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  1. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    "Nice, you didn't told me earlier." Emerald told to Logan. "So, let's use this device to find the Team Flare!" She looked at the view at the island. "I don't want to be a Fugitive."
  2. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Maze Runner Discussion/Plans/Sign Up

    Name: Oscar "Jegger" Age: 15 Rank: Runner About: When he was a kid, he prefer to be called 'Jegger' than his own name. He was yet doing good on the sports at his school and he is the number one sprinter there but his education his a mess. He mostly got a short hair due to dandruff problems and...
  3. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    "Who's that! Oh my god, I'll get her!" Emerald teleported to the nearby tree where the woman didn't passed yet. Emerald waited until the woman is near enough. "Where do you think you going?" she asked the woman with a soft voice.
  4. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Safari Zone

    Jully approaches Kiri from the back and she immediately sat on the ground due she was tired. "I-I thought that I was lost!" she said while grabbing her water bottle and drinks it.
  5. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    "For what? Logan, you are now a 'Fugitive' and you could have known that!" Emerald turned on her PokeNav recorder. "Hi, it's me N. Lady Emerald, remember that you need to find our fugitive, code name; Logan. We cannot lose any information on other's hand!" Then Emerald voice appears. "I will...
  6. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    "Thanks, Logan. I'll go there soon." She registered the coordinates in her shadow triad teleportation device that was gave to her by the Seven Sages. "Remember Logan. Team Flare out, Team Plasma rules!"
  7. ProfessorJeff

    Thanks! I heard that because you have the power of a MewTwo...

    Thanks! I heard that because you have the power of a MewTwo...
  8. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    "Wait! I'm gonna use my teleporter too." She went near Logan and she grabbed her teleporter. As she got it, her purse dropped on the ground losing all of the items inside the purse including a Team Plasma badge and her trainer card. "Oppsss."
  9. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Nursery

    Starkite walk back into the sandbox as he started to feel curious about Razi. He then asked Clay, curiously. "What's wrong with him, Clay? Are we... bad?" Starkite does a guilty face.
  10. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Safari Zone

    Jully was just looking around to find some pokemon and she were... well, pretty far enough. Again, she felt that she was lost so he began to panic. She ran to nowhere and she then found a human figure in a distance. It was a boy and he was... looking at a bush? She doesn't care, all she knows...
  11. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    "Umm...What do you mean?" her heart beat faster than lightning. She went to Logan and whispers to him. "If you tell them, I'm sure Ghetsis will do something to you. Do you understand?" she then went to the registeration counter to get her room. "Oh and Logan, yes I'll come with you."
  12. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    "I just have nowhere to go since I was attacked." Emerald looked at Daniel. She really wanted to go with him but she just wait until Daniel replied.
  13. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Safari Zone

    "Ouch! That was rude. Well I guess I'm gonna find some other pokemon that likes this food." She walked into the forest again without remembering what happened to her before.
  14. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    "Can I go with you?" she runs while talking to Daniel. Her feet were dirty and her clothes were dirty too. She keeps chasing Daniel with her effort.
  15. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Safari Zone

    "I can't believe that the Riolu won't take the bait!" She went to get the bait and put it next to the bush where the Riolu is hiding. "Here, just eat it if you didn't mind!" Jully cheers as she puts another bait for them. "Here, it is for your friend."
  16. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    Emerald rushed to looked at her fainted pokemon. She immediately put her pokemon back to their pokeball. She ran at Daniel while she were yelling Daniel's name.
  17. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    Emerald just stays at her position hoping that the Lopunny wasn't turn around. The two of her pokemon just keep following Daniel and Emerald then stands up and just keep following the pokemon that carrying Daniel.
  18. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    "Ok, Turtwig and Starly. Follow him at all cost!" the two were commanded by Emerald. Starly uses fly to follow the Lopunny as the Turtwig follows it from the back. Emerald also sneaks behind them. Suddenly, Emerald got tripped on a rock and he fell. "OOUCCHH!" she yelled.
  19. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Nursery

    Starkite's sleep was disturbed when he chocks some sand. He quickly stood up and looked to the right the Riolu is. He saw a tear dropped from his face. Starkite was shocked while he looks at the Riolu. He then approaches the Riolu again and he patted the Riolu's back with a sad face. "What's...
  20. ProfessorJeff

    Ask to Join The Hotel

    Dan parked his car just in front of a broken car. He wondered who's car is it. He then walks his way to the lobby of the hotel. He then fill out a few paper works and he got his keys. "Room 206? Not my best number but it's ok. As long as I can sleep." He walked up on a stairs and saw a woman and...