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Well, Screw it then. Besides, I doubt they may even use the ability. But anyway, NEW THOUGHTS:
More Pokemon Like Porygon
Start Up: If the pokemon is poisoned, then they will not loose health outside of battle and the poison will were off after 100 steps and the pokemon will gain full health.
Re: Hurt & Heal - Isshu style!
Tsutaaja: HP 27
Pokabu: HP 24
Mijumaru: HP 22
Mamepato: HP 20
Chiramii: HP 25
Gear: HP 18
Hihidaruma: HP 20
Meguroko: HP 21
Munna: HP 28
Shimama: HP 21
Zorua: HP 24
Doryuuzu: HP 20
Ononokusu: HP 22
Desukan: HP 23 HEAL
Denchura: HP 33
Reshiram: HP 14 HURT
Re: Hurt & Heal - Isshu style!
Tsutaaja: HP 27
Pokabu: HP 24
Mijumaru: HP 22
Mamepato: HP 20
Chiramii: HP 25
Gear: HP 17
Hihidaruma: HP 20
Meguroko: HP 21
Munna: HP 28
Shimama: HP 21
Zorua: HP 25
Moguryu: HP 2 HURT
Doryuuzu: HP 20
Ononokusu: HP 22
Desukan: HP 22 HEAL
Denchura: HP 33
NDS: Pokemon Explorers of Sky
GBA: Pokemon Fire Red
XBox: Sonic Riders
XBox 360: Left 4 Dead 2
PC: Club Penguin
PS2: Frogger.
PS3: Sonic 2006
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy 2
and that's about it.
Mostly, I'd get a Pokemon with not to many weaknesses, balanced stats, learns pretty good moves, and high leveled. Also, you can use HM Slaves for certain things like Cut to get to the Vermilion and Celedon city gyms, Surf and Waterfall, etc.
Re: Hurt & Heal - Isshu style!
Tsutaaja: HP 27
Pokabu: HP 23
Mijumaru: HP 22
Mamepato: HP 20
Chiramii: HP 25
Gear: HP 18
Hihidaruma: HP 20
Meguroko: HP 21
Munna: HP 28
Shimama: HP 21
Zorua: HP 25
Moguryu: HP 2 HURT
Doryuuzu: HP 20
Ononokusu: HP 22
Desukan: HP 21 HEAL
Denchura: HP 33
Some LOL with TF2 class: The Heavy
What does he have?
He has an XBox.
He left 4 Bowling
He just got his license
It's Christmas Feast
He's on a Hungry Quest
Anyway: More TF2
Look Behind You
Gets Dialga, Palkia, and Giritina.
Destroys machine even though it THINKS it's indestructible like Francis from L4D.
Inserts watch into Blarg's Machine.
Apparently, the only shinies I ever got were with the action replay with Heartgold and the red Gyrados. I'm still trying to get all 493 (If you don't include the multiple forms) PKMN in shiny form!
The Pokemon would keep the move. And also if the Pokemon is suppose to learn a move at that level, then the ability won't activate. Also, Rare Candies won't work for it's an in-battle ability.
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