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  1. Lazuli

    The region Leando.

    Macy frowned. Zach shouldn't have taken the Pokedex, even with the Lab in ruins. Still, she hasn't actually seen him take it. Don't trust what you see, she thought. Her thoughts and recent memories did seem scattered. He vision seemed a bit blurry, too. Suddenly everything she did felt like a...
  2. Lazuli

    The region Leando.

    Macy followed Alex out of the Lab. She couldn't believe they'd made it out okay. Zach stirred a bit and she winced at how much pain he must be in. All right, they made it out mostly okay. Alex turned back towards the Lab for a moment, tears in his eyes. Macy felt a twinge of sadness in her...
  3. Lazuli

    The region Leando.

    Macy sat there breathing shakily for a while. She was still in shock. So many things had been broken, and Zach... She rushed over to him. He was still slumped against the wall. Togepi was much to weak to battle, but it managed to crawl over to Zach. "Pi!" It squeaked, as if trying to wake him...
  4. Lazuli

    The region Leando.

    Macy watched helplessly as Alex and Zach fought the Machoke. Do something, stupid, she thought angrily. She hated how weak she was, not even able to protect her friends. She saw Zach hit a wall and black out and started to panic. She knew Alex was a strong trainer, but could her fight three...
  5. Lazuli

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    "Fair enough," Nacadia said. She hadn't considered that Ace might've used up some PP before battling her. She studied him. He seemed nervous, like he wasn't used to talking to people. A small smile played across her lips; Nacadia knew a thing or two about not talking to people. She noticed the...
  6. Lazuli

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    Nacadia managed to nod, but she was way to under confident in her actual team to try a real battle with someone as good as Ace. Shedinja and Duskull were her best friends, but they tended to creep other Pokemon out and she didn't seem to get along with Pokemon other than ghost types. "About...
  7. Lazuli

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    "Sorry," apologized. She hadn't meant to offend him; that was just the first ting that came out of her mouth."Yes," she tried to reply casually. "That was me." She hoped that if she tried to play it off as nothing, he wouldn't get suspicious. Now she just felt awkward standing there. She...
  8. Lazuli

    The region Leando.

    "Sure!" said Macy. She was beginning to like hanging around with Alex and thought she could probably learn a thing or two from him. She wondered about the contest the woman he calledMartha was talking about. She thought Ace would be excellent in a contest. He got along so well with his Pokemon...
  9. Lazuli

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    Nacadia nearly jumped out of her chair. She wasn't used to being around people, much less being tapped on the shoulder from behind. She managed to restrain herself somewhat and only jolted a little and let out a small squeak. She turned to see who it was, ready to slap them or at least yell a...
  10. Lazuli

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    Nacadia was once again extremely grateful for Wonder Guard. Had Shedinja not had that particular ability, Gyarados would have taken it down in two moves tops. A seed of curiosity wormed its way into the back if her mind. Why hadn't Acīāne used Bite that last turn? If he had, he would have won...
  11. Lazuli

    The region Leando.

    Macy looked with wide eyes around the lab. She had never seen so much high-tech stuff in one place. She started toying with her shoulder length brown hair, a nervous habit. The menacing guards at the doors didn't ease the feeling that she shouldn't be there. Macy followed closely behind Alex...
  12. Lazuli

    The region Leando.

    She gave up and left Meowth there. It wasn't as rebellious as it seemed and would seek her out when she returned. (( we all post at the same time :@)))
  13. Lazuli

    The region Leando.

    Macy rushed in after the other two, shortly after the chaos had been resolved. She saw Alex apologizing to Zach's mom for the mess. "Behind again, stupid," she muttered to herself. She always seemed to just miss the action or opportunity to help. She was surprised when Alex offered to let her...
  14. Lazuli

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    Yes! Nacadia wanted to scream. Thanks to Shedinja's Wonder Guard ability, Dragon Pulse did nothing. She knew that now she had to act quickly. If she didn't knock Gyarados out soon, Acīāne would probably go back using Bite and the super effective dark type move would finish Shedinja in no time...
  15. Lazuli

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    Bite did double damage and Nacadia winced. Thus wasn't going as well as she'd hoped. Nacadia chose Solar Beam. If Shedinja survived the next attack, it would be very effective.
  16. Lazuli

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    Gyarados. Nacadia could deal with a Gyarados. She was nervous mainly because she hadn't battled a Gyarados before and it's was a pretty strong Pokemon. Nacadia out her nervousness aside and considered her options. Shedinja's bug type moves wouldn't be effective against the partial flying type...
  17. Lazuli

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    A second Ice Beam drained the last of Ferroseed's HP. Nacadia tried to stay calm; she had expected this. It would only take one hit from Shedinja to knock out the Pokemon, and as long as Acīāne's next Pokemon didn't have any moves that were super effective to Shedinja, she would be fine. She...
  18. Lazuli

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    Nacadia gritted her teeth. Ferroseed had excellent normal defense, but it's Special Defense wasn't anything special. (Seeing that typed out I feel the need to add 'no pun intended') Ice Beam was very effective, and Ferroseed's HP got down to less than half. Nacadia let out a slow breath. By now...
  19. Lazuli

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    Piplup used Peck and Navadia grinned. She was counting on Piplup having some contact moves for her plan to work. Ferroseed had the type disadvantage, but also a high defense against Physical attacks, so they kind of counteracted each other and Ferroseed only took slightly more damage than was...
  20. Lazuli

    The region Leando.

    "We caught... erm... most of them," Macy tried to explain. An assistant to a Professor? Once again she felt out of her league. She frowned at the Pokeballs. A few did still seem to be empty, but none of the Pokemon were in sight. Even though she wasn't the one who had knocked over the box, she...