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Search results

  1. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but people are so mean to you, you now wish you had anger problems. I wish for a Girlfriend who won't do anything to dump me, even though I'm only 10.
  2. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Gets a Brendan Ruth and Blarg (Noms on Brendan) "Oh hi Blarg" :) Inserts a Hornets nest (Shudders) :(
  3. pfreaking unbelievable

    Youtube Thread

    I miss those days when me and my sis could easily find those. :D Anyway, I got owned again (There's supposed to be 2.5 but youtube blocked it. DAMN YOU YOUTUBE!) I love Criken
  4. pfreaking unbelievable

    Top 5 Most Overrated Video Games

    Here: 5.Pokemon Platinum: Ok so it's not that bad, but after you complete the side quest and the Main Quest, well unless you wanna have all 493 pokemon, the game gets BORING! 4. Frogger 1 New: Let me just say that I have played the New Frogger 1 for the PS2 and the Arcade version. New Frogger 1...
  5. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Suicide Game!

    I was driving a car when I slip on the buttery popcorn and fell of the Grand Canyon. Drops my clothes.
  6. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but it's so fun you don't want to leave and your parents ground you for not leaving it. I wish I knew where everyone lived.
  7. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Gets Zoroark (The member) and Bagon egg (Ah-CHOO!) and sneezes on them. Inserts snot rags.
  8. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but you then start crushing everything you touch. I wish I wasn't (cough) sick today (Sniffle)
  9. pfreaking unbelievable

    I Draw teh Art Stuff

    Dunsparce>Dialga LOL Togekiss: WT* I don't care how strong your Rattata is, NO I'M NOT FLYING ALL THE WAY TO ROUTE 30 TO BATTLE YOUR RAT! ROFLAP
  10. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, but everyone wants to know what time it is and you get to many orders you do suicide by jumping into L4D2 Swamp Fever Swamp. I wish I wasn't obsessed with Left 4 Dead
  11. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Gets "Ridin' Nerdy" Inserts TM earthquake and Donphan.
  12. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Birthday Thread

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZACKY! ;) ;) For he's a jolly good fellow, For he's a jolly good fellow, For he's a jolly good fellow, and IDK who he is, WHOOHOO! Birthday: October 13, this year, I'll be turning 11!
  13. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Suicide Game!

    Lightbulb electrocutes me and I faint. Drops DS.
  14. pfreaking unbelievable


    I get the basic Phobia of Bees, Wasp, Hornets (Shudders) I have never been stung by one, but I heard it was painful and I'm just so scared of it. Another one I have is Alarms. Every 2nd Wednesday before the last of the month, there is this one siren called The Ft. Hood Texas Emergency Warning...
  15. pfreaking unbelievable


    More Quotes! ;D "I got chocolate bubblegum!", "I don't know" and "Yes, wait a minute, no." ~ all from GIR (Invader Zim) "Victory! Victory for ZIM!" ~ Zim (Invader Zim)
  16. pfreaking unbelievable

    Hurt & Heal - Unova style!

    Re: Hurt & Heal - Isshu style! Tsutaaja: HP 25 Pokabu: HP 20 Mijumaru: HP 27 Mamepato: HP 20 Chiramii: HP 25 Gear: HP 18 Hihidaruma: HP 20 Meguroko: HP 21 Munna: HP 31 Shimama: HP 22 Zorua: HP 24 Doryuuzu: HP 20 Ononokusu: HP 22 Desukan: HP 24 HEAL Denchura: HP 42 Reshiram: HP 0 HURT Zekrom: HP...
  17. pfreaking unbelievable


    "To be or not to be, that is the question" ~ Shakesphere "No need to worry!" ~ Dawn (Pokemon D/P SLV) (When there's no need to worry about something in PKMN) "I hate elavators, and Doctors, and Lawyers, and Cops-" ~ Francis (Left 4 Dead) (No Mercy elevator small chat)
  18. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Gets a Kitten. Inserts a Penguin.
  19. pfreaking unbelievable

    Hurt & Heal - Unova style!

    Re: Hurt & Heal - Isshu style! Tsutaaja: HP 25 Pokabu: HP 21 Mijumaru: HP 26 Mamepato: HP 20 Chiramii: HP 25 Gear: HP 18 Hihidaruma: HP 20 Meguroko: HP 21 Munna: HP 31 Shimama: HP 21 Zorua: HP 24 Doryuuzu: HP 20 Ononokusu: HP 22 Desukan: HP 24 HEAL Denchura: HP 41 Reshiram: HP 3 Hurt Zekrom: HP...
  20. pfreaking unbelievable

    ~Using Legendaries~

    Well, legendaries are fine to get through tough battles. Though they are very hard to catch.