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  1. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    So classes are going on now?? Can we just make classes up?? Like the ones im taking this coming college semester?? XD
  2. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Rivals!

    Ann nodded, setting the paper back down and sitting on her own bed. “Yep! Today is my first day actually! I was so excited to come here, but then i heard about the huge fight that happened and i was a bit disappointed that school was canceled...not really how i wanted to start my first day ya...
  3. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Rivals!

    Ok sounds good!! And he basically gets stronger and faster. I would say like a normal possession, but that might be too strong huh?? So i wont say he gets like, telekinetic powers or anything like that, but he becomes more vicious and violent. He doesnt use it that often because as much as he...
  4. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Rivals!

    Alright i think im gonna make another one :) Name: Asher Role: villian in the orphanage (also Ann’s brother) Age: 13 Appearance: red hair thats shaved on the sides and the top is long, which he pulls into a small ponytail, pale and freckly, with small brown eyes. He usually wears a black t...
  5. ThECoRgiGaL

    Thank you!! And yea youre right XD

    Thank you!! And yea youre right XD
  6. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Core of the Dragon Academy (A Superpower RP)

    I feel that, sorry for not elaborating lol. yes, she can make them become like, actual living, tangible things. And if its a feeling, like say someone is most scared of losing friends/ family, she can create images of their friends and or family talking to them saying they will leave (just an...
  7. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open CoDA - (A Superpower RP) Still Accepting New Arrivals

    Tired of waiting, Riley took her chance to take one of the bells and get out. She noticed another kid with wings had the same idea, but her plan wasnt to take out the winged kid. Maybe he wouldnt attack her if he realized she wasnt against him. For now. She decided to hone in on the guy standing...
  8. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Rivals!

    Ann jumped and spun lightly on her heels to face the newcomer. “Oh hi,” she said enthusiastically, but a bit confused. “Uhh...im Ann!! Is this... your room?” Glancing around she realized there were items scattered around the room. Her cheeks flushed, realizing she hadnt really been paying...
  9. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Rivals!

    Ann flopped back on the bed with a sigh. She supposed she should start with seeing if anyone knew her brother.. this campus was pretty big though, and she had no idea how many people went here. The task seemed quite daunting, but Ann was determined. She missed her brother so much and yet she...
  10. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Rivals!

    @Captain Cardboard Sure! :)
  11. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open CoDA - (A Superpower RP) Still Accepting New Arrivals

    Riley froze when she noticed three people near the entrance of the forest. She was enough distance away from them and under enough cover so they wouldn't spot her, but she didnt like her chances with this battle...three against one seemed pretty unfair. Actually...as Riley honed in on the cries...
  12. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Rivals!

    As the car came to a halt in front of the dorms, Ann couldnt help but shiver a bit. She had been waiting so long for this! She opened the car door a bit too fast, almost falling out herself. She turned back to grab her bags. "Thank you Maxwell!" She called to the driver before shutting the door...
  13. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Shipwrecked on Staryu Sands!

    Austen slowly opened her eyes. Nothing was coming into focus, and she had to concentrate very hard in order to remember what had happened. Glancing over, the small, faded outline of Teddiursa was standing next to her. She could feel the sun's heat on her skin, and she felt more relaxed. As...
  14. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Shipwrecked on Staryu Sands!

    Dewott had finally made it to the place both the strange boy from before and Teddiursa had mentioned. “Deeew?? Dewott??!” He called out. He sniffed the air. It seemed much warmer today than last night, which was good for Austen.. should he go back and tell Teddiursa to bring her here, or should...
  15. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Rivals!

    Ann was devastated when she had heard that her first day at the school was canceled. She had been so eager to make new friends and see other people’s quirks. But she supposed she understood why there was no school after such a terrible attack.. The least she could do was get situated in a...
  16. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Rivals!

    Ok! :)
  17. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Rivals!

    Hmm well i was thinking like.. so she can only pull out things that she can carry. Like say there was a situation where she needed to escape?? She cant just pull out a car and drive away, it has to be practicle like a gun or bottle of acid or something. The thing is she also has to be able to...
  18. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Rivals!

    Ok thank you! :)
  19. ThECoRgiGaL

    Open Rivals!

    Ok awesome! :) im probably going to use one of my other characters i have in another RP... Name: Ann Role: Student Age: 13 Appearance: She has red hair that she ties into a braid down her back with a green bow. She is fond of sun dresses and usually will be seen wearing one. She is pale, has...
  20. ThECoRgiGaL

    Ask to Join Luna~sun High School (Discussion)

    I hope its ok to join still! Full Name: Ann Lewis Appearance: long red hair usually in a braid down her back, tied with a green bow. She looks 14years old, and she usually wears a dark green dress and goes barefoot everywhere. Her skin is paper white, and her eyes are a light grey color. Club...