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Exactly, I'm hoping that even though most of the role-players on here are a little younger than 18 that they will be able to step up and fill the shoes of some more mature characters :D
Got any idea what partner you want to give to Harper?
Edit just seen that you've been filling in that bio XD
Nah she would certainly be allowed in to the little cup tier provided she was as you say, inexperienced at battling. Plus I dont really want to have to write about 14 year olds getting mauled by an angry Nidoking or something XD
Ah Littleblue, I was hoping you might turn up for this!
The limitations on the starters are very loose, you can have pretty much any Pokémon bar pseudo legendries as your partner Pokémon so go wild! But no duplicates please and it doesn't have to be a starter Pokémon like my dear Sceptile, have...
Hello everybody, its been a while since I ventured on to this site due to some surgery I had to suffer through but now I'm fully healed and really looking forward to getting back into the swing of things! Anyway enough about me, time to get to what this particular roleplay will be all about.
Righto, righto.....Well we can elaborate on it after I get a character up then I guess :)
Think I'll be going with ole Tyche as the parent to my guy, if that's alright. Or actually could I use Ate? Godess of Misfortune and Mischief.
The time had come for Niko to put his own unique spin on this simple activity but as he stepped up and into the time light he faltered, a thought flashing through his mind. After a moments further of careful consideration a look of grim determination set on the young mans face. All of those who...
I think the smoke ult is a little too powerful, that would devastate on any point control match... you could have it so it doesn't go through barriers or something? Not really sure...
Honestly I'm still having trouble thinking of my own, its only the most basic of concepts right now. There are already so many characters within the Overwatch universe its actually pretty hard to think of any characters that could actually fit into the game. Especially in terms of abilities...
So whilst we wait for anybody else to see if they want to join how about we get up some concepts for our characters? I've got some kind of English, electric themed omnic thing forming in my mind.....probably defender...
Great if we can get like one more person I would say were good to get this show on the road :)
Feel free to invite any friends of yours who you think may be interested as well!
Hey guys I haven't got very far into the planning of this roleplay because I'm not really sure how many people would be interested in it. If enough people are interested the plan was that this rp would take place around the time the events in the game take place but instead of the old team...
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