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Search results

  1. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    Tawny watched as the other pokemon battled, biding her time to land the perfect attack. Squiggy waited patiently to be called on, finally becoming interested in his surroundings when the battle began. When she saw her first opening Tawny decided to take her chance. "Well Squiggy, while they're...
  2. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "I think I'll go with Squiggy," Tawny walked to her her bag, crouching next to the bench where it sat. She unzipped the bag and rummaged around for her stash of pokeballs, first pulling out a regular pokeball that she knew was empty, next it was a greatball that belonged to Colgate and finally...
  3. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    Tawny stopped fiddling with her hoodie and looked back up at the other trainers, smiling again and nodding. "I think a two on two battle would be great, as long as you guys are up for it so am I." Colgate let out a cry and climbed up onto her shoulder, scaling her as if she was a tree. She...
  4. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "And I'm Tawny, this is my partner Colgate," Tawny gestured first to herself and then to the shiny Eevee padding around at her feet. "Why do you ask? Oh!" A thought struck her and she smiled widely. "Do you want to have a battle to train?" She asked before turning from the new trainer to Robby...
  5. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks felt himself go stiff as the trainer approached, he dug his claws into the grass beneath their feet. His curly tail began to lash as he watched the human come closer, speaking to Adam. He narrowed his eyes as he watched the exchange, knowing he wouldn't hesitate to attack should anything...
  6. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "The leader's Falkner a flying type trainer," Tawny added in as Kyle explained the gym's location. "He's not supposed to be the most challenging of battles but I'm sure it won't be easy, that's why Colgate and I have been training extra hard. I really -" She cut off again and shook her head...
  7. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks rolled his eyes at Arya as she snickered at him but he was fighting down a smile as he held his bag. He felt happy. That was the only way to describe it, treasure hunting with these two 'idiots' had been fun and he'd admitted that to them and honestly that was okay. He nodded at Adam...
  8. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks stared at the Gallade - Adam, he corrected himself mentally for a moment before turning back to his sack and placing a few more stones in it until he decided that was enough, being all the more he could carry. Socks shifted slightly, unsure of whether he should say congratulations or not...
  9. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    "Thanks," Socks mumured as he was given the sack and began to load his stones into it. He paused, ears perking up as Adam stated he wanted to evolve. Socks turned his gaze to watch the other pokemon in shock. He'd never seen another pokemon evolve and he'd never thought he would. Socks turned...
  10. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks followed Adam's steps, unsure of what he really wanted to grab. The gray pokemon pondered this for a moment before deciding to grab as many evolutionary stones as he could, deciding that these were likely what many pokemon would offer great things for because everyone wanted to get...
  11. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks shrugged, it didn't really matter to him either way, it wasn't like he had anywhere to be after this. He'd probably just go back to sleeping, the thought made him frown even deeper and he found that he'd made up his mind, raising his paw as Adam asked who wished to play by the rules, at...
  12. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks smirked and rolled his eyes, "We'll see about that," but he was obviously joking, originally he'd been in it for himself but at this point there was no way he wouldn't at least leave some of the treasures for Adam and Arya, the Froakie whose name he was still unaware of may be a different...
  13. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    "Well, I think I'll let someone else do the getting roasted alive thank you very much." Socks stretched his back and sat down, "I'm willing to help but I think turning into a Litten is against my -" He watched the Froakie leap across the tiles and blinked rapidly barely able to believe his eyes...
  14. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Your Sableye sounds a lot like my eevee," Tawny glanced at the pokemon on her shoulder frowning at him for a second as she thought about the money she'd wasted on more toothpaste. Her frown didn't last though as Colgate stuck his tongue out at her again and she laughed stretching out her arm...
  15. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks glanced at Arya as she called his name, offering her a concerned look, he was no longer feeling as confident about this whole treasure thing, he shook himself dispelling the bubble like things. As quickly as the fight had begun it ended and suddenly there were four of them. Socks found...
  16. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks jumped as Arya let out a cry and turned his attention to her, wide eyed. "What? What is it?" he asked, unable to calm himself as the close encounter with becoming a pile of ash and the odd feeling he got in the temple combined. He didn't curl is tail and allowed it to remain straightened...
  17. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks shrunk back from the flames, the heat making his skin crawl and his heart race. He'd been so close to ending up like that pebble, he shuddered at the thought. Flicking his tail idly and trying to act like it didn't bother him. Socks glared at the Torkoal heads and rolled his eyes, "of...
  18. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks's heart raced with excitement as they could now see into the room. His tail waved more freely and he allowed a smirk to slip onto his face, all thoughts of keeping up a tough act fading as the thought of all of the treasures ahead of them entered his mind. He went to take a step forward...
  19. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks eyed Arya suspiciously, shocked that Adam had noticed her before he had, apparently his nose wasn't as good as he'd once thought, then again he'd been rather lazy lately. He said nothing as they continued on, his tail flicking back and forth like a spring as he glanced at the area around...
  20. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    Tawny's eyes widened in amazement upon seeing the Umbreon and she barely contained a squeal. She quickly got to her feet and Colgate found his way to her shoulder. The eevee let out a cry tipping his head as he stared at the Umbreon. "I know Col, cool right! Maybe you'll become an Umbreon,"...