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  1. InTheForest

    School Clubs. . . Where do you fit In?

    Since music classes count, I'm in Orchestra Club and Writing Club and like one of the above said, Orcheestra is my second family, filled with relatives that dislike you for no reason to sisters/ brothers that fit with you like two peas in a pod. Writing Club is where you present any type of...
  2. InTheForest

    Musical Instruments. What Do You Own?

    I own a viola that I play during Orchestra, even though I'm not that confident in it yet, I'm getting better at it. What got me interested in my viola was the story that my brother played it when he was younger then quit it, so being the kid who likes to surpass her brother, I learned how to...
  3. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan nodded understandingly. "Good luck, though you kinda forgot to mention where it was happenin'." Ethan pointed out, inwardly surprised how none of the waitresses had interrupted them or yelled at them to move away from the door. "That is good. Maybe sometime you can try my team. Me and...
  4. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Explo stared at the Absol with his nose in the air. Taking Ethan's backpack, which caused minor complaint, Explo took at three berries, of for each of the Pokemon around him. He shared the berries to the other Pokemon, briefly raising his eyebrow at Greg. 'Strange human.' Explo thought
  5. InTheForest

    And parents want us to pass our Exams...

    And parents want us to pass our Exams...
  6. InTheForest

    Yup! Information is knowledge, knowledge is power, and power can be used to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

    Yup! Information is knowledge, knowledge is power, and power can be used to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
  7. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    "Well, thats kind of stupid. It seems whoever 'they' are are underestimating you. Don't be disheartened by those idjits, you can be whoever you wanna be if ya' qualify for it." Ethan told the boy, wondering who in the world would say to the poor kid.
  8. InTheForest

    And Aggron is downed in my nuzlocke during a training session *sighs*

    And Aggron is downed in my nuzlocke during a training session *sighs*
  9. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan carefully took the autograph, handling it like it was some soft of explosive. "If you like Bug Types, why do you have Rufflet, a Dark and Flying Pokemon?" Ethan questioned, as a trainer who also liked one specific type of Pokemon, couldn't understand the purpose of having a Pokemon of...
  10. InTheForest

    PokeFact: Murkrow shares its species name with Sableye. They are both known as the Darkness Pokémon

    PokeFact: Murkrow shares its species name with Sableye. They are both known as the Darkness Pokémon
  11. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan sweatdropped. He had no clue if this kid was a threat or not. If he was, he could always stomp him with Raph, or call the police. And... what did he mean this time? What other time would there be other than a weird encounter with a strange boy. "You better not be practicing in thievery...
  12. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan rolled his eyes, taking out Explo's PokeBall. "No, you can't catch him. Explo is registered under my name, not yours, my name. Ethan." Explo nodded, fixing the boy with a glare, Explo was proud, after all, to be his trainer's Pokemon. "If you want his paw as an autograph," Ethan continue...
  13. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan chuckled as Typhlosion gave a confused look. "Excuse me, kid, but what do you mean by Explo's 'autograph'?" Explo the Typhlosion stared at Greg before looking to Ethan with a 'Help Me' look. Ethan shrugged, not knowing what the kid meant by autograph.
  14. InTheForest

    Hoenn Scavenger Hunt (Open)

    Lizzie looked up to see the people in the lines getting shorter until each of the hosts called out "No more maps, either team up or leave!" Making many people beg others to let them join or most of them to leave in disappointment. Sighing, she released Sceptile to keep her company as she noticed...
  15. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan almost wanted to groan and roll his eyes, but gave a fake smile and nodded to Lily. Typhlosion looked from his trainer to Lily to Alex to Pikachu to Absol before noticing an approaching trainer and his Rufflet. Typhlosion gently pulled on Ethan sleeve, which made him turn to look at his...
  16. InTheForest

    A Johto Journey :[Open]:

    Ethan was sitting in one of the back tables of the cafe, the position he was in allowed him to see the front door with ease. He always sat like this, his paranoia prevented him from sitting at any angle positioned away from a front door. However, Ethan was getting up, leaving the money owed to...
  17. InTheForest

    Its okay, though if I was trying to destroy not capture, it would've been on my side, due to the...

    Its okay, though if I was trying to destroy not capture, it would've been on my side, due to the only move Kyogre has for neutral is Body Slam
  18. InTheForest

    Private/Closed A Kalos Seeker

    King straightened as their hug ended. Noticing the pink in Cinder's cheek, he leaned down and whispered "Are you okay, Cinder? Your face is a little pink, are you hot?"
  19. InTheForest

    Private/Closed A Kalos Seeker

    (To be true I started shipping them a bit earlier, but never commented on it so I'm fine with it) Erin looked to Spencer, hoping he would be the one to deliver the hints, silently pleading for him to do so. "So... maybe Spencer?" King eventually calmed down, and smiled at Cinder. "Thanks...
  20. InTheForest

    Private/Closed A Kalos Seeker

    Erin nodded, agreeing with the plan. "Though, who will execute our plan? They have to be good with hints, but not to the point where anyone can tell what they are hinting at. But, what if he doesn't come just because he is that unobservant?" Erin groaned softly, unable to decide on how to imply...