first sprite in a while :P
  13. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Vaporeon and Vesiquen Moveset Help

    Vaporeon@Leftovers Surf Ice Beam Aqua Ring/Haze/Shadow Ball/Substitute Aqua Ring/Haze/Shadow Ball/Substitute Strategy:Surf is for STAB,Ice Beam is standard for any thing that can use it,as for the last two,take your pick.My personal favorite is Aqua Ring + Substitute. Vespiqueen@Focus Band...
  14. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Where should I direct my team?

    got a point there,about him being banned >_>
  15. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Bastiodon Moveset help, please!

    Bastiodon Focus Sash Sassy Nature( +Special Defense, -Speed ) Good Endurance ( +Defence ) Metal Burst Toxic Block/Thunderbolt/Stealth Rock Avalanche There is a good moveset.Happy? EDIT:i just left the item alone,now its fixed ;D
  16. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Where should I direct my team?

    agreed,direct it toward competitive if you use that,if you dont,then ingame. P.S.a good non psychic move is shadow ball. P.S.S.can i have a cookie? P.S.S.S i like applesauce
  17. Nachoman

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    I used imageshackEDIT:nvm,i signed up for photobucket and now it works
  18. Nachoman

    Create Your Own Trainer Card.... Trainer!

    Hello,my name is Nachoman,and i have some sprites to submit. From the top,sam fisher(forgot to resize),Indiana Jones(it was tricky)(oops,i accedentally put two of him :P),a burgaler,a leader of a band, sasuke uchiha(after the timeskip in naruto)lead guitarist in a band,the next four are random...
  19. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Please rate my team!

    pretty much :P
  20. Nachoman

    DPPt/HGSS Please rate my team!

    wrong.heatran and regigigas work. get your facts straight next time :P