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Ideas on Generation V Pokemon

I'd like to see a winged horse Pokemon. Of course it would be flying but I don't know about the other type. Anything but normal or water.

There are "cute" Pokemon of every type except dark. Even the steel type has Mawile. I want to see a fairy-looking Pokemon that's a dark type.
I'd like to see a winged horse Pokemon. Of course it would be flying but I don't know about the other type. Anything but normal or water.

There are "cute" Pokemon of every type except dark. Even the steel type has Mawile. I want to see a fairy-looking Pokemon that's a dark type.

rapidash could have a pegasus-evo. flying/fire.
Hmmmmm......... I would have to think long.................................................I got it hows about a new evolution for a Gengar!A Gasparly!A ghost that would float with a tail that it`s whole body is gray!It had black-reddish wings,and razor sharp teeth like sharpdos`. ;D :p
Well heres my idea for starters in the 5th Generation (I made card form of these):




I have more but I'll just post these 3.
i'd like to see the evos for those...but mosseize is too formless, we already have one ditto >_> we don't need a grass one.

What do you expect a moss Pokemon to look like? If you want see the evos look on Esepibe's page on DeviantART. At least PinsirKing typed Esepibe's name on the cards.
No cute Dark types...?
So wait...Your telling me..Burakki(Umbreon), Nyura(Sneasel), Yamirami (Sableye),
Nokutasu (Cacturne), Abusoru(Absol), and Darkrai arent completely flipping adorable?
Strange....Very strange

...are you being sarcastic?...
If not no. Every Pokemon you listed except for Darkrai and Sableye are personal favorites of mine. They aren't cute. They're kick-butt. When I say cute, I mean like Clefairy or Skitty "cutesy." Why you ask. Just Because.

Trying not Darkrai...it scares me...
...are you being sarcastic?...
If not no. Every Pokemon you listed except for Darkrai and Sableye are personal favorites of mine. They aren't cute. They're kick-butt. When I say cute, I mean like Clefairy or Skitty "cutesy." Why you ask. Just Because.

Trying not Darkrai...it scares me...

Its in the eyes of the beholder.Personally i think Umbreon can either be cool or cute depending on how you look at it.And sabeleye i can see as being viewed as cute with dem eyes >.>,and sneasal+Weavile are definitly made as a "cute" version of dark pokemon as far as i can tell.

Since they have dark will they come out with Light/Holy pokemon O_o
XD It would be slightly interesting..Though I'd say the Togepi line is the closet to an Angel Pokemon..

Most of the pokemon who could be considered "holy" are normal types.

and more dark types would always be good,most importantly physical sweepers (since that would be the biggest dark threat to psychic pokemon,yet its rare)
Well, I noticed that with every generation, the legendaries get more powerful...

Generation 3 had legendary pokemon that are said to control the Land and Sea and Sky.
Generation 4 had pokemon that are said to control Time and Space, not to mention the Creation Pokemon.
My guess for Generation 5 is that the legendary pokemon would control Life and Death...or maybe that's too mature a concept?
i'd like to see the evos for those...but mosseize is too formless, we already have one ditto >_> we don't need a grass one.
I have evos for them but their in this banner:

Also heres their names of their evos:


And again I have more starters but I'll just post the main ones for now.
PinsirKing, do you expect me to believe that you made up those Pokemon? Because I swear that a person named Burninating Torchic made those Pokemon (unless you happen to be Burninating Torchic).

Now THAT would be interesting. Could be a Legendary. I'd like to see more...badass Pokemon too. We got Groudon, Darkrai, Haunter, etc....but I crave more!
More fire and electric Pokémon definitely... Maybe a fire cat (we already have a couple of fire dogs...), and a non-starter fire type that evolves more than once. And we could have a Fire/Ice steam-like Pokémon too. For electric Pokés, maybe an early-game one that doesn't get outclassed by something later, looks like a lizard, and has 2 evolutions.

...And a female-exclusive Machoke evo. :o
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member

You know what, I'm just not going to bother anymore. If I continue allowing myself to fly into homicidal rage every time some idiot thinks that human dimorphism naturally HAS to apply to any anthropomorph regardless of biology, logic and every thing else, I'm going to die of over-nine-thousand blood pressure before I'm 30.

PokéMon are NOT humans. Therefore secondary sexual characteristics of humans do NOT apply. Female fighting types DO exist, and being female doesn't mean they have to uphold some human standard of 'femininity', even if they are anthropomorphic species.

Now excuse me while I go unleash a horde of female Blazikens on the unwashed masses.
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PokéMon are NOT humans. Therefore secondary sexual characteristics of humans do NOT apply... being female doesn't mean they have to uphold some human standard of 'femininity', even if they are anthropomorphic species.

For Stel's sake, can't you guys be more open-mind to that concept?

And to move away from that subject, does anyone think that we should have a stork Pokemon. It could be a good concept for a Delibird evo, considering that myth of storks delivering babies (how did that come about, anyway).
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A stork evolution...a novel concept ;D

BTW David466, here's your answer!: "In Greek mythology, Gerana was an Æthiope, the enemy of Hera, who changed her into a stork, a punishment Hera also inflicted on Antigone, daughter of Laomedon of Troy.

