I'd like to see a winged horse Pokemon. Of course it would be flying but I don't know about the other type. Anything but normal or water.
There are "cute" Pokemon of every type except dark. Even the steel type has Mawile. I want to see a fairy-looking Pokemon that's a dark type.
Or maybe a llama.... =)
Yeah, A Normal/Grass llama that's a Shaymin impersonator. ;D
i'd like to see the evos for those...but mosseize is too formless, we already have one ditto >_> we don't need a grass one.
No cute Dark types...?
So wait...Your telling me..Burakki(Umbreon), Nyura(Sneasel), Yamirami (Sableye),
Nokutasu (Cacturne), Abusoru(Absol), and Darkrai arent completely flipping adorable?
Strange....Very strange
...are you being sarcastic?...
If not no. Every Pokemon you listed except for Darkrai and Sableye are personal favorites of mine. They aren't cute. They're kick-butt. When I say cute, I mean like Clefairy or Skitty "cutesy." Why you ask. Just Because.
Trying not Darkrai...it scares me...
Since they have dark will they come out with Light/Holy pokemon O_o
XD It would be slightly interesting..Though I'd say the Togepi line is the closet to an Angel Pokemon..
I have evos for them but their in this banner:i'd like to see the evos for those...but mosseize is too formless, we already have one ditto >_> we don't need a grass one.
...And a female-exclusive Machoke evo.![]()
Machest? o_O
Actually it would just be nice to have a girly fighting type.
PokéMon are NOT humans. Therefore secondary sexual characteristics of humans do NOT apply... being female doesn't mean they have to uphold some human standard of 'femininity', even if they are anthropomorphic species.
I've always though it would be cool to have a Minotaur type evolution for Tauros. Not sure what evo for Miltank though. I would also like to see the Miltank and Tauros line merge into one species like the Volbeat/Illumise thing.
Less pure electrics, too. Lanturn and Magneton (and whoever else I'm forgetting) are great, but a little more non-legendary selection couldn't hurt.
I think it would be kind of neat if Miltank could breed a Miltank or a Taurous, like how Illumise can produce Illumise or Volbeat... Unless that's what you meant...
There's absolutely no reason why Nidorina and Nidoqueen can't breed when their male counterparts can.
Maybe Nidorina and Nidoqueen are menopausal.
Electric/Dark...How would that work?
and a non-starter fire type that evolves more than once
FYI,magmar has that position covered well lol ;D
Yeah, but you need to trade in order to whip out the big guns (Magmortar).