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  1. T

    Two Pairs

    The dig was intimadating, but there was a silver lining. "Riolu, endure! Take the hit!" Riolu let down his guard, setting his hands to his sides. He shown a blue light momentarily. This would be a perfect set up, all they had to do was wait and then make his move.
  2. T

    Fears and phobias

    I bet at least somebody here's Hemophobic. (Fear of Blood.)
  3. T

    Two Pairs

    The substitute dispersed, but the match was seeded. "Finish it, Riolu! Copycat!" Leaping out of some nearby bushes, after his opponent's earthquake was finished, Riolu slammed his palm into the ground to create his own. It looked like it would be an effective one, as well. Sonjo smirked.
  4. T

    Two Pairs

    The defence was nearly set. "Add the finishing touches, Riolu, Substitute!" Riolu set a little doll replica of itself, stumbling a little from creating the doll from his own health. He then lept back, to remain hidden. He'll have trouble getting through to him now... He awaited the next move.
  5. T

    Two Pairs

    Riolu seemed concerned. He couldn't hit Blaziken like this. He was trapped, and further more, was wide open. But Sonjo knew a move that could turn the tides. "Riolu, Swagger! Make sure he doesn't hit!" Riolu clapped his hands together, and released a big cloud of pale-looking gas from it's...
  6. T

    Two Pairs

    Riolu's eyes grew larger as the fire fury grew closer. He acted upon instinct, and held out ad to defend itself. When the barrage reached him, Riolu was sent racing back. It struggled greatly to even regain his stance. But when he was back up, both trainer and pokemon both knew what was comming...
  7. T

    Two Pairs

    Riolu took the hit, being sent shooting up into the air. Sonjo smirked, he knew just what to do. Once Riolu was close enough to the target, hurled his plan. "Now, Counter!" Riolu ragained sight of his opponent, and came down upon Blaziken's head with the same palm he held at the beggining. The...
  8. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo took a hard look at Micheal's pokemon. It looked very powerfull, and adgile at that. He'd take care of that first. Having his stradegy set, he made his first move. "Alright, start-off with Force Palm, Riolu!" With the command issued, the aura Pokemon swurved in different dirrections, and...
  9. T

    Two Pairs

    Riolu pumped off of Sonjo's shoulder, and landed on his side of the feild. He got into stance, both legs bent, and one ahead of the other. The inside of his right paw was facing Blaziken, the other at his waist. "I guess it's three-on-three. No withdraws and no items. That's all I care about."
  10. T

    Two Pairs

    Riolu hopped back onto his master's shoulder, letting out a merry cry upon landing. Sonjo pat his furry blue friend, then took his small spherical pokeballs, and placed them in their respective places on his belt. "Okay, let's give it our best." he announced to everybody currently in the room.
  11. T

    Two Pairs

    "Playing with Pokemon is fun, too. We sometimes listen to music together, and dance all over the place... with a few exeptions, of course." He referred to his stiffer partners, but they'd still listen. Sonjo trwirled the lossed bangages around his index finger, and unravled. "Pokemon, make great...
  12. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo laughed at her comment. "I'm always on the go. I practice martial arts with my pokemon when I'm alone. We're always in tip-top shape." The eager lad started fiddling with the loose of his wrist bandages. "My Dad used to teach at a Dojo. You'd be amazed how good he used to be." He...
  13. T

    Two Pairs

    Riolu hopped onto Sonjo's tray of pokeballs, still trying to get the scent of repel out of his nose. "Well, I'm sort of curious about our new friend Micheal here, so I'll be more than happy battle him. Riolu's got a new fighting style he's been wanting to try out." Sonjo's face shone with...
  14. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo already knew the answer to that question. "Let's practice! There'll be plenty of time for a sightseeing afterwords." His fist was slammed into his left hand. "It'll be a good oprotunity to give our Pokemon some exercise themselves... Providing that they won't be as intense as the last one...
  15. T

    Two Pairs

    Riolu smirked at Sonjo, who in reply grinned to him. Micheal's Blaziken reminded himself of Combusken, who was still resting inside of his pokeball. He might let him out when they settle at Pewter City, but only if he's up to it... which he probally will be. " Y'know, Moltres has no real gender...
  16. T

    Sunset Mountain

    There were plenty of trainers around, and even some of their Pokemon, but almost none of their party was at the Pokecenter with them. He scratched his head and took another glance around the intieror. "Do you think Team Galactic got the better of them?" he asked, knoiwing the answear himself...
  17. T

    Two Pairs

    "Ah, that's good. Riolu's getting a little jumpy over here." Riolu wiggled a little, trying to adjust to a more comfortable position. Sonjo himself felt a little more comfortable knowing his friends begginings and happenings on their adventures. He cracked his knuckles, and remembered that...
  18. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo observed the passing surroundings. They'd be out of the forest in a little while longer, provided that they wouldn't stop walking. "I met Stephen in Dewford. He was just getting out of a cave there, and he seemed to have a peice of paper in his hand." Ah, the past held plenty of stories...
  19. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo brought his hand to his chin, Riolu mimicing his master. "Well, I've been in my fair share of Contests. I've competed in the Poketower in Sinnoh, which is pretty challanging. They even have a Battle Salon there, where you could pair up with different trainers; for two-on-two matches. And...
  20. T

    Two Pairs

    "I don't mind. It'll be nice to revisit Pewter. After all, Riolu hasn't gotten a chance to see the sights there." He looked at his blue companion, who grinned back at him. He liked seeing the world and all of it's people. Riolu was always like that, ever since it hatched from its egg.