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Search results

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    dafg's sprites

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    What's your favorite writing utensil

    mechanical pencil I don't like the usual pencil I hate to sharpen, and I don't break the lead often
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    The Vending Machine Game!

    *I manage to get outside the machine* *inserts a don't worry note for shiny weavile*
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    Red's GIMP Thread: Now Taking Requests

    I want to ask you if you could make a signature for me? your signatures are amazing. theme:kyogre at the sea background:blue or dark blue text:powerful water pokemon (If you want you can put the power of the seas instead, the one that's easier for you) other: If you want to add anything... thanks
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    The Oddest Things in the Pokemon World

    Why do people do not get surprised by legendary pokemon you catch? And in a house of 4 people they only have kitchen tv and table, do they sleep on the floor? you can enter anyone's house and they are always open day and night and nobody sleeps what do people eat? (in the games) you never see...
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    The Acronym Game

    well so super cakes ate real rats ending dead charms
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    The Acronym Game

    just a thing I think the letters max is 7
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    dafg's sprites

    I tried to fix the chingling and cherubi sprite and I used the chingling but on a different position
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    dafg's sprites

    Thanks for the advice ;D it really helped I didn't know about the .png thing. I have another sprite but i think I messed up the flame but look and please tell me
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    dafg's sprites

    Hi, I opened this because I want to show sprites I made, well here are two of my creations
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    Hoenn Remakes?

    I hope they make the remakes I will soooooo get sapphire because it was my first pokemon game and my favorite pokemon is kyogre.
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    The Acronym Game

    crazy animals run and munch extreme leftovers
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    The Vending Machine Game!

    -.- ...
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    RX's Unova Ranch

    I've got a rufflet if you want... And I will really like a zoura =3
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    dafg's trade post

    Also I've got the tepig and if anyone wants I have smeargles.
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    What's your favorite pokeball?

    I chose the diveball because I like it but the most useful is the quickball, I caught zekrom with one XD and also uxie. I use it everytime I catch any wild pokemon
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    Your first Pokemon Game

    sapphire, I liked it because I saw a kid playing it when I was in kindergarten ;D
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    How long have you been playing the Poke'mon Games?

    since I was 6 years old, stared with sapphire
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    Favourite Legendary?

    mine too XD
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    The Impossible Pokemon Game

    sepia treecko using heart stamp XD