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  1. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Are those you're fairies?" Yuzuki asked looking at them in total awe. "They're so cute!" Yuzuki could see the fairies because she was related to a hero, but Yosuki put in a request that Yuzuki would not become a hero when their parents died. "Yeah, let's go hit the shops!" Yosuki said. Yuzuki...
  2. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    (I honestly didn't realize that Yuzuki was her surname) Yuzuki jumped up and examined Rin. She looked up and down. before finally running back to her brother and whispering in his ear. "Suki... Is that your girlfriend?" Yosuki sighed and shook his head. "No, she's not. You're not old enough to...
  3. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Wow, too bad we don't have shops like this in japan." Yosuki said. "SUKI!" came shout from a female shortly before Yosuki got tackled to the ground by a girl. The girl had her arms around Yosuki's waist. She looked to be 12 years old, having reddish pink hair and what seemed to be a light blue...
  4. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "She said she's at *Insert name of street shop is on here*" Yosuki said. "Raul, do you know where that is?" Yosuki asked, still unknowing of where anything is in this country.
  5. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Oh cute." Yosuki said looking at the fairy. "Anyways, then lets head that way." Yosuki said getting up from his chair. A bit after he stood up, his phone buzzed with a text message. Yosuki pulled out the phone. "Wait, my sister is also in Spain!" (Terrible character introduction inbound) He...
  6. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Well, either way, I think for today I'll just follow where you want to go." Yosuki said. But if there really was a nightclub, he was going to stop by and listen to the music. That would probably be after Rin fell asleep. Being the night owl that he is, Yosuki didn't need much sleep, so that...
  7. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "It's up to you." Yosuki said, "If our bags are being taken up to our room then we can go anywhere we want." He didn't know much about this area, so he wouldn't know where to go for sightseeing or tourist locations. He decided it would be best to leave it up to Rin since it seemed she knew more...
  8. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Oh!" Yosuki said, much like a purple haired dragon girl, "They smell amazing!" Yosuki looked around the dining area, not spotting many other heros. "Wow, there really aren't that many people here." He said to himself imagining the number of people that could fit in the room they were in.
  9. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    As soon as raul finished talking Yosuki was gone. Only to be found in front of the coffee machine getting himself some black coffee. He returned to the table, and drank his coffee. A new light shined in his eyes. "Hey rin, remind me to get a bag of this before we go back." Yosuki said before...
  10. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki also took some ham, bread, and melon. "Raul," he began. "Is there a possibility of there being any coffee here as well?" He asked looking around after setting his plate at the table they were sitting at.
  11. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Wow, it all looks so good!" He said, he glanced over at rin, realizing her situation. "Do you need any help?" Yosuki walked over and asked her. He wanted to help, but at the same time, didn't want to make it sound like she was completely helpless.
  12. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "I don't see why lunch would be a problem." Yosuki said. "Do you?" He asked directing his question to Rin. After the flight he was pretty hungry, not to mention that he ended up forgetting to eat breakfast. All he has had today is coffee and overly salted peanuts.
  13. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Only 11 people? Sounds like my kind of place." Yosuki said as he exited the car on the other side. He gazed upwards at the magnificent building. "Wow, this is where we are staying?" He asked in amazement. "When I envisioned coming here, i didn't think it would be this luxurious."
  14. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Wow. Sounds like a grand place." Yosuki said. He hoped it wasn't too crowded. He could deal with a semi large amount of people, but jam packed full of people was not something he could do. "Large amounts of people, just like us." He said marveling at the thought .
  15. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki nodded in agreement. "But, what we can help her by continuing to do what we are doing. For her." He said. "By the way Raùl, where are we going?" He asked looking out the window ow the passing scenery
  16. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Well, there is her and I think I saw five others. But I haven't gone up to talk to them." Yosuki said. "But I don't think there is a need to go and talk to them. But as far as Nogi goes, she definitely put others before herself."
  17. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "I figured that there were more than just us, but I didn't realize it was organized he said. As far as multiple groups in Japan. I guess that explains those five that had fairies with them." He said recalling the group of five girls that were around their age
  18. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Ah, well... Miss Rin." Yosuki said in a joking way. "It's all good." He laughed a bit. "So. I had no idea there were different hero divisions." He said
  19. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    "Underling? I guess that kinda fits." Yosuki said. After all. He did come into their club after everyone else. "Yeah, the more I think about it the more that makes sense. Out of curiosity, who told you that?" He asked
  20. Yosuki Kitohara

    Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

    Yosuki bowed doing the best introduction he could. "Nice to meet you, my name is Yosuki." He said in Spanish, partially broken. "Please excuse my bad Spanish."