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  1. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Rivals!

    So are you guys still letting people join? I havent read the actual RP yet so im not really sure where you guys are..but if i can join would it be better for me to make a hero since youre looking for more of them??
  2. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Shipwrecked on Staryu Sands!

    Teddiursa huffed when he was awoken by the otter pokemon. He was so comfy... but he knew what Dewott had wanted him to do. Honing in on his pickup ability, Teddiursa scanned the surrounding area, drowning out non useful items and such. A little ways off, he noticed a small orange glow. Nothing...
  3. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open CoDA - (A Superpower RP) Still Accepting New Arrivals

    Riley had a troubled sleep. Everyone’s dreams and nightmares kept invading her mind, some of them incredibley terrifying, some of them sweet and heartwarming. Everyone’s fears and desires. Some of them were funny, and she paid attention to those mostly for her amusement. As she slowly awoke, the...
  4. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Shipwrecked on Staryu Sands!

    Dewott ran as fast as his little feet would carry him. “Dew!! Dewott!!!!” His panicked cry rang out against the quiet air. As far as he could see, nobody was around. He had lost sight of the orange glow they had seen from the ground down below. Maybe through their slightly delusional trip up the...
  5. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Shipwrecked on Staryu Sands!

    Austen finally made her way to the very top. She collapsed when she reached her destination, too tired to even look at her surroundings. Dewott and Teddiursa tugged at her soaked sweatshirt, trying to get her up and safe, but even they were exhausted. She hadnt eaten for a few hours and her...
  6. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Shipwrecked on Staryu Sands!

    The Tediursa stared at Austen’s stretched out hand, stepping a bit closer. “Tedi...??” It sqeaked wearily. Austen smiled. “Its alright. Im not going to hurt you little buddy.” She felt guilty for not being able to give the little pokemon any berries or anything. Not even a proper pokeball to...
  7. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open CoDA - (A Superpower RP) Still Accepting New Arrivals

    Finding a fairly decent spot to camp out in, Riley finally managed to sit and take a breather. She realized if she concentrated hard enough, she could feel the other’s dreams and nightmares wanting to flood their way into her head. She had to keep them out for now. Until she ran into someone...
  8. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Shipwrecked on Staryu Sands!

    “Geez, how did they make it all the to the top without dying?” Austen groaned. Her hands were extremely scratched up from tripping on multiple occasions, and she was exhausted. Dewott had taken to walking on his own again after a stern lecture halfway through their trip. “I think we should take...
  9. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open CoDA - (A Superpower RP) Still Accepting New Arrivals

    Riley let out a huge breath after reaching the island. How she had managed to swim all the way over here she had no idea. To be fair, she wasn't going to just fail on her first exam. She refused. But physical exercise was not her strong suit for sure... She gazed at her surroundings while...
  10. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Shipwrecked on Staryu Sands!

    Austen watched the boy run after his friend after she had helped him up. She smiled, and even started to giggle a little. There were others on this island... she wasn't alone!! Picking up Dewott, she hugged him tightly, causing him to let out a small growl. "Sorry..." She said sheepishly...
  11. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Core of the Dragon Academy (A Superpower RP)

    Ok thank you so much!! Actually would you have any suggestions as to how i could jump in?? Since you guys have already started i suppose it wouldnt make much sense if Riley just randomly popped up lol..
  12. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Shipwrecked on Staryu Sands!

    "Ah!" Austen's breath caught in her throat at the sight of the Croagunk, two boys and a Growlithe charging deeper into the forest. There were others?! The Croagunk had dodged Dewott's attack and he had fallen face first into the mud. As he stood grumpily, desperately trying to get the mess off...
  13. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Core of the Dragon Academy (A Superpower RP)

    Name: Riley Age: 13 Year/Grade: Freshman (9) Gender: Female Appearance: Dark brown hair (almost black) with big dark brown eyes. On one side of her head her hair is fashioned down a little past her shoulders, while the other half of her hair is put up in braids. She is on the chubby/ curvy...
  14. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Shipwrecked on Staryu Sands!

    (yeesh I hope its not too late to join in?) Name: Austen Gender: Female Age: 17 Physical Appearance: Austen is 5'3 with blond hair that falls in loose ringlets to her shoulders. She has wide, dark blue eyes. She has a small frame and wears a dark brown knitted hat, a baggy dark green sweatshirt...