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  1. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Kai is in the back corner of the room, Ryoma just approached and took the seat next to him. Kai isn't much of a socialite so he isn't going to approach your character by any means, but he is a good fallback to interact with if everyone else is busy. You're more than welcome to go bug him too.
  2. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Sooo things were a bit confusing regarding the location of each of the support students no matter how hard I re read each post, so I'm hoping I got things right. To my knowledge there should now be two that remain unheard from simply bc their writers haven't posted yet and then everyone should...
  3. H47E

    Ask to Join My hero academia: Dawn of a New Age

    Japan, U.A. High - First Day of Term 1 Medashi, Kai - Hero Student 1-A Perched on his chair off in the corner of the 1-A classroom sat the aura-sensing student, partway through his second cup of coffee by the time the room finally filled enough with his classmates for him to take notice. Up...
  4. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Could always say the workshop wasn't prepped in time for the school year so the information the students were given was to go to the classroom they're in. Their trusty teach just put in some extra work last minute and tidied up so they could have their space ready on day one! :D Easy fix for the...
  5. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    I would only assume the support course would be in a separate class, as that's how it is in the manga and show~ I'll write up a post tonight for Hachō to pop over, and I'll include some Kai stuff to hopefully spur some interaction for him - lord knows the shutin needs it.
  6. H47E

    Ask to Join Interstellar - A Pokémon Story

    Hazel - Route 202, Sinnoh. February 17th. Mentions: Draven (@Merciless Medic) Catching the useless bit of information about the girls preparation for college and a quick glance of the photo before it was swiftly tucked away in Draven's wallet, there wasn't much to go on in terms of locating...
  7. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Took me a bit because I work nights and ended up sleeping most of today before finishing my post, but I have something up for Kai, Nami, and Kiira. Kai is in homeroom, Nami is awaiting support students, and Kiira is off being strange.
  8. H47E

    Ask to Join My hero academia: Dawn of a New Age

    Japan, U.A. High - First Day of Term 1 Medashi, Kai - Hero Student 1-A The blaring, repetitive sound of an alarm clock cut through the silence of Kai's pitch dark bedroom like a hot knife through butter, the orange numbers on the noise machine reading 3:30am on the dot. Reaching out from under...
  9. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    I shall be making a post with all three characters today! Super excited to get this underway!!
  10. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    She can't communicate both ways yet though, so perhaps mentoring him will be helpful to her as well. In helping him, she may just figure out how to extend her own quirks utility. Imo a great growth arc, and she will absolutely be showing some special interest there.
  11. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Wavelength shall be teaching the support course then! Beware to support students, she's gonna push you to your limits >:3 As for Kiira she is gonna be quite the violent one. She craycray. I imagine Nokia looking similar to Manga from 1-B in the main series, but with a phone for a head lol
  12. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Kai will need to be approached by others especially at first. Kiira is literally crazy, just avoid her if your characters know what's good for them. Aaaaand Nami is likely to approach everyone, especially students. She just wants to help uwu
  13. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Google lol It's definitely someone else's art Im borrowing bc the face claim fits the character. I take 0 credit and if it happens to be yours or someone you knows, feel free to dm me proof if you'd/they'd rather I not use it. :)
  14. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Super excited for it! Rather you take your time and post something quality as opposed to rush out something mediocre. How much gore and graphic violence can fight scenes and villainous acts contain? I usually like to write Kiira as a brutal and disturbing villain if that's allowed. Obviously...
  15. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    No worries, take your time and don't stress yourselves! Kanto sounds good for her. Give him a backstory and goals and we will come back to this. How did he get the Lucario and Gardevoir? Did he raise them, if so why evolve them so early and leave no room to develop them? Genuine questions not...
  16. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    Her persona is kinda like a mixture of Midnight and Pop-Step from the Vigilante's manga if anyones read that. She can teach the support course but I'd prefer her to teach what Midnight did, Modern Hero Arts. If nobody steps up for the support peeps though, I got yall<3
  17. H47E

    Private/Closed MHA: Discussion of a New Age

    I would still recommend getting a slightly better grasp on the plot and world. It'll help you out in terms of writing. Im debating dropping a pro hero character with a quirk allowing them to manipulate wavelengths and frequencies - one of the abilities the quirk comes with allows them to do...
  18. H47E

    Open Pokémon: Interstellar - Discussion Thread

    @Captain Cardboard @13InHeaven @PokémonFan567 The main storyline events will be kicking off soon. If you're still interested in the rp, I am giving everyone until Saturday to establish themselves in the world! Anyone who hasn't is of course welcome to post still and join in, but the storyline...