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  1. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    " she was just teasing me about dating and stuff, no big deal and our room is 23." Saffron said.
  2. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    " I-I will. Thank you." Saffron said, her blush deepening. " yeah, let's go." She said, looking up at Dante.
  3. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    " u-um..to ourselves please..." Saffron said,her blush coming back
  4. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron blushed faintly. " oh no, no. Dante was right. I promise." She said.Gigawatt nodded in agreement. " he is my roomate and there is a crack in our window."
  5. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    " yeah...um...can we get a new dorm room..?" Saffron said, nervous about the ladies response.
  6. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Once they got back in the building Saffron gave Dante his jacket back and kissed his cheek. " Thanks Dante." She said.
  7. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron pulled the jacket over her and held Gigawatt in her arms to he wouldn't be so cold. " you sure you don't want the coat? I'm pretty much used to the cold.." She said.
  8. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron sighed. She was used to the cold winters of sinnoh, so she was pretty used to the cold. But that didn't mean that she was immune. She shivered slightly as she held herself, Gigawatt sticking close to her.
  9. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    " hm...we should probably check at the front office to see if there are any open rooms." Saffron said.
  10. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron brushed her hair out of her face. " it's fine, but we'll probably have to stay in another dorm." She said. Gigawatt had his fur a dark black at some ends from the heat and electricity.
  11. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Gigawatt stood back, protecting his beloved trainer. Saffron did want to help, of course. But she thought that Dante didn't want her in the middle of all this mess.
  12. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Gigawatt jumped out of Dante's arms and ran back to help Zane. Gigawatt jumped up at the Rotom and attacked with all his might using thunder fang
  13. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron ran out with Dante, grabbing her egg just incase something happened to it. " stupid Shadow Pokemon.." She mumbled.
  14. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron and Gigawatt jumped up. " Gigawatt, use Thunder fang!" she said, and Gigawatt jumped at the Rotom, biting it with electricity.
  15. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Snow landed in Gigawatt's nose and he sneezed. Saffron sighed happily. " feels like home." She said, walking back into school.
  16. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron was around the same area as Zeth and Jake, training her psyduck. She finished up for the day and walked over to the two boys. " Hi! Are you guys gonna battle?" She asked.
  17. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron left with her group of friends, they were all talking about the field trip.
  18. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron looked up from talking with her friends. "alright, come on guys." she said and her friends followed down the bleachers to Jake's seat.
  19. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    " Oh, Gigawatt.The best nature for the Shinx line is Adamant because of its mostly physical move pool, and it's higher attack then special attack.But mine is Brave natured. It raises attack but lowers speed...but I don't think speed matters for him because most Luxrays are pretty slow." Saffron...
  20. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    A Pokémon's Nature usually affects the growth rate of two of its stats, increasing one of its stats decreasing another." Saffron said. Gigawatt smiled a little.