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  1. T

    Two Pairs

    Riolu finsihed his sandwhich now, patting his stomach and whiped the crumbs off of his mouth. "My second Gym battle wasn't as dramatic as Roxanne. Brawly had fighting pokemon, which was pretty fun for Combusken. His Makuhita put up a good fight, though." It was nice to remember something like...
  2. T

    Two Pairs

    Brock, eh? Hearing this reminded his battles with Roxanne. "Oh, wow. That reminds me of my first Gym battle, with Roxanne. She also had rock-type pokemon. At the time being, I only had Torchic and Beautifly with me. So, as you could figue... It was pretty tough." His face shifted downwards. "It...
  3. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo quickly finished his Ramen, and kept a hand on the cup it was in. "Sorry, about that. We'll start hiking out of the forest now." Some Caterpie came rustling out of the tall grass, and quickly crawled across the path to the other side. Riolu was still working on his sandwhich, dropping...
  4. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo took a pair of chop sticks out of his pocket, and snapped them apart. "Team Galactic. I've dealt with them in Sinnoh myself. They wanted to create a new world for themselves by wiping all other living things out of existance. Their leader, Cyrus, attempted to use legandary that created the...
  5. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo took one of the offered sandwhiches. But instead of eating it himself, he gave it to Riolu. He seemed to be rather hungry at the time, so it'd be fit for a Pokemon his size. He happily took a nibble. He took out a cup of Beef Ramen and a Thermas of hot water he kept in the warmest pocket...
  6. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo rolled his eyes. "Bug catchers can get annoying. All they ever use are generic bug Pokemon like Butterfree or Beedrill." He shoved his hands into his pockets. "They all share the weakness. Combusken got tired of fighting them and even refused to battle them any longer." He laughed slightly.
  7. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo looked over at Micheal. "You got to battle Blue when he just had a Squirtle? I had to battle him at Viridian as the Gym leader." He remembered Blue's Blastoise, it was fairly powerfull though nothing compared to his own Pokemon. "Didn't he used to be the Kanto Champion?" The group...
  8. T

    Sunset Mountain

    Sonjo was sitting in front of the PC in the pokecenter; it seemed that Team Galactic had been fought off for now. Combusken was off in the distance, stretching and such. He'd given Nurse Joy Altaria's Pokeball for healing, though it shouldn't take much longer. He acessed Professor Birtch's PC...
  9. T

    Sunset Mountain

    As Sonjo looked around the Pokecenter, he saw more and more pedestirians that had returned to safety. He also spotted several members of his own party. Combusken let out a sigh of relief. More and more Team Galactic members semmed to be fleeing the City. He looked down on his bird friend. "What...
  10. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo laughed to himself. "Well, it started when Professor Birtch needed help with pokemon research on the field. When I'd got to him, he was being traced up a tree by a wild Poochena!" His face purked up, remembering his panic. "He said to take a pokeball out of his bag and fight off his...
  11. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo looked over his shoulder. "Topic?" He was tempted to ramble on and on about Professor Oak, but Riolu glared back at him, as if he were saying 'Try again, pal.' "How about when we just started our adventures as trainers? It's been a long time, but I can remember throughly." A few Pidgey...
  12. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo took a second thought on this. "Well, the forest would be a nice place to take a look at now that you bring it up. I vote for the scenic route." he said. He whistled an upbeat tune he had picked up from his adventures in the Sinnoh region, having precise timing on each note.
  13. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo rested his arms behind his head, carefull not to knock over Riolu. "Should we take the shortcut? It'd be a lot faster if we were to travel through Veridian Forest." The sun was now peeking over the tall trees, a few Pidgy and Sparow flapping past it. His companion yawned slightly.
  14. T

    Sunset Mountain

    All this would take it one more move. The opponent is out-numbered, weakened, and unable to make a move himself. "Alright, finish it! Combusken, Blaze Kick!" The firey fighter lit it's foot a blaze, leaping upwards. It came crashing down upon the foe's skunk, hitting it hard. It was 'Game Over'...
  15. T

    Two Pairs

    Combusken was trailing behind, having several different bandages around his head and arms, along with a few patches of gause. Despite his wounds and bruses, the fire bird was cheerfull. Sonjo recalled him, and sent Riolu out in his place. (Seeing as he must still be sore.) The little blue...
  16. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo took to the benches, waiting for his pokemon to also be healed. "Sky Uppercut, huh? Combusken also knows that technique. It's one of his favorites, actually. He store at the bird's pokeball, then at the pokecenter service counter. "Unfortunately for him, he could never turn down a challange."
  17. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo promptly nodded to Carrie's comment. "Rai's incredible as well. I wasn't expecting anything like... that." He was obviously was reffering to the mouse's last move. "She must of underwent some intense training." He said, smiling. He was very proud of both pokemon. It was just awesome.
  18. T

    Two Pairs

    Sonjo was impressed. He's never seen moves like those. Not even from Bruno. The aftermath was equally as baffling. Though Combusken was terribly fatigued, and injured to boot, it was still trying to get up. "Alright, that's enough, Combusken." He snapped his fan back into his pocket, and stopped...
  19. T

    Two Pairs

    "It's not over until it's over. Combusken still has a little left on him..." It was time.He could tell from the bird's smirk through the pain that it was time he released his true fury. Combusken was sent back, still holding his footing. It started panting, breaths getting more quiet than the...
  20. T

    Two Pairs

    It was now a double-edged sword, for Combusken took the fall as well. The tail still around it's arm, the firey bird could not break free. However, Combusken smirked as he got up begging to spin around rapidly. Sonjo broke out a fan with the 'Yin-Yang' symbol upon it. "Pretty close, eh?"