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Yosuki smiled. When Rin's father arrived at the train station, he got out, got his luggage (And some of rin's for her) and bowed to him. "Thank you very much for the ride here." He said to Rin's father.
"Good morning." Yosuki said with a duffel bag slung around his shoulders. He had packed everything he was taking with in just one bag, to make traveling easier. He was just awake enough for his brain to be able to function. "Exciting huh?" Yosuki asked smiling as he teetered on his feet trying...
Yosuki woke up to his blaring alarm. "Ahhh, it's sooo early." He rolled over and looked at his clock. 5:00AM. He rolled out of bed and slowly walked over to the coffee pot. He set the maker to auto brew last night. He drank about three cups of coffee and got ready to head over to Rin's bakery.
"Oh, coffee is definitely mine, and i died a long time ago." He said as he took a sip of his freshly poured coffee.
As the time passed Yosuki said by to his friend and her family before leaving for his own home. When he got to his house he packed all the items he would need to bring. As well...
"But, since it's still early in the day." Yosuki said. "May i please have more coffee?" He asked smiling. They didn't leave until tomorrow and there was still plenty of time for today.
"Perfect!" Yosuki said, "I'll guess ill stop by tomorrow around 5:30." Yosuki thought for a second. "Man that's early." he said. "But, it will be worth it." He smiled.
"Oh, a sly one arn't you?" Yosuki chuckled. "Anyways, then we can go tomorrow. Can your mom drive us to the station?" Yosuki asked. It was a while away and he didn't have a ride of his own to get him there.
"Ah, I'm sure we can buy one of those translators at the airport." Yosuki said. "You know the ones where you speak into the mic and it comes out a different language? Ah, this plane leaves tomorrow at noon." Yosuki said pointing out the plane on his phone
"Just enough to get me by. I've learned more English than Spanish" he said. (Assuming that we are speaking Japanese and we are just writing in English for simplicity.) "How about you?" He asked. He pulled out his phone so that they could look at flight times.
"Sure, we can go there!" He said. "Don't we have this next week off? I can get some money together and look up flight times and we can leave tomorrow." Yosuki said. He loved airports as well, so not only was he looking forward to the trip, but to that as well.
"Hm, then maybe we should take a trip somewhere!" Yosuki said. "An all expenses paid trip to anywhere we want to go!" He had been saving quite a lot of money from the part time jobs we worked and the music he used to release. And because most of the money was unspent, he had a lot that could be...
"Oh." He said, messing with the empty cup in his hands. "So it sounds like you've also been through quite a bit." Yosuki said. He wanted this to be all over, so that they can have happy lives. "Well, I don't know about you." He started, trying to change the mood. "But i think we should live our...
Yosuki shook his hand. "The most affiliation I've had with the Taisha is when my parents got into an accident." He said, beginning his story. "In the accident, they died. I was ten at the time, but that didn't stop them from hitting me with the truth. Because my parents knew I was going to be a...
Yosuki chuckled. "Yeah, but you're right." He said. "I mean. As pessimistic as it sounds, we may not have much time left. The least the could do is give us some time to enjoy ourselves."
"Yeah. I hope it's a while before the next ones come. Especially with how many we've already gotten." Yosuki said putting his head on his arm. "I'd like to settle down for a while before the next fight."
"Ah, thank you very much" Yosuki said. He took a drink off the coffee. Straight... Black... Coffee. He also took a bite off the pastry. "Wow, it's extremely good." Yosuki said. He smiled. "If I ever find a girl, I'll have to bring her here." He laughed
"Ah yum!" Youski said. "Can I get one of those and a coffee please?" He asked pulling out some cash. He smiled, "By the way, if you ever need help around the shop, im your guy"
Yosuki dressed casually. He left his house, walking down the street. After a bit of time he opened the door to the bakery. "Hello," Yosuki said coming in
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