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Search results

  1. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Safari Zone

    "Hey umm... I think that there was a pokemon in the bush. Should we check it out?" She takes the Safari ball from Raj's hand. "I think I should throw some bait and see what we got." Jully throws a bait near the bush and a white paw took it at the speed of light. "I knew it!"
  2. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    Emerald stood back again and she wanted to revive all of her pokemon. "Umm... since I got lost here, could you tell me where is the nearest town?" She asked. "I hope the Team Plasma Grunts wasn't following me like the other day." She remembers the conflicts. "Oh and thanks again very much! I'm...
  3. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Gijinka High School

    After 2 hours of Maths, Gyle finally got out from the hardcore class. As he walks through the hallway, he saw a few gijinka students. "Maybe there were some sort of... conflict." Gyle choosed to stay away from the gijinkas as he don't wanted to be involved. He then went to his next class which...
  4. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Safari Zone

    "I got lost! I'm scared and I don't want to get in there back." She just keep crying on the guys shoulder. OOC: Talking to Raj... Suddenly, she dropped her Safari Ball into a nearby bush. He stopped and went to get it.
  5. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    "Thanks, who ever you are. I could have lost my pokemon if you are not here to help me," Emerald said while looking at her pokeballs. "I've just started my adventure a few days ago but I don't think that the guys like me," She sits on the ground and then she sighed. "Who are those guys with the...
  6. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Train Journey

    He felt so scared so he took his gun and puts it in his case. He then take a nap a little while next to Kyle. 'God this is embarrasing.'
  7. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Train Journey

    Ken then get back to his seat and went to take his case. He grabs his case and sits next to Kyle who is listening to a music right now. He gonna ignore him a while and he opens his case and took out his Laptop which is stuck in the case. The laptop eventually got out but his case falls to the...
  8. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Train Journey

    "Ok, but I need a little help. Did you know where is this train going to take us?" Ken looks at his watch.
  9. ProfessorJeff

    Open Paradise Island

    Name: Emerald Gender: Female Age: 18 Personality: She was cuddly, caring, girly and softcore Preferred Type: Grass Pokemon: Turtwig Starly Zigzagoon N/A N/A N/A She just started his journey a few days ago and she have gotten into a trouble now. Four Team Plasma grunt just surround her and...
  10. ProfessorJeff

    Open Psychic School Discussion

    Name: Abgile Gender: Male Species: Abra Type: Psychic Shiny: No Level: 17 Appearance: Regular Abra with a blue scarf in his neck Personality: Cuddly, Caring, Helpful, Smart, didn't speak too much Moveset: Psychic, Teleport, Hidden Power, Protect @Charlespark Sorry dude, I've forgot! Accept my...
  11. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Train Journey

    "Well, in fact you're trying to but I came there first so you didn't have a chance." Ken stared at Kyle. "Anyway, 20 years ago I was trying to flirt with a girl by doing the same thing as you did but it seems that it won't work." Ken shows his scar on his neck. "Her boyfriend then came and just...
  12. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Train Journey

    "Ok kid, first this money is an apology from me and second, I don't like a kid just flirting around in public like I did 20 years ago." the train then enters the tunnel making the surrounding a bit dark.
  13. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Train Journey

    Ken stands up and went to the restroom. He locks the door and do his job. After that, he looked at Kyle and went sit next to him. He then noticed the curiosity in his eyes. "Hey Kyle, I'm sorry for that action recently but I really don't like that, Ok? Here, I'll give you a few pocket money."...
  14. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Train Journey

    "Well, I'm Ken," Ken looked at the woman where Kyle is looking at before. "Isn't she's beautiful? You tried to call her, right? Well, I think she's older than you and I bet you $100 that she will not even crushed with you," Ken grabs a piece of $100 american money from his wallet. He then went...
  15. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Safari Zone

    Name: Jully Age: 16 Gender: Female/Girl Personality: Caring, Alert to sounds and helpful. Appearance: She wears a red headband, a black bodyfit shirt, a green vest with four front pocket, a short skirt and a pair of pink boots. Other: She likes Safari as she likes her parents As she enters the...
  16. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Train Journey

    Ken noticed a whistle sound from the back. He though that he was called by the guy back there. He turned and looked at the the guy probably a college student. He then stands up and approaches the boy. "Yes, are you calling me? What's your name kid?" he asked while staring at the boy's eye.
  17. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Gijinka High School

    "Ummm... I was on a rush to my Maths class but it's ok though. Well, I'm gonna leave you here so be careful about your schedule next time!" Gyle then shake his hand with the gijinka boy and then he runs again across the corridor going to his class. He then shouted "Hey! We'll meet at the...
  18. ProfessorJeff

    Open Pokemon Gijinka High School

    Name: Gyle Gender: Male Species: Eevee Age: 15 Personality: Cuddly, Likes to run, Caring and Helpful History: He lives in a family of 4; his dad, his mom and two younger brother. When he was child, he have many bad moments such as the flood that wash his older sister away and she then was...
  19. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Real World

    Full Name: Fred Harold Dinson Sex: Male Sexuality: Straight Status: Single A bit about your character: He have a very bad history and he has many scars from the past including his scar above his eyebrows. He makes money from his contract killing important person. His skill on stealth is "Hitman"...
  20. ProfessorJeff

    Open The Train Journey

    Name: Ken Rebove Occupation: CIA Agent Appearance: Has a brown beard, lime green eyes, brown short hair, wears a Black Tuxedo and a red tie, a single earphone in his left ear and wears a Black Leather Shoes. Possesions: A black case (contains: Acer Laptop, Tablet, an M9 9mm pistol and a...