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  1. M

    The region Leando.

    The boy walked over to them, pokedex in hand. "Hello." He said, somewhat shyly. He looked over at Zach and Alex. "Your the guys that saved me, right? I never got the chance to thank you properly for that." He said. "No no." Zach said. "It's fine." "No," he said a little more direct. "Here," he...
  2. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach tried to get back up, but he fell back down. "HEY!" he yelled. "I HELPED DAVE YOUR STUPID LAB DIDNT I?!" Then the pokedex vibrated again. Zach looked at it and a message popped up. Zach couldn't really make it out due to the dizzyness, but it seemed like it said the same thing as before...
  3. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach jumped from his seat and step over towards Alex. "I didn't steal the damn pokedex!" He yelled. He was so furious that his face turned red. "I grabbed it so I could see togepis move set to fight off those gaurd people to save YOUR lab, and returning it wasn't really the first thing on my...
  4. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach thought about what people could do with that information. It seemed Alex was thinking the same thing. "Maybe" he said. "Its simliar to team Magma like I mentioned earlier." Then he felt something vibrate in his pocket, so he reached in and pulled out a pokedex. "Oh yeah..." He said...
  5. M

    The region Leando.

    Zachs togetic hopped back into its pokeball. "So, after the whole lose Pokemon havoc(long story) two people in beefy brown uniforms were harrasing this young trainer and trying to steal his Pokemon. I know that stealing Pokemon isn't an uncommon thing, but crazy enough, walking into the lab I...
  6. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach walked in and saw the proffesor. "Yes, I would." He said, smiling. Dispite everything, Zach just wasn't one to get sad. "I think I know what's going on sir." He said. "If you would like to hear." He returned togetic and sat down on a chair.
  7. M

    The region Leando.

    -at the lab- Zach followed close behind, as the two talked. When they finally got there, he decided it was best he stayed back for a little while. This was more between them. His togetic nudged him to walk inside. "No," he said. "Give them a few minutes."
  8. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach walked up to him also, togetic next to him. The professor looked back and saw Zach. "Why, hello! Who are you?" He asked. "I'm Zach." Zach said. "I came here with Alex." The proffesor glanced over at Alex Then over at Zach's togetic. "Was that my Togepi?" He asked.
  9. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach walked up to the lush green land of route four. It was a huge beautiful green plain with small hills and a bunch of flowers and crystal clear ponds. Zach walked in the route and took a good look around. "Wow!" He said. "This is amazing!" He walked around somemore until he saw a man holding...
  10. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach walked out the front door of the hospital, and wasn't questioned once. He turned to face Alex. "See?" He said,with a smile. "Easy." He then threw out togetic and she walked by his side. "Someone at the lab said he was reaserching ralts at the routes...." He pulled out the pokedex and...
  11. M

    The region Leando.

    "Come on" Zach said. "I'll be fine. By the way, don't we need to get ahold of your proffesor friend?" He asked, as he walked over to where the doctors set his pokeball. "Togetic, return!" He yelled, as Togetic flew right back into her pokeball. He started walking out to the door, then looked...
  12. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach sat up, and his togetic crawled over and lied down on his legs. "I have no idea." He said. He looked around and the vast room. He had never been in a hospital before, and it kind of amazed him. His togetic jumped off of his legs, and walked around the room, probably as amazed as him. He...
  13. M

    The region Leando.

    ((Kk Lazuli)) Zack looked over at Alex eyes wide. "God no" he yelled. "I would never steal!" He was furious at the thought of Alex suggesting he was a theif. Then he herd a thud over to his right. He looked over and saw Macy laying on the floor. "What the hell?!" He yelled.
  14. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach herd a "ding" sound. He reached into his pocked with his left hand and pulled out a pokedex. Did I accidentally take this? He thought. He tried to press a button with his right hand, but the pain in that hand was unbearable, so he just used his left. On the screen showed a picture of a...
  15. M

    The region Leando.

    It took him a few minutes to realize he was in a moving vehicle. He slightly shook his head, and turned to see Alex and Macy. What ever happend to the other one? He thought. He looked strait ahead to see his evolved Pokemon. It looked much cooler then Togepis original form. He remembered...
  16. M

    The region Leando.

    Zachs eyes opened slightly when the togepi bounced on him. Despite the horrible pain all over his body, Zach gave a small smile. It was hard to focus on the little thing. It seemed the whole world was spinning. He attempted to get to his feet but gave up. The togepi nudged his side, and...
  17. M

    The region Leando.

    Oh, sosorry mine doesnot match up, I posted at the same time as Alex.
  18. M

    The region Leando.

    (Sure you can Draco Gengar.) Togepi watched as a machoke ran twords her at full speed. Her fear of the giant pokemon turned to anger when she saw her unconscious trainer. She jumped out of the way at the last minute and the machoke ran into the wall, denting it badly. The impact caused a shelf...
  19. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach smiled at togepi and her amazing attack. Battling also just felt so natural for him, even if this is his second time only. "Togepi!" He yelled "fantastic work!" He yelled. He held his arms out and picked up the togepi as it ran over to him. Then he turned around and saw the gaurd, shocked...
  20. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach ran in the room and sent out Togepi. For some reason, it felt so natural to him. Sending out Pokemon. "Togepi!" He yelled. "Use.... Uh...." What moves does a togepi know?! He thought. One of the gaurds looked at Zach and scoffed. "Machoke, use dynamic punch!" He yelled. The machoke ran in...