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  1. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    They'd have been carving what appeared to be a door, "Galvantua, Can you remove the fungus and webs, Being a spider and all being able to climb over surfaces will help greatly"
  2. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "Okay," They'd place it in the hole,"I CAN USE MY KIT NOW, Absol honey, Can you trim the small branches off?" They'd begin examining the tree "And yes," They'd quickly take the kit, taking out a carving untensil and a chissel. "With this tree being so big, i can make this a double home.... and...
  3. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "Yes. This is the biggest tree i've dealt with, I'd suspect it's around 250 years old, Having a trunk witch of 1.45 meters, Suitible for small bird type pokemon or some small ground dwelling pokemon like espur or eevee.
  4. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "If you can asist, Go fetch my toolkit, It's inside my tree, It;s the thrid one, They pointerd at one of the large tree's behind her. as she helped move the tree into one of the predug holes,
  5. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    "There's a storm coming," Zygarde was talking to himself, his droning, Slightly robotic sounding tone as he stepped back, Running of the cliff,
  6. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "Woah. Um... Yeah... Sure."
  7. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "Sssshhhh...." They'd glance up at the tree Salama was in, Throwing a shadow ball suddenly at Salama to knock him out of the tree
  8. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    Zygarde would of registered the crash of mew and shaymin, Their gaze going back to the horizon, Something never seemed right when zygarde stood on the rock like that, Something made him seem. Angered
  9. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "The tree, Is going to be a home, I convert old and unimhabited large bushes and tree's into homes and resting places for pokemon," They looked at the tree with frustration
  10. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon Academy

    "Teach. I give up.. I Might as well quit while i'm ahead, You'll beat me.."
  11. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "Um Hello, Mr Male-Meowstic?" Myandra looked at him, waving her hand in her face
  12. TheCopperHare

    Open Legendary Crisis

    Username:DarkestNight Legendary:Zygarde Moves:Lands wrath, Dragon pulse, Extreme speed, Dragon dance/Core Protecor/Enforcer Ability:Aura Break/Swarm Change(Complete Extra: Able to change forme from 10% to 50% At will Zygare stood on one of the taller rocks on the island, Gazing out on the...
  13. TheCopperHare

    Hey, um In your Legendaries RP. Would the Mythicals be invovled?(Pokemon like Hoopa and darkrai)...

    Hey, um In your Legendaries RP. Would the Mythicals be invovled?(Pokemon like Hoopa and darkrai) as some you have listed are acutally mythical pokemon. so if you could either add mythical or just remove the mythical pokemon that'd be lovely, Thank you for reading this.(If you do) Bye...
  14. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "I Suppose i should clear this fog....." They'd Use Psychic to part the fog, Revealing the area of bushes and trees, both meowstics stood in,
  15. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "Oh, Sorry Honey. My fault, I'm trying to actually move it, But. It's lodged in the ground"They looked at the male meowstic
  16. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "Damnned tree!" They'd have knocked the tree over trying to break it,
  17. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    Large crashes came from where the Myandra was, Presumably she was knocking things over, Having to find a place for another tree in her "Den"
  18. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    The meowstic had made their way into a strange Area of bushes and trees with no seeming exit, the only reason you could know they was their was the fog Surrounding the area.
  19. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    "Okay then I'll take my leave and my fog, Farewell." They'd walk off as the fog rapidly began following them as they vanished in the distance of fog
  20. TheCopperHare

    Open Pokemon:Eternal Island

    They'd twitch and sort of tighten up "I'd appreciate it if you'd keep away from my ears, You may cause me to expose then and grind everything with a 30 meter radius to a pile of dust and leave." They still sounded bland in expression