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Search results

  1. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks, whose attention had drifted back to the ground in a state of boredom jumped to his paws, tail straightened in shock as the door began to rumble open. He stared open mouthed and eyes wide at the door and then Adam and then the door again before forcing himself to act casual, as if he...
  2. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks glanced at the door in front of them with a frown. "Puzzles, right." He sat down and watched as Adam held the torch closer to the puzzle-door. He sat for a few minutes in silence and scratched at his ear again before standing up again and walking closer, deciding things might go faster if...
  3. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks found himself smiling for a minute at Adam's words, maybe he would have some stamina. If he kept up with things like this he surely would right? Socks allowed his scowl to return, in an attempt to keep his 'tough' act up. He padded into the entrance after Adam, shocked at how dark it was...
  4. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    When they stopped Socks was panting. His paws hurt and his ribs felt like they were trying to crush his hammering heart. Not to mention how hot he felt, he could feel the sun on his back and he wished his coat wasn't such a dark color. "Finally," he muttered when he could finally speak, his ribs...
  5. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks jumped down the tree from branch to branch as if trying to prove that he could do it. On the last branch he jumped down but didn't stick the landing as well as he would've like to. He shook himself out and frowned at Adam with narrowed eyes, "You didn't see that." He paused for a second...
  6. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    As if to answer his question, Socks took a running leap, jumping gracefully from branch to branch on his own tree, trying to get as close as he could to Adam's tree, not really wishing to fall. Many say that a Glameow always lands on it's feet, Socks himself has very strong proof that that...
  7. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "I'm sure you'll beat him." Tawny nodded in a confirming way. "Hopefully we will too," she looked down at Colgate whose attention had drifted back to her. The eevee let out a cry and nodded as if he thought so as well. Tawny smiled at her partner for a minute before turning back to Kyle whose...
  8. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks's usual scowl lifted for a moment at Adam's words and he lifted a paw to shake the other's hand. After setting his paw back down his usual scowl found it's way back onto his face as he pricked his ears, he could've sworn he'd heard something but he brushed it off and turned back to Adam...
  9. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks gave the Kirlia a long look before letting out a defeated sigh, he dropped his head and stood back up. "What do I have to loose?" It was more of a question than a statement and he shrugged before nodding at the Kirlia. "Names Socks - don't laugh at it -" He narrowed his eyes into a glare...
  10. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    Socks jumped with a startled yelp, his tail straightening out in fear before he forced himself to relax, letting his tail curl back and acting like nothing had happened. He spun around on his branch to see a Kirlia. Socks narrowed his eyes and frowned for a moment, opening his mouth to allow...
  11. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "No, not yet, I plan on challenging Falkner, he's the gym leader here in Violet City right? I've heard that he's supposed to be decently strong, so I thought I'd give my team a bit of a rest before we challenge him. Maybe do a bit of training," Tawny scratched the back of her ear as she flopped...
  12. Amnisty

    Open A wild world of wild wealth!

    I think I'll join too Name: Socks Gender: Male Species: Glameow Personality: Sassy and a little bit snarky. He often comes off as rude but doesn't always mean too, he's not great with his emotions and doesn't really know how to express himself. He tries his best to appear tough but isn't very...
  13. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    Tawny nodded with a smile, "thanks! I'd love some." As she responded Colgate let out a cry and stopped playing with Totodile as he leaped up onto her shoulder, facing Kyle, he cried out again and tipped his head to the left, his ears flopping as he did so. Tawny rolled her eyes at her pokemon's...
  14. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    Tawny had finally made it to Violet City, after a quick stop at the pokemon center to heal and feed her team (Colgate no, that's not yours! Eat your own food you little rascal) she'd decided to explore the city. Colgate was perched on her shoulder letting out random cries right in her ear but at...
  15. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    After slinging her bag over her shoulder and making sure she had all of her pokeballs and potions stored safely in said bag, Tawny set off towards Violet city again, Colgate leading the way. They returned to the trail within ten minutes of trekking through the forest. Her eevee hopped along...
  16. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Colgate no! Ugh." Tawny muttered under her breath as she grabbed her eevee from behind and pulled him up to her chest. Using one hand she held the small normal type pokemon and with the other she attempted to wrestle her only container of toothpaste from his jaws. "Come on, give it back!" The...
  17. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    Tawny let out a sigh of relief as Colgate popped into view, his ears tilted towards her and he let out a shot call before rushing towards her and bounding up her clothes to rest on her shoulder, nuzzling her cheek with his head. Tawny flung her arms out for balance as to avoid toppling over with...
  18. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    "Colgate! Please! Come on buddy!" Tawny bit her bottom lip as she paused in a small clearing. She glanced left and right again, wishing she could see better in the dark. The thought struck her and she instantly felt dumb as she slung her backpack off her back and quickly undid the zipper...
  19. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    After another few minutes of running, Tawny stopped once more to catch her breath. This seemed pointless, why had Colgate dragged her out here, into the middle of the woods, off the trail? She glanced up at the leaves above her, hoping to be able to see some sort of sign as to where she was, but...
  20. Amnisty

    Open Johto Journeys

    Tawny ducked under a low hanging branch and had to rip her jacket off of thorns multiple times during her pursuit, Colgate seemed to show no signs of slowing down. She narrowly avoided getting poked in the eye by yet another low hanging branch as she dropped to all fours to crawl under a shrub...