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Search results

  1. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach jumped at the sight of the explosion, then caught his togepi as it flew through the air. He looked at Skylar. "Gym leader!?" He said. "Woah! I'm Zach by the way." He took back the pokeball and scanned it for a second. "This one belongs to.... Castform." He said, and threw it at the...
  2. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach looked over at Macy. "No, no. Its fine." He said, then looked back at the voltorb. "It's not even my Pokemon." Then he explained how they got the wrong box when they moved, how it was full of Pokemon, and how his mom dropped it and they all got lose. His togepi charged towards the voltorb...
  3. M

    The region Leando.

    "Jesus!" Zach yelled, running towards the fighting Pokemon. His togepi jumped out of his arms and landed in between the Pokemon. "Togepi!" He yelled. "No! Get back here!" Then the voltorb turned towards togepi and zapped her. She instantly ramed the voltorb with her smallish body, causing it...
  4. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach watched as a castform flew by, then as a sandshrew burrowed its self under ground. "My god, please" he said, looking at the girl before him, when he heard a loud Pokemon cry. He looked behind him to see a voltord aggressively brawling with a meowth in the pouring rain.
  5. M

    The region Leando.

    He jumped to his feet, and his togepi jumped out of his arms and growled back at the absol, even though much smaller. "Um... Uh, sorry about that!" He said, picking up his angry togepi. "Its just that these Pokemon escaped from wmy house and I was trying to bring them back." He pointed to the...
  6. M

    The region Leando.

    Zach stepped out of the truck that brought him to his new house. He had to run to the front door due to the rain. When he walked inside his mom was there waiting for him. "Zach! Your here finally!" She said. "It sure was a long drive from the harbor wasn't it." She walked over to an open box...
  7. M

    The region of Leando

    A tall boy with dark black hair walked up to his mothers new daycare in Moonshade city, in the newly founded region Leando. Researchers recently discovered this region, and people from all over have inhabated it. The island contains Pokemon from all 6 of the other regions. "Zach!" His mom...
  8. M

    A new adventure. (Kanto RP)

    Zach stared at the ball for a second. Should I send him out? He thought. What will he do? Zach stared at the ball a little longer, before tossing it on the ground, sending out the charmander. The charmander imedeatly lurched at Zach.
  9. M

    A new adventure. (Kanto RP)

    Zach thought for a second. Scars? Has this Pokemon battled before? "Can I take a look at him?" Zack asked. "My mom owns a daycare. So I know a thing or two."
  10. M

    A new adventure. (Kanto RP)

    Zach looked back at Ben. "Hey! Ben!" He said. Then he glanced at Arron next to him, looking somewhat embarrassed. "Aaron, what did happen there?" He asked. "I know its not your fault, but do you have any idea?"
  11. M

    A new adventure. (Kanto RP)

    Zach stood there for a second, very shocked. He returner his Pokemon, and slowly fallowed the other kid out of the lab. "Hey!" He yelled. "Wait up!" He jogged up to the kid. "Its not your fault." Zach said.
  12. M

    A new adventure. (Kanto RP)

    Zach looked at the vicious expression on the charmanders face. ,"What the hell?!" He thought. "Is this how pokemon battles are supossed to be?" "Bulbasaur!" He yelled. "Tackle" the Bulbasaur threw the charmander off of himself and pouced on the charmander.
  13. M

    A new adventure. (Kanto RP)

    Zach looked at the trainer who just walked in. "Uh.. Battle?!" He said, a little shocked at the sudden challenge. He send out his precious Pokemon, Bulbasaur. "You wanna battle?" He asked, looking down at it. The Bulbasaur gave him a slight nod. "Okay then!" Zach said, felling more confident...
  14. M

    A new adventure. (Kanto RP)

    Zach looked at the man before him. "Uh, me?" He said. "Uh... Well, Ive lived here my whole live, my name is Zach, and...." He glanced at his pokeball, then at the man. "No nickname, Bulbasaur is fine."
  15. M

    A new adventure. (Kanto RP)

    Zach faced the boy before him. He moved his gaze to the pokeball in his hands. "Squrtle?" He said. "Good choice.... Well, you didn't really have a choice...." "This is kinda awkward...." He thought.
  16. M

    A new adventure. (Kanto RP)

    Zach waked up to the proffesor's laboratory. Because of new rules, trainers had to be 15 to get a Pokemon from the proffesor. Zach himself was 15. He had dark black hair, brown eyes, and white skin. He was wearing a white shirt with a black unzipped hoddie and jeans. He walked in to find a...
  17. M

