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Search results

  1. Arcanine

    Sylveon's Type: The Plot Thickens!

    Actually, I think fairy makes sense. I mean lots of pokemon would be re-typed, such as: Clefairy, Clefable, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Audino, Chansey and Blissey as fairy types, Snubbull and Granbull as Normal/Fairy types, Plusle and Minule as Electric/Fairy and ( I dont agree...
  2. Arcanine


    Thanks Shocari, though could you add in explosion to metagross? It has helped me a lot over the first couple of battles when metagross has , like 20 hp left, does that work? oops, my mistake ~:p~
  3. Arcanine


    gaahh! I am so bad at this! sorry I didnt read the rules, I was kinda rushed Thia is what I have already; Alakazam @ choice scarf ability magic guard nature +spatk -atack EVs 252sp 252spatk 4def trick flash thunder wave psychic trick to cripple the lead nd same with tw and flash,psychic is...
  4. Arcanine


    I need a sweeper for the battle tower in hg ss I already have a trick choice scarf alakazam and a metagross I was thinking maybe a salemence or a scizor? (better, stellerwind elysdeon?)
  5. Arcanine


    I need a team for hg ss battle tower, I have a lot of time on my hands so anything is possible!
  6. Arcanine

    No game description for HG/SS

    Ok, Ok, Ok, sorry I asked...
  7. Arcanine

    No game description for HG/SS

    I could do it if you want... (I have both games) ~:D~
  8. Arcanine

    No game description for HG/SS

    Ok, sorry, I mean that on our site that there is no game description, if you go to "games Database" then Gen IV then "gold and silver remakes" it says "There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, or search the related logs." thanks. -Arcanine
  9. Arcanine

    No game description for HG/SS

    Has Anyone realized that there is no game description for HG/SS? its one of my Favourite games, and there is no description ~:(~