Stork-Gerana tried to abduct her child, Mopsus. This accounted, for the Greeks, for the mythic theme of the war between the pygmies and the storks. In popular Western culture, there is a common image of a stork bearing an infant wrapped in cloths held in its beak; the stork, rather than absconding with the child Mopsus, is pictured as delivering the infant, an image of childbirth."

Back on topic...

There are still animals they haven't touched. A satyr maybe? A worm? (unless Weedle counts as a worm...)

So many different ideas...can't we just tell Nintendo and Gamefreak to look at this forum so maybe our dreams may come true? *eye twinkels*
Since there is the male exclusive Hitmon- line I would like to see a female exclusive fighting line myself. And because of Stellarwind's rant I'm going to leave it at that.

I've always though it would be cool to have a Minotaur type evolution for Tauros. Not sure what evo for Miltank though. I would also like to see the Miltank and Tauros line merge into one species like the Volbeat/Illumise thing.
I've always though it would be cool to have a Minotaur type evolution for Tauros. Not sure what evo for Miltank though. I would also like to see the Miltank and Tauros line merge into one species like the Volbeat/Illumise thing.

I think it would be kind of neat if Miltank could breed a Miltank or a Taurous, like how Illumise can produce Illumise or Volbeat... Unless that's what you meant...
I just want to see more creative typings. Especially dual-type fighters. It's a really useful type but the common weaknesses are kind of a problem.

Less pure electrics, too. Lanturn and Magneton (and whoever else I'm forgetting) are great, but a little more non-legendary selection couldn't hurt.
Less pure electrics, too. Lanturn and Magneton (and whoever else I'm forgetting) are great, but a little more non-legendary selection couldn't hurt.

You forgot Zapdos (Electric/Flying) and Rotom (Electric/Ghost).

Another species that has yet to have Pokemon based off of are peafowl.
I think it would be kind of neat if Miltank could breed a Miltank or a Taurous, like how Illumise can produce Illumise or Volbeat... Unless that's what you meant...

Yeah that's basically what I meant. Merging is also something that should have been done to the Nido-line a very long time ago. There's absolutely no reason why Nidorina and Nidoqueen can't breed when their male counterparts can. I have NO idea why they can't. It makes no sense.

Back on subject: I want to see a ground/dark Pokemon that looks like an actual mole. And an electric/flying non legendary Pokemon. Not sure what that would look like though. I hope there won't be any more Pokemon with creepy expressions (i.e. Bibarel)

I'm not going to be too happy if the 5th gen's grass starter walks on four legs. I thought something good was starting with Sceptile but then in the 4th gen they not only went back to a four-legged monster but one with a tree on its back. No, please just don't do it again. And speaking of Sceptile, I hope there will be some more power special grass type moves for it.
There's absolutely no reason why Nidorina and Nidoqueen can't breed when their male counterparts can.

Maybe Nidorina and Nidoqueen are menopausal. I'm starting to think that's the cause, but it make more sense if only Nidoqueen couldn't breed.
Maybe Nidorina and Nidoqueen are menopausal.


The Ground/Dark Mole dude sounds good. Maybe its just ground at first, but when it evolves, it becomes Dark as well...?
Electric/Dark...How would that work?

One things for sure: We need more Dark types and more Fire types. Available that is. You reading this Nintendo?! MOLES!
and a non-starter fire type that evolves more than once

FYI,magmar has that position covered well[quote author=RLRL link=topic=1323.msg25429#msg25429 date=1182846374]
Well Gallade is a bit of a cross dresser.
Also I always thought medicham was a bit of a girl... call it a lesbian wrestler.
lol ;D
FYI,magmar has that position covered well lol ;D

Yeah, but you need to trade in order to whip out the big guns (Magmortar).

And some people *cough* ME *cough* have no means of trading. I want Spirtomb for instance, but I'm to poor to get a wireless connector to do anything about it (Hell, I've been saving money for 2 years and I spent it on Pearl and the DS Lite!).

A nice, basic, NON-starter, multi-evolving Fire type sounds OK to me... ;D
You don't need to buy anything to get Spiritomb. You need a friend with the same game. You sit next to him, go into the Underground, say "hi" to each other (make sure to initiate the conversation or it doesn't count), and then leave and do it over again. The DS has a few wireless features built-in; you don't need Wi-Fi or a cable or anything to get Spiritomb.
Yeah, but you need to trade in order to whip out the big guns (Magmortar).

And plus it didn't even happen until now... First gen it was a one-stager and in 2nd and 3rd gen it was a 2-stager...

Hm. Maybe we could have a fire-combo that is not 4X rock or water weak. Like a fire/psychic type! I've thought that would be cool for a while ever since we got Houndoom... Maybe it could start as a fire cat and at its third evo, become fire/psychic?

Fire/Electric would be cool but then it would be 4X ground weak, which would not be so nice. x_x But if that happened maybe it would be a sparkplug Pokémon or something? O_o

Speaking of electric Pokés how about electric/ground or electric/rock? Give us some more Electric Pokés that won't die in 1-2 hits! Magneton and Lanturn are nice and all, but still, we need more like them.
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