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  1. pfreaking unbelievable

    Nikki's Sig and Userbar Place - Read first post

    Re: Nikki's Sig Place (taking requests) You know what, just ignore that part ok? Just do everything else please. ;) Pokemonfreak
  2. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, But everything still taste terrible. I wish this wish won't be crushed
  3. pfreaking unbelievable

    What would you do for a...

    Travel to Hoenn, say I'm a new trainer, obtain Mudkip. What would you do for a Pokemon Black/White/3rd version in English right now?
  4. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Obtains Raikou's Rage Spice Bars! (Spicy!) Inserts James with struggle (James: Huh?!)
  5. pfreaking unbelievable

    Nikki's Sig and Userbar Place - Read first post

    Re: Nikki's Sig Place (taking requests) I would please like two. #1 Pokemon: Piplup Theme/Preferred colors: Forest background and Ice Blue Text Text: Penguins in the forest! Anything additional: #2 Pokemon: Turtwig Theme/Preferred colors: Rainy Background and green Text Text: This is no...
  6. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Crtl+V Game 2!

    Klondike I was wondering what the hell it was
  7. pfreaking unbelievable

    What would you do for a...

    Swim from South America to Africa and back 20 times and strangle a shark, Killer Whale, and Lion. What would you do for all of the Pokemon Games (Handheld, Console, etc.)?
  8. pfreaking unbelievable

    Crush a wish!

    Granted, But the star you wished on just exploded. I wish I was a Turtwig.
  9. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Gets Fusion Matter. Inserts Boomerang
  10. pfreaking unbelievable

    Upcoming Videogames

    I feel the exact same way, just I was hoping either that the original survivors have one new survivor since Bill died in The Passing (If you don't know the campaign, please watch the links of the playthrough by Kilplix n friends below) or there were 4 new survivors. I also can't wait for Portal...
  11. pfreaking unbelievable

    The Vending Machine Game!

    Gets MewTwo Inserts CD
  12. pfreaking unbelievable

    Easy, Medium or Hard?

    I mostly like challenges like on my ZOMBIE games but I also do easy sometimes.
  13. pfreaking unbelievable

    Create your own Elite Four trainer

    I have a complete Elite 4 and Champ. :) #1 Name: Flare Type: Fire Age: 26 Gender: Female Team: Flareon Lv. 50, Rapidash Lv. 49, Magmotar Lv. 49, Charizard Lv. 45, Blaziken Lv. 45. (Rematch) Flareon Lv. 70, Rapidash Lv. 69, Magmotar Lv. 69, Charizard Lv. 65, Blaziken Lv. 60, Houndoom Lv. 60. #2...
  14. pfreaking unbelievable

    Create a frontier brain

    Location: Spear Pillar. Battle Facility: Battle Pillar Trainers: For silver symbol (First Battle): 10 trainers per round, each with one legendary. 4 rounds. For gold symbol (Second Battle): 20 trainers per round, each with one legendary. 3 rounds. Brain and Team: Pillar Builder Phil. Age: 17...
  15. pfreaking unbelievable

    Fond Memories of your first Pokemon games~

    With my first game 'Pokemon Platinum' (I wasn't into PKMN then) I remember always DYING when I had to battle Candace because of my Torterra, with Emerald, I couldn't even defeat the FIRST gym leader because of stupid Nosepass and it made me upset I had no Action Replay (or whatever) cheats and I...
  16. pfreaking unbelievable

    Top six pokemon

    For Kanto: 6. Moltres One burnin' Flyer. 5. Raichu Thunder Rockin' PKMN. 4. Ditto Ditto can turn into ANY PKMN 3. Mew Same thing as Ditto only cuter! 2. Jolteon Same thing as Raichu only Stronger. 1. _________ CHARIZARD ! The best starter I know (other than Turtwig)
  17. pfreaking unbelievable

    Gyms ~

    I think they should have more normal-type gyms and Elite 4. So far, there have only been 2: Whitney (Johto), and Norman (Hoenn).
  18. pfreaking unbelievable

    If you were a Gym Leader.....

    This is worth a shot. The place of the gym is in my town Twig City. The gym is like in a forest. In the gym there are pictures of Turtwigs, Grotles, and Torterras along with 5 trainers. The Gym leader's name is Torry. His team is: LV. 69 Turtwig LV. 70 Grotle LV. 72 Torterra LV. 72 Tropius LV...
  19. pfreaking unbelievable

    EpicFlare's Sprites(Taking trainer sprite and trainer card requests only!)

    Hey EpicFlare, do you think you can make a sprite and trainer card for my Rival for my powerpoint? (Note these do not need codes unless the codes appear automatically) Trainer Name: Gem Gender: Female Age: 12 Clothing: Pink shirt with blue pokeball on it. Purple skirt with yellow trim and Poke...
  20. pfreaking unbelievable

    Your favourite Pokemon

    I would like to say Turtwig (Hence my # being 387 which is Turtwig's N-Dex number and my signature) because of it being cute, cuddly, and it being the only Starter in sinnoh able to learn rock climb. Pokemonfreak387