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  1. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron leaned back in her seat, she knew some of the answers, so she thought she might give it a try, so she raised her hand.
  2. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron yawned. " Ay, Gigawatt, if I fall asleep, wake me up." She said and Gigawatt nodded, looking around the room. Saffron was near her normal group of rowdy fourth year friends. A girl with a Dorito by her side, a boy with a Wartortle, and another boy with a Meowstic.
  3. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    Saffron looked down at Jake and waved softly, then looked at Gigawatt, who was sneaking into her bag for treats. " no no little guy, you had too many Poffins today." Saffron said, moving her bag.
  4. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    (( continuation, it's kinda like a new day)) Saffron wondered on waht the egg could be, but the bell rang and broke her thoughts. " Come on Gigawatt!" she said happily. Gigawatt was still waking up, so he was a bit slower. The League Battler Class was an arena with bleachers on both sides, so...
  5. Fairyloid

    Private/Closed Pokemon High Roleplay

    (( Hello everyone, I hope this works! Please do not join rp if you aren't in our chat)) Again, this will have the same Idea as the previous rp. There are Four years, and after your fourth year, you go on you're adventure! Just so everyone knows, Fill out this: Name: Age: Year: Pokemon team...
  6. Fairyloid

    Hey, check your inbox please!

    Hey, check your inbox please!
  7. Fairyloid

    Oh, sure! what's up? any reason why you picked me?

    Oh, sure! what's up? any reason why you picked me?
  8. Fairyloid


  9. Fairyloid

    on Pokemon Showdown, of course.

    on Pokemon Showdown, of course.
  10. Fairyloid

    Do you have a monotype team? I want to try mine out.

    Do you have a monotype team? I want to try mine out.
  11. Fairyloid

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Penelope clung to a tree, looking down at the ground. "Just.great." She said, sighing
  12. Fairyloid

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Name: Penelope PKMN: Roserade Gender: Female Age:16 Penelope walked around, holding an Oran berry in her hand, she didn't need much of it because of photosynthesis. " hm? What's going on over here?" She said.
  13. Fairyloid

    It's okay! Don't feel bad!

    It's okay! Don't feel bad!
  14. Fairyloid

    Thanks for the follow!

    Thanks for the follow!
  15. Fairyloid

    Open Legendary Crisis

    Sign-up Form [Legendary] Username: Fairyloid Legendary: Diancie Moves: Diamond storm,Moonblast,Stone Edge,Earth Power. Ability: Clear body Extra: (Clothing, Scars, etc.) She has a small charm necklace with her mega stone and keystone. Diancie floated near Dialga and Zygarde. " Hm? Trainers...
  16. Fairyloid


  17. Fairyloid

    Open Ilossa Region

    " oh great, trouble...Static, River, We leveled up a lot on those trainers back there, and I think we are in good shape." Piper said, the rest were in whispers. Piper tried to make herself look as nice, innocent, and childish as possible.
  18. Fairyloid

    Open Ilossa Region

    Piper was sitting on a bench grooming Static. " we can't win battles if we don't look good." she said, earning a laugh from her and Static. " alright River, your turn." Piper said, and started to polish Staryu's red gem.
  19. Fairyloid

    Open Ilossa Region

    http://pokecharms.com/trainer-cards/piper.278318/ (Piper's Trainer Card | Pokécharms) Piper had eventually got her staryu up to the same level as her Shinx, Static was happy to have a new partner as she entered softwind city. " oh, hi!" she said and waved
  20. Fairyloid

    Open Ilossa Region

    Piper was fishing in a nearby pond. "I have the worst patience.." she said, then she got a bite. She quickly pulled it out of the water, it was a staryu. " Use tackle!" Piper said, and Static obeyed. the Staryu used water gun, but Static ran threw it for another tackle. Piper threw a pokeball...