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Search results

  1. D

    On which country do you live?

    If you think usa is boring better come to Venezuela, the only great city is the one in which I live, its capital Caracas, even though it's still boring and dangerous, I mean you can't even go out yourself until you are like 16 years old because is so dangerous, there are like 10 deaths every...
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    Summer! :DDDD

    Well there's still like a month, I forgot I'm not on elementary anymore so I get vacations from the last week of June at least :P (by the way in the country in which I live there's one more grade added like before first grade and the last year of high school is removed, so I'm in 8th grade in...
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    Hall of Eggery

    Hi, I just started this thing of the eggs, so my team is on the signature... help them grow please =3
  4. D

    Summer! :DDDD

    wow you american and uk (or others) guys are very lucky, my vacations start on July 9th and end like September 20
  5. D

    On which country do you live?

    I wonder what is like to live in other countries... What can american people tell :D I'm curious, and I will also like to know about Israel and Lithuania it sounds interesting hehe... for the people living normally it's like well another day, but if you think, it is wonderful like not everybody...
  6. D

    What are you playing?

    I played and finished earthbound and mother 3 some years ago I love it!
  7. D

    On which country do you live?

    You guessed correctly StellarWind :3! You won! XD
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    Mario or Sonic

    I like best mario, sonic is not as popular and of course mario is sooooo fun, sonic is like <---- Lucky star if you wonder.
  9. D

    What are you playing?

    currently playing: -Touhou 8 Imperishable night: Stage 4 :D -Okami (Wii): just passed the city checkpoint :3 -Pokemon White: On white forest Recently played: -Touhou 11 Subterranean animism -Touhou 9.5 Shoot the bullet -Touhou 7 perfect cherry blossom -Touhou 6 Embodiment of scarlet devil -OoT...
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    The Stupid Game!

    my cat says so! Why are french fries from Philippines?
  11. D

    Word Association

    gummy bear :D
  12. D

    On which country do you live?

    I have been wondering on which country do the people of pokecharms live, I don`t know why. Also I would like to talk to someone who lives in Asia, it would be interesting... Let's see if you can guess on which country do I live, here some stuff about my country: 1) it is located in South...
  13. D

    The Birthday Thread

    Happy late birthday to Toastie, Tun, Louie (I don't know you but that were all the names I read on this page XD) also I have not posted here, sorry for that. My birthday is very very far away so no need to telll it so soon... Happy birthday to all birthday people.
  14. D

    Origin of your screen name(s)?

    my real name, just abbreviated
  15. D

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    playing touhou 12 :3 7 months for Christmas I better start preparing stuff :D
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    I had a dream last night in which I was walking on a plaza with a friend and then a crazy woman takes my ipod and ds and throws them away, then I find that the ds was ok because it was on a case and hanged from a pole but the ipod was far and when I picked up it it was broken in half, then I...
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    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    I fixed it XD now I can play.
  18. D

    Your Most Difficult/Easiest Legendary Capture

    Easiest zekrom, uxie, and ho-oh just threw a quickball on 1st turn XD hardest rayquaza .... -.-
  19. D

    Favourite NPC? (Games)

    whichisveryveryverygoodandI'mtotallynotonlysayingthatbecauseIhaveglasseswhywouldyouthinkthat? lolz XD by the way mine is I don`t know I don't have a favorite at all but I like elite four the are cool XP
  20. D

    The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

    I'm thinking about how to fix the sliders on osu! because I'm running it on a mac via virtual box...... (If anyone knows :D could help me pleeeaaassseee? thanks)