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  1. TheCopperHare

    No problem, I have thiss weird thing we're I feel inclined to notify people if I think the've...

    No problem, I have thiss weird thing we're I feel inclined to notify people if I think the've misclassied something. It leads to alot of discussions with people
  2. TheCopperHare

    Oh, Okay. For some I can see, others not so sure, Although It'd be cool if you included some...

    Oh, Okay. For some I can see, others not so sure, Although It'd be cool if you included some mythic ones lime Genesct darkrai and hoopa, It'd get kinda crazy, Especially with a hoopa
  3. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    "Good, Remember you had a trainer of your own.." Zygardes voice vanished
  4. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    Zygardes voice appears from nowhere, probably from one of his weird spy cells, "Zekrom, Leave them alone. I'm finding them a trainer, So, heed my word. Or you're gonna have a bad time. Do you understand?"
  5. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    "Now to wait for a trainer of good heart," They wen't into a dormant state, There large cell hives flashing
  6. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    "Fine" Zygarde would of became a form that shaymin had never seen, Zygarde complete as he used his new power to send them bacck, before reverting into their normal state
  7. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    "There was never a reason I said I didn't care shaymin, I do care, BUT my job is to maintain order and to report to arceus and girintina, You cannot go back on your own, You would have to go back when i go back, due to the way of the transportation process
  8. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    Shaymin somehow would of teleported with him into the dark cave, "Oh, Shaymin A,why did you follow me, and B. I am accepting a trainer into the island this is so you can exxpress feeling without new, Evven mate, The reason it is forbidden was to prevent another mewteo esc accident, we can...
  9. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    "Thank you sir." Zygarde would vanish, Supposedly into the cave, Perhaps he was doing this out of mind or perhaps he was doing it out of the heart alot of legendries thought he was missing
  10. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    "Why, You ask sir. To bring both shaymin and new to each other, Since shaymin and new are.in courtship, I believe it would benafit fir a new legendary and with the trainer, We can prevent another mewtwo accident."
  11. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "That would be a good idea, Go with her, I need to get this done by tommorow" They we're hard at work carving out the trunk
  12. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    Zygarde would of transformed into his 10% form, hopping up the mountains, up onto the gate where Arceus rested"Lord arceus, Due to the Reecent disturbances of trainers in my Kalos cave, I Wish to bring a trainer back, If you allow this, Please allow me transportation."
  13. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    "You know, In size, I am bigger, In notability. I am the lost Pokemon in kalos mytho's referred to as a monster rather Than Pokemon, Due to my ability to change at will."
  14. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    "Calm down shaymin, Zekrom and reshiram we're given permission due to their ability to With kyruem, Myself, Untill a week after I was not Allowed to warn, only watch and inform"
  15. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "That's the whole point, It makes a home better to live in, due to the sweet scent that calms nerves
  16. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "Yes, Your abilites may be useful, as one of the two variations only apear during midday until evening."They're now carving a hole inside the home.
  17. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    "While I remind you that mating is strictly forbidden and will represent as a death sentence, Courtship and General sign of affection and care are not punishable harshly, You are dismissed and I will keep this warning from arceus ears. After all my job is to maintain order."
  18. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    "Shaymin. Mew, Please come down here for a second, " They looked up as they shifted into their 50% forme
  19. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    Zygarde finnaly hit the smaller rocker, Jumping to push the Braiviary out the way, Only making it with a split second to avoid the large rock that was falling,
  20. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "All of the small ones, Good. Unfortunately, I Cannot find you another job due to me having to carve out the inside and make it suitible, Although, Deep in the forest there is a Special plant known as "Vermillious Rootarious" It creates a warming scent, That's what i infuse the tree with, I'll...