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Search results

  1. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    "Oi! What do ya' think this is, a battle arena?" Ethan yelled at the Pokemon at the doors, fingering the Fast Ball that contained Laura. "Hello, Ace, the name's Ethan. What are the genders of your Garchomp and Charizard?" Ethan questioned, knowing if they were both male Laura could infatuate them.
  2. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan rolled his eyes. "Yes, of course a long red sleeved shirt is interesting. You can clearly see the big 'R' on my forehead." Ethan allowed the boy to 'inspect' him, wondering if he was ever this insane at 10. 'Nah, I was a sweet innocent babe.'
  3. InTheForest

    Create your own Elite Four trainer

    I'd like to join the bandwagon! Name: Fore Type: Water Team: Vaporeon - 63 Azumarill - 63 Gyrados - 63 Blastoise - 65 with Mega Stone
  4. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan gave a short cough. "You do realize you can go to the National Park, if I remember right, anytime you want, right?" Ethan looked at the over enthusiastic boy. 'Man, to have that energy again...'
  5. InTheForest

    Sorry if this is rude but are you still doing your Kanto RolePlay or is it considered inactive?

    Sorry if this is rude but are you still doing your Kanto RolePlay or is it considered inactive?
  6. InTheForest

    Hoenn Scavenger Hunt (Open)

    Lizzie turned her attention away from one boy to spot another. She looked closely at it before realizing it was for them. "Sorry? Sorry for what? If you're saying sorry for something, you might want to tell what it is. Quite all right for whatever you're saying sorry for, at least on our side...
  7. InTheForest

    Nuotykiu Sinnoh

    "Lets see..." Marleigh ignored the comment about sleep entirely, focusing on her pokemon's moves. "Pachirisu has Attract, Thunder Wave, and Sweet Kiss, so for Pachirisu its infatuation, paralysis, and confusion... Shinx has Swagger and Thunder Wave, so confusion and paralysis... And Voltorb has...
  8. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    "Every single one of 'em." Explo grinned as he thought of his teammates, from running Laura to obsessed Blaize, to powerhouse Ark.
  9. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Explo nodded, pleased with Pikachu's answer. 'At least we can beat them in that.' Explo thought, pleased.
  10. InTheForest

    Hoenn Scavenger Hunt (Open)

    Sceptile glanced to the boy who was currently freaking out. Putting the map down, he stood up to his full height, leaving his trainer to lean on nothing. Since Lizzie wasn't magic, she fell on the grass, hitting her head on the soft grass. Groggily, Lizzie sat up, looking to see Sceptile staring...
  11. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan just grunted and turned to Explo, who was frowning. 'Probably got outsmarted or something again.' Ethan thought as Explo started saying something he didn't understand. "Are they all evolved?'' Explo questioned, hoping to at least get the upper hand in that.
  12. InTheForest

    The Person Below Me

    Nope, definitely selfish The person below thinks they are without fault
  13. InTheForest

    The Person Below Me

    Uh... not exactly The person below has learned humility
  14. InTheForest

    The Person Below Me

    Nope! The person below loves love
  15. InTheForest

    The Person Below Me

    Yup! The person below prefers side quests over main story
  16. InTheForest

    The Person Below Me

    No *glares at Nuzlocke* The person below has eight badges from OR/AS
  17. InTheForest

    Pokemon ABCs Game

  18. InTheForest

    PokeFact: In early English promotional material for Pokémon Red & Blue, it was revealed that...

    PokeFact: In early English promotional material for Pokémon Red & Blue, it was revealed that Rapidash was to keep its Japanese name 'Gallop'
  19. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    "Its okay, I'll probably be there, got nothin' better ta do." Ethan told Alex, which was partially true. He could always train up more, though he had no need to, and he could always catch more fire types, but he liked the four he had now. "Yep, three others, just as strong as me. Laura, Ark...
  20. InTheForest

    There are rarely any violist on any site I go on, in my orchestra there are only two others.

    There are rarely any violist on any site I go on, in my orchestra there are only two others.