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Gos to Destroy Build Destroy Set, gets 70,000,000 sticks of Dynamite, and The Destroyers, and blows the house up, then gets the builders and Builds a machine, and then destroys iFlare's life.
Insert's Sludge Hammer.
Re: Hurt & Heal - Isshu style!
Tsutaaja: HP 27 HURT
Pokabu: HP 21
Mijumaru: HP 22
Mamepato: HP 20
Chiramii: HP 23
Gear: HP 18
Hihidaruma: HP 20
Meguroko: HP 21
Munna: HP 27
Shimama: HP 21 HEAL
Zorua: HP 24
Moguryu: HP 12
Doryuuzu: HP 20
Ononokusu: HP 22
Desukan: HP 20
Denchura: HP 28
This is the one I posted on the other board but I'll post it here to.
Name: ABC
Type: Unown
Age: ??
Gender: ??
Team: Unown A-F Lv. 65.
(Rematch 1) Unown G-L Lv. 85
(Rematch 2) Unown M-R Lv. 90
(Rematch 3) Unown S-X Lv. 92
(Rematch 4) Unown Y and Z Lv. 100
(Rematch 5+) Unown U, N, O, W, N Lv. 95...
(Not again)
Ok, maybe I went a little off of evolutions, It was just an opinion. We don't need to fight about it like when I suggested Space-type. Now I agree, no legendary evolutions. New Evolutions: Tangrowth evolution. Persian evolution (probably a Tiger or Lion)
Huh? ???
Anyway, NINJAS ROCK! I mean, where in pokemon do you see Pirates? (Ok maybe a few areas I don't know of) And Koga and his Daughter are awesome. And in Clubpenguin you rarely become a pirate.
Besides I love Katanas.
Well, it just came to my mind and I was being creative Vibration. BTW, you have made this the first Topic I made to be a Hot Topic with 15 replies. thank you! ;D ;D ;D.
Basically, I mean that, say a legendary's next move was at Lv. 80 but it leveled up to a level 70 but it still had at least...
Re: Hurt & Heal - Isshu style!
Tsutaaja: HP 28 Heal
Pokabu: HP 21
Mijumaru: HP 22
Mamepato: HP 20
Chiramii: HP 21
Gear: HP 18
Hihidaruma: HP 20
Meguroko: HP 21
Munna: HP 26
Shimama: HP 20
Zorua: HP 24
Moguryu: HP 14
Doryuuzu: HP 20
Ononokusu: HP 22
Desukan: HP 20
Denchura: HP 27 Hurt...
I get it with the legendary catch in Poke balls. I'm just saying IDK that when I battled them so I thought it was a FAIL!!!!
Another Fail I'll post is I accidentally released my Turtwig once.
Takes everything out of Machine Corpse and adds a real Machine. (In return of destroying the machine)
Inserts Cheese
(Cheese: I like chocolate milk!
Jordan: Shut up ok?)
Obtains a Pichu that knows Volt Tackle.
The Pichu a so scared it destroys the machine and then I put $100,000 and a sorry note where the Machine's corpse is for Blarg
Well it apparently I couldn't capture any legendary without a master ball and most just ran away and my Wobuffet was way to low a level to survive. And Torterra was my only high level PKMN and it receives X4 damage when it comes to Ice. So I guess my only fail was not training my Pokemon to beat...
Subject: Legendaries.
Legendaries: These abilities called Legend Up and Legendary Bond.
Legend up: If the user levels up during a battle and is still left with at least 100 HP then the user is able to learn the next Level up move.
Legendary Bond: If user is in a Tag Battle, then the user and...
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